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Respected Members

Jezz Torrent

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I should post more like I used to, add a bit more humour to the forums. Then I'd get even more respek' or whatever they call it on the 'streets'

hehe, so yeah anyway I already said who I respect, not sure what I'm doing back in this topic but I'd like to add 2 members who no longer post here, Ryan Calvano and insane_pyro who now goes under a different alias, both of these were part of the "original group" which consisted of about 18 members. There was also another guy who kept changing his name, neikosis or something maybe? I think his real name was Eugene I always remember that for some reason.

A few other people also, first one was a guy called James. He once made a layout for thegtaplace back in its first few months, I think I used it for about 3 weeks, I loved it at the time although I knew nothing about web design back then, it was like a red, yellow and black theme, it looked horrible tbh. Not sure if it's in archive.org or anything. I know I didn't even have the domain back then. Haven't heard from him for about 2 years now.

Secondly was a guy known as "Slugball". Another one of the original group. He was active, he sparked off my rivalry with a kid named Chris Day, he owned cdaynet.com and always boasted his site was better than mine, even though it sucked balls. Have never heard from either of them for about 2 years now.

Thirdly was a guy called Matt, he often gave me his Vice City stats to update on our Top VC Stats page. Made friends with him very soon after my parents split up, we were both in very similar situations. I rarely speak to him now.

There's probably other people I respect and could say more about, but I can't remember them right now.

Off the top of my head a couple of other names spring to mind, thisisausername.... and also crazychicken17 who does actually come here occasionally...

Anyway that's all from me, if you want to know anything else about TheGTAPlace.com's history then start a topic somewhere on the forums and point me to it I'll answer any questions :P

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The staff plus me?

Most people forget I'm still an admin here, just under the disguise of a normal member. (oh noes I've blown my cover) :P

I respect anybody who hasnt tried to cause trouble for a long time, and has been active for a long time. New members have to earn respect, and even people who used to be spammers can (spaz, tyler etc).

Oh, but not mgilb. He's just a bit soft in the head.

Pfffft... Your joking right?

I never forgot you was a admin.

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Yay - go woozie


So yeah people I respect the most right now (not forgetting everyone else, but the most) are Chris, 888 and everybody that fell for the GTA Chicago prank.

Oh yeah and COD, remember when I had an entire conversation with you in Indo, a language I can't even speak a word of?

Darn... You got me that time man... I cant believe it! I asked you "How the hell did you know those Indonesian?" you always answer "Cause I'm an Admin!"


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