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About Slayer

  • Birthday 06/22/1991

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  • Favourite GTA
    San Andreas
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  • Interests
    Parkour, basketball, computers, video editing, guitar

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Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. Where did this guy go?

  2. Why you ran off from us? Your a Moderator goddamnit, do yo job and come back! :(

  3. Where are you?

  4. Happy Birthday! :)

  5. I don't know why you think that 300 guests vs 20 members is so weird. I'd be suprised if it was vice-versa. Most people have a problem with a game or looking for a quick walkthrough of a specific mission, simply type the request in the google and get directed here. I don't register on forums I'd normally visit once in my life just to find a specific info, do you?
  6. PS doesn't support animations. So all animations have to be edited in IR. I used IR just once or twice so I wouldn't know. Search for some options in the toolbar.
  7. I swear a lot. But ofc, just for expressing emotions, not that I really mean it. Not that every time I say the f-word I wanna have sex with the f-thing.
  8. Only older, 'veteran' members + staff can delete posts/topics, even their own.
  9. All my money and items are still intact. But getting interest once in a week (and get the same amount I used to get daily)...:'( And too bad the credit cards are gone. Any chance in their return? Interest boost is always good But the quizzes don't work.
  10. I'd close this topic since you two started fighting, but again thta wouldn't be fair for the topic creator. I'll simply rename this to something that better describes the problem and move it to "help".
  11. Yay, get laid/drunk/high/study nuclear physics! Happy b-day mate, truly good wishes.
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