OPM's GTAIV Preview Next Month

By Chris | 7th Apr 2007 at 16:09 GMT in GTA IV | 15 Comments

The relatively new UK publication Official PlayStation Magazine is to have a large article on Grand Theft Auto IV in next month's issue (#6), which is on sale from May 2nd.

Our friends at GTA4.net were able to get confirmation from the magazine's editor Tim Clark that the feature will have brand new exclusive GTA 4 screenshots and info. We're hoping this means truly "exclusive", and that it won't be the same info and screens we will get from GameInformer the week before (related news post).

Since it's a UK publication I should be able to pick up a copy of the magazine myself, however if there are any subscribers out there who will get the mag early, or if you're planning on buying it anyway, let me know in the comments.

Ja750's photo
Ja750 7th April, 2007 @ 17:15 - Permalink

Hey Chris, I just have to point out that the next issue of OPM is issue 6, I Have issue 5 right now with this inside it:


Chris's photo
Chris 7th April, 2007 @ 17:34 - Permalink

Ah yes thanks that was actually a typo on my part. So are you a subscriber to the mag or will you be buying it when it's out?

Ja750's photo
Ja750 7th April, 2007 @ 17:48 - Permalink
Ah yes thanks that was actually a typo on my part. So are you a subscriber to the mag or will you be buying it when it's out?

I'll be buying it, just like the other 5 but this one will be different, i'll be buying it about 8am :D and be uploading the scans ASAP

Chris's photo
Chris 7th April, 2007 @ 17:53 - Permalink

Excellent, you're awesome. Rep points for you if you do :)

Ja750's photo
Ja750 7th April, 2007 @ 18:03 - Permalink
Excellent, you're awesome. Rep points for you if you do :)

Hehe, Thank-you :P:)

Red_91's photo
Red_91 7th April, 2007 @ 18:54 - Permalink

Chris whens that other magazine coming out, the one in America?

Chris's photo
Chris 7th April, 2007 @ 20:53 - Permalink

I don't know, around mid-April was what I've been told. I'll drop the editor an email to see if I can get a more precise date.

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 7th April, 2007 @ 21:13 - Permalink

Yes! Can't wait, I am a normal buyer to that mag, I have all the rest (That's not much btw). I never buy them on the release date but for this one I will.

Great News!

Chris's photo
Chris 7th April, 2007 @ 22:10 - Permalink

Ok great, well the quicker we get the info the quicker we can get it out to more fans.

@ps3 player: I've emailed the chief editor at GameInformer, I'll let you know when he replies with the release date of their mag.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 8th April, 2007 @ 06:18 - Permalink

Dont Aussies get any info of GTA IV. Oh well thanks to the guys around the world though.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 8th April, 2007 @ 06:35 - Permalink
I don't know, around mid-April was what I've been told. I'll drop the editor an email to see if I can get a more precise date.

I heard that the magazine will be avaible starting 18th April 2007 and OPM, 2nd of May, but email the GI editor just to be sure...

GI:18th April

OPM:2nd May

Red_91's photo
Red_91 8th April, 2007 @ 09:09 - Permalink
Ok great, well the quicker we get the info the quicker we can get it out to more fans.

@ps3 player: I've emailed the chief editor at GameInformer, I'll let you know when he replies with the release date of their mag.

Ok cheers, I can't wait to know some more info now.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 8th April, 2007 @ 11:51 - Permalink

Sounds good, can't wait to see what were going to get.

Cloud''s photo
Cloud' 8th April, 2007 @ 15:18 - Permalink

Will this be out before or after Game Informer?

Red_91's photo
Red_91 8th April, 2007 @ 15:24 - Permalink
Will this be out before or after Game Informer?

After but Chris doesn't know the exact date the GameInformer one will come out?

Definetly mid - April for Games Informer

The other one I think is 2nd May

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