2CD and DVD set now available

By Chris | 22nd Nov 2004 at 17:17 GMT in San Andreas | 14 Comments

This is just a reminder to everyone in Europe that the 2CD and DVD set for San Andreas is out today. Those of you in North America will be able to pick this set up tomorrow. If you would like to buy from Amazon the links are in the announcement box above.

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 23rd November, 2004 @ 04:10 - Permalink

what is that?

Chris's photo
Chris 24th November, 2004 @ 19:44 - Permalink

We posted about it a while back, its 2 Cds of the best songs in San Andreas. But it comes with a DVD with a cinematic prologue to San Andreas, basically what happened before Carl got to San Andreas and why he is here.

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 25th November, 2004 @ 03:45 - Permalink

hmm im not getting it, what about you guys?

Chris's photo
Chris 25th November, 2004 @ 16:21 - Permalink

maybe, i might just get it for the DVD, it will add to my GTA merchandise collection which is slowly building up

spyrolot's photo
spyrolot 25th November, 2004 @ 18:11 - Permalink

i really want it, so i get it as soon as i can lol.

Kdm1991's photo
Kdm1991 26th November, 2004 @ 02:45 - Permalink

why sum1 buy the 2 cd and a dvd 4 san andreas

Chris's photo
Chris 26th November, 2004 @ 16:11 - Permalink

w00t, i was literally just going on Amazon to order the cds and then i get a parcel through my door, I go down and get it, I find its from Rockstar (Thanks!). So I take it back upstairs with me and started to open it whilst continuing with the order on Amazon. Then just as I was about to order it I pulled out the stuff from a parcel and in a puff of magic smoke there it was. I then exclaimed 'w00t' and preceded to cancel my order on Amazon, a total saving of £12.99 :D

oh and also I got some valve caps, some more stickers and a balaclava :)

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 27th November, 2004 @ 05:18 - Permalink

Damn it, you get stuffs from Rockstar free.

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 27th November, 2004 @ 21:34 - Permalink

Mabye if I create my own GTA site, I might get some free stuff from R*..............

what a clever plan.........


Chris's photo
Chris 27th November, 2004 @ 21:35 - Permalink
Mabye if I create my own GTA site, I might get some free stuff from R*..............

what a clever plan.........


only the best sites get in the Rockstar webring ;)

st_evil's photo
st_evil 27th November, 2004 @ 22:29 - Permalink

not a bad idea bring out a dvd to back the game up,

hmmm hope i can get a copy of that

The Dealer's photo
The Dealer 29th November, 2004 @ 00:43 - Permalink

Is it also out in Germany?

person123's photo
person123 29th November, 2004 @ 04:59 - Permalink

wow i want it now

smartboy4's photo
smartboy4 29th November, 2004 @ 12:13 - Permalink
Mabye if I create my own GTA site, I might get some free stuff from R*..............

what a clever plan.........


yeah it's a 'clever and cool' idea :lolbounce::lol::lolbounce::lol:

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