GameInformer Grab GTAIV World Exclusive Preview

By Chris | 30th Mar 2007 at 16:57 GMT in GTA IV | 42 Comments

gameinformer_IV_exclusive_may07.jpgJust like they did 3 years ago with San Andreas, the folks behind GameInformer magazine have managed to acquire a world exclusive first look at Grand Theft Auto IV. Issue 169 for May will contain ten pages of screenshots and details.

That's all they're allowed to say for now, we'll have to wait until the issue is released before we can find out what the juicy details are. If you're going to be able to get a copy of it, let us know.

Link: GameInformer

Thanks to raooul_duke at GTAForums for the news

TG187's photo
TG187 30th March, 2007 @ 17:01 - Permalink

Good news. We dont have to much till May, so I can wait. Where I can get it, the magazine?

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 30th March, 2007 @ 17:02 - Permalink

I don't normally buy these but now since there is exclusive information in it I will buy it (10 time :P). How come they get all the exclusives?

TG187's photo
TG187 30th March, 2007 @ 17:05 - Permalink

Your lucky Ciaran, here I cant buy it. I want to much that magazine. Now another countdown for GTAIV news, till May. :D

Chris's photo
Chris 30th March, 2007 @ 17:13 - Permalink

This is an American publication, so Ciaran you won't be able to get it, neither will I. Which is partly why I was asking if anyone here could get it. Preferably a subscriber so we have the info the day it comes out since they get it a week before usually, before it appears in stores.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 30th March, 2007 @ 18:26 - Permalink
This is an American publication, so Ciaran you won't be able to get it, neither will I. Which is partly why I was asking if anyone here could get it. Preferably a subscriber so we have the info the day it comes out since they get it a week before usually, before it appears in stores.

I think OGTAM will probably get it, he know everything about GTA. I think he will get it anyway.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 30th March, 2007 @ 19:01 - Permalink

well, that sucks if the mag won't be out here :(.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 30th March, 2007 @ 19:48 - Permalink

Don't worry, I'll get all the screens up, just like ps3 player said. :thumbsup:

TG187's photo
TG187 30th March, 2007 @ 19:51 - Permalink

I trust you, OGTAM. I will try and get the magazine too. I really want it. ^_^

Chris's photo
Chris 30th March, 2007 @ 19:54 - Permalink
Don't worry, I'll get all the screens up, just like ps3 player said. :thumbsup:


But are you a subscriber? Subscribers usually get the mag days before it goes on sale, if you aren't then it's likely someone elsewhere is gonna get the credit... and fame :P

2003's photo
2003 30th March, 2007 @ 20:07 - Permalink

I subscribe to that magizine so i can get the info for yall. I'm awsome.

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 30th March, 2007 @ 20:09 - Permalink

I'll buy the magazine, and then put all 10 pages on my wall! Maybe not. More like 4-5 of them..

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 30th March, 2007 @ 20:17 - Permalink
I subscribe to that magizine so i can get the info for yall. I'm awsome.

LOL, King 2003 is trying to prove he knows the most about the GTA series and since ps3 player said,

"I think OGTAM will probably get it, he know everything about GTA. I think he will get it anyway."

He found that this is an opportunity to try to prove his "knowledge" of the GTA series by getting the magazine. Fortunately, my friend is subscribed to the magazine and will give it to me once he gets it, which doesn't matter because getting a magazine before someone doesn't prove you more knowledgeable.

Good try King 2003, but this wont prove that you know more. You need to find real ways to prove your knowledge of the GTA series.

I'm like King 2003's GTA history mentor. :D

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 30th March, 2007 @ 21:44 - Permalink

Damn it's not out here, aw well. Well as long as someone gets screens up I will be happy!

2003's photo
2003 30th March, 2007 @ 21:49 - Permalink
I subscribe to that magizine so i can get the info for yall. I'm awsome.

LOL, King 2003 is trying to prove he knows the most about the GTA series and since ps3 player said,

"I think OGTAM will probably get it, he know everything about GTA. I think he will get it anyway."

He found that this is an opportunity to try to prove his "knowledge" of the GTA series by getting the magazine. Fortunately, my friend is subscribed to the magazine and will give it to me once he gets it, which doesn't matter because getting a magazine before someone doesn't prove you more knowledgeable.

Good try King 2003, but this wont prove that you know more. You need to find real ways to prove your knowledge of the GTA series.

I'm like King 2003's GTA history mentor. :D

What? I subscribed to that magazine even before i joined this site. And yes i know alot about gta.

Cloud''s photo
Cloud' 30th March, 2007 @ 22:10 - Permalink

Something else to look forward too, also something to read in class. Where will I be able to buy one from? :D

Nate10's photo
Nate10 30th March, 2007 @ 23:15 - Permalink

Ya, I just stopped my subscription last year :(. Whatever, my friend subscribes so I'll get it the day it comes out too :). Maybe I get credit lol.

Jared's photo
Jared 30th March, 2007 @ 23:19 - Permalink

I'll see if I can manage to get this one early again like with VCS, I'll give you the scoop if I do Chris.

HCK George's photo
HCK George 30th March, 2007 @ 23:25 - Permalink

Well when does it go on sale?When could I go but it at the stores?

Jared's photo
Jared 30th March, 2007 @ 23:28 - Permalink

I'd guess the middle of April around abouts.

Artur's photo
Artur 30th March, 2007 @ 23:29 - Permalink

Thanks everyone for trying to get it! :P Like Chris said to OGTAM: You're AWESOME! :D I'm gonna see if I can either buy of subscribe to the mag up here in Canada so I'll try to help but probably won't succeed. I just want to have it in my hands as I look over the exclusive preview and not on the computer screen. Can't wait for those screens though!

HCK George's photo
HCK George 30th March, 2007 @ 23:32 - Permalink
I'd guess the middle of April around abouts.
Cool,im calling gamestop rite now let see what they say.
Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 31st March, 2007 @ 00:07 - Permalink

This is the downside about living in the Middle East, you don't get magazines like this! Oh well, someone will have to upload any interesting points of view.

10 pages of info! Seems like alot will be revealed.

Jared's photo
Jared 31st March, 2007 @ 00:14 - Permalink
I'd guess the middle of April around abouts.
Cool,im calling gamestop rite now let see what they say.

Ah good idea, good luck with it.

This is the downside about living in the Middle East, you don't get magazines like this! Oh well, someone will have to upload any interesting points of view.

10 pages of info! Seems like alot will be revealed.

I imagine there will be lots of screens as well.

HCK George's photo
HCK George 31st March, 2007 @ 00:23 - Permalink

They said it will be there around mid april in stores for subscribers they will get it in the first week of april.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 31st March, 2007 @ 00:27 - Permalink
They said it will be there around mid april in stores for subscribers they will get it in the first week of april.

Too bad for peopel without subscriptions. Thank god for my rich friend subscribing to GI.

Jared's photo
Jared 31st March, 2007 @ 00:38 - Permalink
They said it will be there around mid april in stores for subscribers they will get it in the first week of april.

Damn it hey, hmm, maybe I should get a 12 month subscription today just for it :P.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 31st March, 2007 @ 00:52 - Permalink
Damn it hey, hmm, maybe I should get a 12 month subscription today just for it :P

Sounds good to me, just give us the info as soon as possible B)

Gycu's photo
Gycu 31st March, 2007 @ 05:18 - Permalink

So people just tell me when we`ll find out more about GTA 4.In April or May?And in what day?

TG187's photo
TG187 31st March, 2007 @ 05:23 - Permalink

Gycu, in May the magazine will appear. I am kinda sad that here, where we 2 live, these magazine dont appear. Hate this.

jack_bauer's photo
jack_bauer 31st March, 2007 @ 05:40 - Permalink

too bad Rockstar does not release PS2 version of the GTA IV, the platform just goes in Playstation 3, Xbox 360

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 31st March, 2007 @ 06:04 - Permalink
too bad Rockstar does not release PS2 version of the GTA IV, the platform just goes in Playstation 3, Xbox 360

Wouldn't be able to handle it.

Artur's photo
Artur 31st March, 2007 @ 07:25 - Permalink

Yeah man everything would be much, much crappier. Did you see all the cool things and graphics in the trailer? The PS2 would never be able to handle stuff like that. Tommorow I'm gonna find out if they sell GameInformer mags around here.

surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 31st March, 2007 @ 08:38 - Permalink
too bad Rockstar does not release PS2 version of the GTA IV, the platform just goes in Playstation 3, Xbox 360

Wouldn't be able to handle it.

you know, you have a point there OGTAM, you should listen to him little_friend, have you ever played "just cause" ps2 version? the gameplay scaled down, and so is the graphic, there is no way in hell gta iv could fit in ps2

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 31st March, 2007 @ 09:19 - Permalink

yeah how much does a subsciption cost for GameInformer

TG187's photo
TG187 31st March, 2007 @ 10:15 - Permalink

Go on the site Wu-Zi-Mu. For me the problem isnt the money, is how i pay. I really want that magazine. That magazine will not appear here where I live.down.gif

Amy's photo
Amy 31st March, 2007 @ 10:48 - Permalink

I cant wait to see this mag. Should be pretty good.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 31st March, 2007 @ 12:08 - Permalink

I forgot when is this magazine coming out, I knew OGTAM will get it, are you going to scan the pages and then post it OGTAM?

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 31st March, 2007 @ 22:08 - Permalink

If no one else does before me.

Jared's photo
Jared 31st March, 2007 @ 22:14 - Permalink

Although a word of caution, Rockstar may not like that, when I did that before GTANet was told to take them down, although rumor goes they took them down themselves just so other sites couldn't get them, the latter is probably true.

2003's photo
2003 31st March, 2007 @ 22:17 - Permalink
Although a word of caution, Rockstar may not like that, when I did that before GTANet was told to take them down, although rumor goes they took them down themselves just so other sites couldn't get them, the latter is probably true.

Really? Man i didn't know, i gess GameInformer would not like it.

Jared's photo
Jared 31st March, 2007 @ 22:33 - Permalink

Depends yeah, GamePro didn't mind what I did, they said we could actually, but as for GameInformer, who knows.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 3rd April, 2007 @ 16:43 - Permalink
too bad Rockstar does not release PS2 version of the GTA IV, the platform just goes in Playstation 3, Xbox 360

It'd most probably look like this:

Some of our affiliates (view all): GTAGaming GTA Chronicles GTAReview Payne Reactor