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West Side Ballas.


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Ok,so i want to do a story.There are 8 chapters.Here is the first one:


After the ballas destroy,Grove Street Familes started to do some burglaries missions.They went in a night in Idlewood.They went in some houses that keept some secrets,like CJ said when he was passing by there 2 days before.OGF members enter the house and saw a surprise.3 members of the ballas were hidding.They grab some SMG and killed all of OGF members.Then they tooked the car and ran away.

They went to Montgomery city were they can hide from the chasers and plan there coming.

Chapter 1: Meting the Families

14 August 1995. Time: 22.30. City: Montgomery

Kenny: How much we should stay here? We can't hide to much.They will come here and look for us.

Dog LS: We will hide till we will have a plan for our coming back. We shall wait till our boss comes here and then see what he decides.

Kenny: Yeah,but did you saw CJ face yesterday when he was going to Ganton and saw me at the window of the house. I think he said like this: What the hell? Kenny is alive?

Dog LS: How could you know? But that doesnt matter now. We need some guns.This city hasn't got a gun shop.I have to go to Los Santos now.Shit,i will be killed.

Kenny: No,you dont have to go back.I saw a shop i a day near Palomino Creeck. You can go there.

After that a sound was heard by the 2 guys.....

Kenny: Who can be? Where is my Colt 45?

Dog LS: Shut up! I will go and see who's the guy..... Stay calm because is the boss.

After that the door open...and a tall man enter in the house.

OTD: What are you doing Dog LS? Trying to shoot me?

Dog LS: Nah,i will not try this.You are my boss.Cant do.

OTD: Well ok. Now i went to Palomino and bought some weapons.Here are them: Ak-47,SMG,M4 and some Colt 45.

Kenny: So now we have weapons,so when we will go to atack those bastards from OGF?

OTD: Tonight.We will do a littel surprise to CJ and his crew.

Later that night they went back to Los Santos. The way that they were driving was on the way to Ganton.After 15 minutes they arrived.GSF members that were on streets didnt expect this atack and died. The sound of the bullets that were shoot from the guns was heard even at CJ house. He went up and got Sweet and some friends and started to atack.

Kenny: Look there they come! I will try to shoot CJ!

Dog LS: We dont have no change of winning.Look there CJ with a minigun.Holy shit!

OTD: We will stay till we we kill Sweet! Start shooting!

Kenny,Dog LS and OTD started to shoot.They killed some of the men and injured Sweet.

OTD: Stop shooting guys! I want to say something: Hey CJ,we are the new Balla gang.Our name is West Side Ballas.This is only a littel represantation of our power. Goodbye now!

And then they got in car and ran to Montgomery.

Kenny: We did them! We injured Sweet! Cant wait to see the next battel!

OTD: We should wait till next week.I have now to go and get some members for our gang.A very hard work,you know.


Second chapeter coming soon...

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Chapter 2: Drive-By

19 August 1995. Time: 23.10.

West Side Ballas continoued to get members.OTD was thinking of doing some drive-by in the day when Sweet will get home.OTD sayed something to Kenny:

OTD: What do you think Kenny if we will do tonight a drive by?

Kenny: Well,it is a good idea but you are the boss.You decided.

OTD: Yeah,we will make a drive by tonight.I will send this message to Dog LS.He will do it.

In this time,Dog LS was at Palomino Creck to get some guns for a littel job,when the phone ring...

Dog LS: Yeah OTD,what do you want?......Ok i will do the job tonight.

In Montgomery something happend.One of the members were killed.

Kenny: Who the hell did this?

A guy: It was a GSF member that killed him.After he killed him,he suicided. What a stupid guy!

Kenny: Yeah,stupid.Well time to go to get some beers.Anyone coming?

A guy: Yeah,come with you.

Later that night,Dog LS was preparing for the drive-by.

Dog LS: Lets see: We have 3 members that will come with me,3 SMG'S and a TEC 9 and a high morale.....Ok guys lets roll.

They got in car and drived to Ganton.After 15 minutes they got there.Like in the past,GSF members didnt know about this drive-by that will happen.

Dog LS: Ok,lets start banging some GSF bastards. ATACK!

The drive-by started.Some of the members of GSF died.CJ got out from his home with hes crew armed with AK'S and Desert Eagle.

A member from the car: Oh shit! We gona die!

Dog LS: Shut up! We wont die.Shoot them!

CJ remained the only guy from the crew and got shoot.The bullet hit his arm and his chest.CJ went in a coma because oof serious bleeding.

Dog LS: Stop the shooting and lets get back to Montgomery.

After that,they went to Montgomery.Dog LS entered the house very happy.

Dog LS: We did it! We shoot CJ and send him in a coma.He will die in few hours.

OTD: Very good thing you did,Dog LS.We shall wait till tomorrow and then send the spies to see if CJ is dead.


Chapter 3 coming soon....

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Chapter 3: CJ's Death

20 August 1995. Time 11.25. Location: Montgomery

After the drive-by,CJ didnt resist so much.His bleeding was getting bigger in every minute and his change of survive longer are 0.In ths time,West Side Ballas were very happy.They started celebrate CJ's Death.

Kenny: Good work you did,Dog LS.Your the greatest banger from LS.

Dog LS: Thanks man,but this is my work.A assassin work.

Kenny: Do you mean a drive-by assassin.

Dog LS: Yeah,you said bro.

OTD: Ok,now that GSF are getting weaker we need to go now and get our turfs.Kenny go and get all the members that we have and lead them to Los Santos.You will take our teritories.Ok?

Kenny: Yeah,but what you will do?

OTD: Stay here with Dog LS and continou the party....Oh and send those spies to see what is with CJ.Is he death or not?

After that,Kenny went out,got in the car and got back to LS.12 other cars,full with ballas, where staying at his back.After sme time,Kenny stopped the car and talked with some ballas.After that 4 ballas cars went to Idlewood,4 went to Glen park and the last four went to Verona Beach.Kenny started speaking with some spies:

Kenny: Ok,you 2 go to Ganton and see if CJ is dead.Ok?

Spies: Yeah,sure.

Kenny: Allright.Se all at Montgomery.

Spies went down to Grove Street.They saw that CJ was dead.His sister and brother were crying.And a car,a black one,was there.It was from the church.Seems that was from the morgue.

One of the spies: Yeah,he's dead.Lets get back to the comand center in Montgomery.

After 10 minutes,they arrived at Montgomery.They said the great news: CJ IS DEAD.

OTD: Yes,thats what i am talking about. I feel so great today.

In this moment,Kenny arrived.OTD said his news to him.

Kenny: Cool,good work again Dog LS.I have a good news too....

OTD: What?

Kenny: We have now all the teritories that you wont.

OTD: Good,thanks Kenny for all you did for the gang.

Kenny: It was my pleasure,boss.

OTD:Ok,lets continout the party and relax for some days.


Chapter 4 coming soon...

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Chapter 4: Glen Park war

24 August 1995. Time: 15.25. Location: Glen Park

After the relaxing days, OTD and his friends went down to Glen Park to settel down there as ther new comand center.

OTD: Welcome to our new home.

Kenny: Yeah,but i really liked there in Montgomey.The life of the farmers.

OTD: What a good joke.Still we need some protection here.

Dog LS: Some bodyguards and a limo driver.

OTD:Yeah,and do forget to add a helicopter pilot when we will buy a heli.

Kenny: Well,now that we are home we can do a littel party.What do you think boss?

OTD:Stop calling me boss.And for the party idea,we can make it.Still i think that GSF wont be mad to see that we are staying here.

A member enter the house and screamed something.

Member: They are coming!!

Kenny: Who the hell are coming?

Member: GSF!! They will make a war.Get coverted because they are coming with M4!

Then some cars were heard stoping and a gun shoot was heard.The member got killed.

Dog LS: Shit! Where is my weapon?....Here is it.

Kenny: What the hell are you doing with a Rocket Launcher? Do yyou want to kill everybody?

Dog LS: Well,say a idea, smartass.

OTD: Here are some AK's.Start shooting and stop insulting both of you.

Kenny: Hell! This boys cant die! Are they invincible?

OTD: Well,look how i do and kill 2 of them.......Got it?

Kenny: Yeah,sort of...

Dog LS: Look there are only 2 remain.I will kill them both...BANG,BANG......Mision completed.Killed all GSF.

OTD: Shit,we really need some protection here.I will now go to recruit some people.

Kenny: Do you want to come with you?

OTD: No,i am fine.You two should protect to house.Those GSF will come back,in a day.

Dog LS: Yeah,when we will have everything,including a limo driver.

Kenny: Shut up and let him to go to his buisness.

Dog LS: Sorry,go with peace,OTD.


Chapter 5 coming soon....

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Chapter 5: Grove Street Bangers

28 August 1995. Time: 13.45. Location: Glen Park.

After the littel war that was 4 days ago,OTD got at his home very mad.There,Kenny was waiting him to tell something sad.

Kenny: Why are you so mad? Your grilfriend kicked out you from the house?

OTD: Just shut up.I have a bad day.Some GSF killed some of the OG's that i roll with them.You know them.....

Kenny: Yeah,but about this thing i wanted to talk with you....

OTD: I dont care now.And where the hell is Dog LS?

Kenny: About this thing i wanted to talk.Well,Dog LS is....

OTD: Is what? Say today!

Kenny: DEAD! He was killed by some GSF bangers.They let a message.Here, read it:

,,You know that you killed CJ,my brother.Well i payed you with the same money,killing one of your precious members from your gang.If your meembers will kill one of our GSF you will gona die just like your brother,OTD.


OTD: Shit,they did it? Well this means war.

Kenny: Are you crazy? You didnt read the letter? It said that if you will kill a member....

OTD: You dont need to repeat.I read it.And what do you think i should do?

Kenny: Hide,that the last thing you can do.

OTD: Are you nuts or what? They killed my brother,Dog LS,i will revenge for his name.

Kenny: Do like you want to do but i will not support you.

OTD: Fine,in my gang we dont need no pusy.You can go out and not be in the gang or you can stay and help me with this littel things.

Kenny: .......Ok,i will stay with you.Shit if i will gona die it will be your fault.

OTD: Ok,just calm down.I will go and get some members and then we can go to Sweet's house and kill him.

Kenny: Ok,but be careful not to be killed by some GSF drive-by.

OTD: Ok,see you tonight you know where...

Kenny: Yeah,i know there under.....I forgot that i dont have permison to say.Still i have first to go to my house and get my rocket launcher. See you tonight.


Chapter 6 coming soon....

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Chapter 6: The War Begins.

28 August 1995. Time: 21.00. Location: Glen Park

In the time where Kenny was going to home,OTD meet some couple of old friends.They were: Hunter,Johny D and Littel Bang.

OTD: How are you my friends? Good to see all again after so much time.Did all heard about our coming?

Hunter: Yeah,and we heard from Kenny that Dog LS is dead,so we come here to help you.

Littel Bang: Yeah,i know a guy from a gun shop from San Fierro and told about this thing.He gave me this weapons.Come to my car and i will show you...

OTD: Holy Shit! How did that guy got so many Ak's and Desert Eagles?

Littel Bang: Well,it is a secret.....

Johny D: Well,when we will go to bang some GSF?

OTD: We have to wait till Kenny arrives.He said that he will go to his house to get his Rocket Launcher.

In this time,OTD's phone ringt....

OTD: Yeah,who is it?

Voice: I got your friend,Kenny,i kidnapped him.He is at the docks.If you want to see him again give to me 1.000.000$ and all teritories that West Side Ballas has.I will see you tonight at 23.00 at the docks.Bring the money.

OTD: What? Stop do not close the phone!....Shit!

Littel Bang: What happend?

OTD: Some asshole kidnapped Kenny.He wants 1.000.000$ and all the teritories that we have.And he want the money at 23.00 at the docks.

Johny D: Well,we can kick his ass.We have guns,so lets go there and shoot this bastard till isnt to late.

Hunter: Yeah,Johny D is right.This is the only thing that we can do.We cant get 1.000.000$ in 2 hours.

OTD: Well,if this is the only thing that we can do lets roll.


Chapter 7 coming tomorrow.....

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Chapter 7: Battel of honor

24 August 1995. Time: 22.45. Location: Los Santos Docks

After that strange call,OTD and his crew went down to the docks to see who is this misterious guy that kidnapped Kenny.After 10 minutes a man appeard near them.It was that guy who phoned OTD.

Man: Well,you finaly got here.I thought that you will never come.Now give me the money and teritories.

OTD: Oh yeah,well we dont have no money and we will not give our teritories without a fight!

Man: What?....well if you want so,a battel will be.

Then 10 peoples appeard armed with Colt Phyton,Desert Eagle and Ak's.

Man: Well,now lets see what you can do.

OTD: Yeah,guys are you ready?

Hunter: Hell yeah,lets start killing some bastards!

The fight started.Hunter and Littel Bang were trying to kill 4 members and to make a easier job for OTD and Johny D that were trying to get pass the army to Kenny.

OTD: Cover me,Hunter!

Hunter: I cant,there are to many of them.

Littel Bang: I will try,go now OTD and rescue Kenny.Go go go!!

OTD let the 3 guys to handle the situation.He walked and saw a factory.He went in and saw Kenny stand on the floor.He was bleeding and got into a coma. From behind that man appeard again.

Man: Well,well,well....I didnt expect that you could get pass from my bodyguards.You are a very clever boy.And i see that you find your litel friend.Well,he tried to excape and i hit him with a baseball few times,10 excatly.He will die in few hours or even in few minutes.

OTD: How are you? And what did we do bad to you?

Man: Well,my name is Sweet and you killed my brother.You want a revange because i killed your precious brother?

OTD: .........................

Sweet: I take this like a yes.So if you want a battel,a battel will be.Choose your weapon first.

OTD: I will choose a Deset Eagle,my best weapon.

Sweet: Ok,now i will get a Colt Phyton.Hehehe!

OTD: Now it is time for battel!

OTD start shooting directly to Sweet head,but every bullet that he shoot never hit Sweet.Sweet was very good in battels with pistols.

Sweet: It is time that you should die.

OTD: No,it isnt.Look up and you will see something....

Sweet looked and he saw a box full with guns and other stuff like this.OTD cut the rope where the box were.

Sweet: Holy Shit! No,this cant me my end!

And the box hit Sweet in head,and he died.After that he took Kenny and get out from the factory to go with him to the hospital.


Chapter 8 comig soon.......

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Chapter 8: The Final Hour

24 August 1995. Time: 24.00. Location: Docks -Hospital

After he killed Sweet,OTD grab Kenny and went out from the factory.

OTD: Kenny,say something!

Kenny: ........

OTD: Come on Kenny,please dont die! I will take you to hospital and everything will be fine.

Kenny: The pain......dont take me to hospital........let me die,this is what i want.

OTD: Well,i will not let you.Lets see if the boys killd all those bodyguards,or what they were.

Hunter: Shit! Kenny?

OTD: I will go with him to the hospital,you guys go to Glen park and protect from any GSF attack.

The 3 guys went down to Glen park,when in this time OTD was taken Kenny to hospital.

OTD: We are near hospital,resist!

Kenny: Cant......die.......

They got to hospital and bring Kenny to nurse,who send him to a doctor to see him.

OTD: Shit! Now i have to call Johny D to see whats happen to Glen Park. Lets see:.......

Johny D: Yeah,who is it?

OTD:I am,OTD.What happeing there?

Johny D: Well,GSF bring all his members to attack us.We need some help! Can you come here?

OTD: I will try,but i have to stay to see if Kenny will live.

Johny D: Shit!..............

OTD: Johny,are you there? Hello,Johny?......Shit! He was killed or something happend.I really have to go there.Sorry Kenny!

After the call, OTD get in his car and speed away to Glen Park.When he arrived he saw like 50 GSF members shooting directly to his house.

OTD: What the hell? Where are those 3 stupid guys?

Hunter: Here! We are here,on the roof of the house!

OTD: Ok,i will come to help you guys and protect te house.

OTD jump on the roof of the house,and Littel Bang gave him a SMG.

Littel Bang: Here,take it.Lets kill some punkass Grove street OG'S.

They start shooting.The battel was got even worse when some drive-by cars joined the action.

Johny D: I will shoot those cars,you guys kill those OG'S.

OTD was very mad because Kenny could die,so he started to shoot like 10 GSF per minute.

Hunter: We can kill them.Then we will go to see what happend to Kenny.

After some good 20 minutes of fight,they killed all of GSF members.

Littel Bang: At last we kill them.I fell so happy.Now GSF are gone,and we are the leaders of the city.

OTD: I have to go to the hospital to see Kenny.See all tomorrow.

OTD went to hospital.The doctor said the bad news.

Doctor: Sorry,OTD but Kenny died 8 minutes ago.I couldn't do nothing.Sorry.

OTD: Well,this isnt a happy ending.I am very sad and mad.Sad because Kenny died,mad because Sweet killed him.Now i have to continou the life without my best friends.Shit,thats bad.Now i have to go to Glen park and do a party because GSF were finaly destroyed.Well,that could give me some happines. Rest in peace,Kenny!


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