GTA III Screen Captures

Here are a selection of funny/random screenshots I have taken mostly from the PC version of GTA3, some are from my PS2. Click on the thumbnails to make them bigger.

Things in the TW@ internet cafe

The Tw@ internet cafe GTA1 screen GTA2 screen

Funny Pics

A secret sign

A bored student

Liberty Cocks Stadium

Liberty Cock Newspaper

Ran over a tramp and took a shot just as he went over the roof The Securicars say "Gruppe Sechs" on them which sounds like group sex

These are porno mags delivered to your hideout after completing the mission "Big 'n' Veiny"

Misc Pics

Uncle BJ's??? could this be BJ Smith from Vice City?

Shooting at passers by in the back of a flatbed

Banshee coming out of the glass

and flying through the air

Glass before

and then after

Standing on the weird statue blowing up cars and people People walking People exploding
More people exploding a car exploding and some people exploding Speeding with Solid Granite Car on calls for some funny screens
Flying Barracks Flying Moonbeam Landstalker nearly off screen Barracks grinding on its nose

Blowing Up The Fully Winged Dodo

Get up on the el train tracks Aim here then... shoot and hopefully it will blow up... with massive explosions...
like this Then oh crap you're on 4 stars with heli's on your tail!    

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