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Weird drunk

Hitchin a ride

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I had one of the weirdest drunks walk down my street one night, around 16 - 18.

My dad went outside to his car to check something that i dont know.. and he comes in saying someone

not quite right is walking down the road. Then we heard it! Ugghh asjjkklloo! the drunk was speaking jibberish, me and my bro got a bit scared so we went into the back room, we came out hearing my mum shouting! "Hes down!" we looked out the window too see a coat next to a van down the road. It was the drunk he was lieing down next to a guys van. So the owner came out of his house and helped the drunk up. And guess what he was a happy drunk! There was no violance! So the drunk walked down the road even further. he was out of site. Then twenty minutes later a damn police car drove passed!

That was so funny! me and mr family laughed our heads off!


Edited by SkyliИe^
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I live in South Africa so we get people like that at all hours of the day. One guy even fell down in front of my moms car while he was crossing the road. This one guy where I live walks with a crutch because he once blacked out on a railroad track... His leg is weirdly bent but he still manages to limp around. They should make him Jack Daniels' cover model.

Edited by GTAFlashfire
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