Thanks guys! I was trying to be alittle more subtle this time, not going overboard with fancy screaming-orange effects. And the name means 'damnit' in norwegian (yes, I'm norwegian). I got the name Wichita after seing a documentary film on BTK-killer (Bind-Torture-Kill) who killed 7 people (I think) in the Wichita area. So, Wichita is a city. I just tought it sound cool.
About the stunts. I don't really think people appreciate how hard most of the stunts in the video are. Stunts like loops over and under a bridge in the big jetplane (not the Hydra) needs a few go's. Spins inside a narrow tunnel is even harder. The last stunt is the most narrow tunnel I've ever done.
Anyway, thanks for the comments, I'm glad you thought it was ok
Oh, about the song. I knew it was a risky song seing it was in norwegian and all, but I just can't edit a video with a song I don't like so I chose that one. Remember music is universal.
I think you'll allways have to approach my videos with an open mind.