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Jared last won the day on August 11 2013

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About Jared

  • Birthday 10/17/1991

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    Queensland, Australia
  • Interests
    Web development/design and Graphic Design

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  1. I lol'd at the join date dude. TM pretty much covered how he did it though ^_^

  2. What's with your join date?

  3. You can catch it on GameTrailers.com now: http://www.gametrailers.com/gametrailerstv...p;ch=1&sd=1
  4. He just altered some scripts, it's not too hard to do... :P

  5. azn

    But...But...How did you join before you were even born? xD

  6. Yeah it's hard to say, I'm thinking the stuff removed was the sexual content that was mentioned earlier today in the news. From what I read, it sounds like the kind of thing our board wouldn't let through, insinuated or not, they would still consider it "obscene"...
  7. Seems the game wasn't tame enough for our fantastic rating system Source: RockstarWatch
  8. Agreed, April Fools finished at 12pm on April 1st. Thats long gone, locked.
  9. Nice find, pretty sure they have surfaced before, but good never the less. Pitty about the watermarkings though.
  10. Not sure if these are of use, but here's slightly larger thumbnails of the 3 concepts:
  11. Forums link at the end of the article is dead, on the homepage it links to "http://www.thegtaplace.com/index.php?showtopic=15858" instead of "http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15858". The "topic" bbcode needs to be fixed to make it a full url like "http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/index.php?showtopic={topicID}" rather then just "index.php?showtopic={topicID}"
  12. So, when did you really join?

  13. Need I say more? http://www.rockstarwatch.net/news/271/unus...e-introduction/
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