The Grand Theft Auto IV preview we reported on a couple of weeks ago in the UK publication Official PlayStation Magazine has today been dropping through the letterboxes of some lucky subscribers. There's a fair amount of new information in the magazine, which we've summarised below.
Thanks to Adds for the scans.
Ah. I guess I missed it out. Must've been into reading the other part of it. Well, atleast the bit were you won't go on the Loading screen is good. It sometimes doesn't load when I use to play San Andreas on PC, as long as this is on, there's no need to worry about that then.
This is very big info!
And one question: Will GTA4 will be able to play on PC?
I like the use of mobile phone...but I still don't like that aeroplanes are missing.At least they could put
Hydra in....
This is very big info!And one question: Will GTA4 will be able to play on PC?
Hasn't been confirmed yet, only for the PS3 and X360. If it does I think you would be able to change quality like low, medium and high for like not as powerful computers. I mean people said Command & Conquer 3 wouldn't be able to play on mine because it was out of date, old and had a very bad graphics card, but I installed it and it worked fine on low quality and it doesn't look that bad. (Bit off-topic there...)
Argh it's so hard to believe in doesn't come out for like another 6 months, I can't wait. I'd pre-order but I live in the Middle East.
When's the exact launch date of the OPM magazine? I'll buy it when I see it.
When's the exact launch date of the OPM magazine? I'll buy it when I see it.I believe it's 2nd May, so next Wednesday.
Man they have to do something with the Sixaxis but thinking about it is actually wuite hard. For GTA I can't think of why you would want to use the motion sensor features except for cars.
The Six-axis stuff doesn't really work. It plays like shit. If you're buying a ps3 it's definitely NOT for the six-axis stuff. It's just something they copied, and they didn't even copy it good.
Seriosuly I have a PS3 and SIXAXIS is good and it was ONE of the reasons I bough a PS3, only thing I said was how will the incorporate the SIXAXIS into the game.
And please don't make this xbox 360 v ps3 topic
Also,on page 8 of the new PlayStation Magazine it says you wont be able to base jump off the empire state building I was so looking forward to jumping off that,what a dissapointment!!! no parachutes in this one it looks like.
Also,on page 8 of the new PlayStation Magazine it says you wont be able to base jump off the empire state buildingI was so looking forward to jumping off that,what a dissapointment!!! no parachutes in this one it looks like. could still jump off of buildings.
[*]The Artificial Intelligence of the NPC's has received a huge overhaul, pedestrians do a wide variety of things which were mentioned in the GameInformer article, and they even react to events such as a gun being pulled on them.
I read on another website that they react when they just see a gun, I hope that isn't the case because. I like killin, and running around with a gun is more fun.
Anyone know which story is true?
The rest of the news is good.
[*]The Artificial Intelligence of the NPC's has received a huge overhaul, pedestrians do a wide variety of things which were mentioned in the GameInformer article, and they even react to events such as a gun being pulled on them.I read on another website that they react when they just see a gun, I hope that isn't the case because. I like killin, and running around with a gun is more fun.
Anyone know which story is true?
The rest of the news is good.
Maybe its like when your in a rough area when you have a gun no one runs away but when you are in a business/commerce area people will start to run away.
Im glad they said "hardly any" old characters will be back that means there a possibility that some will be back.
Dan Houser stated that no one has attempted to recreate a location of this size, and with so much detail, ever before.Previously you stated that GTA IV's scale is slightly smaller than San Andreas
Yes and this is still true. SA didn't have a lot of detail to it is point we're making. While Liberty City is incredible more detailed than any other GTA game.
There really are no loading screens once you're in the game, even when moving from exterior to interior, moving between the two will be seamless
Cool !! no more loading screens !! that used to be soo bugging!!
wow good to see the cell phone feature
Also,on page 8 of the new PlayStation Magazine it says you wont be able to base jump off the empire state building mad.gif I was so looking forward to jumping off that,what a dissapointment!!! no parachutes in this one it looks like.
First they took away planes now paracute!! aAaAaaAaaAAHHH!!!!
When's the exact launch date of the OPM magazine? I'll buy it when I see it.I believe it's 2nd May, so next Wednesday.
EDIT: might actually be 1st May...
Thanks, I'll have a look on their website now.
Maybe they could use the sixaxis for lockpicking or something like that for a mission. maybe like something that was in the warriors.and if they say you cant base jump off of the empire state... I will find a way...
Good suggestion tilly, that'd be awesome...
And i'm sure you will...
Well I doubt the peds will start screaming to the cops that you have a gun once they see you. After all, in previous games gang members walked around with guns and as long as they didn't use them the cops wouldn't come after them. Plus guns are legal if you have a license down in the US so I'm pretty sure they'll react more scared when you actually aim the gun at them. Something they could say when they only see the gun could be: "Nice gun." or "Point that gun at me and I'll pull out mine." Lol, just some random ideas. R* will definitely have something better.
Edit: Whoops, didn't see the second page here and I meant to reply to the last post on the first page. The one about peds reacting to guns and the one ps3 player replied to as well. Nice idea about the rough and business area ps3 player.
Maybe they could use the sixaxis for lockpicking or something like that for a mission. maybe like something that was in the warriors.and if they say you cant base jump off of the empire state... I will find a way...
Hacking is used in SC Double agent with the Sixaxis but it will be hard for R* to do something really different with the SIXAXIS, maybe they could use it for hydraulics in the game but Im not sure, they'll think of something.
Edit: Whoops, didn't see the second page here and I meant to reply to the last post on the first page. The one about peds reacting to guns and the one ps3 player replied to as well. Nice idea about the rough and business area ps3 player.
Thx man but I don't think that it will be incorporated in the game, I just think the cops are going to get more harder on you.
Hacking is used in SC Double agent with the Sixaxis but it will be hard for R* to do something really different with the SIXAXIS, maybe they could use it for hydraulics in the game but Im not sure, they'll think of something.
How would they be used for hydraulics?
Oh, while I'm asking about six axis.. Is it actually any good for racing games? Couldn't they have an option in the menu to turn it off for cars or something?
Hacking is used in SC Double agent with the Sixaxis but it will be hard for R* to do something really different with the SIXAXIS, maybe they could use it for hydraulics in the game but Im not sure, they'll think of something.How would they be used for hydraulics?
Oh, while I'm asking about six axis.. Is it actually any good for racing games? Couldn't they have an option in the menu to turn it off for cars or something?
You can turn the motion sensing off any time you want. So that ain't a problem.
It would be used in hydraulisc so when you tilt to the left the car tilts to the left and so on......
Hacking is used in SC Double agent with the Sixaxis but it will be hard for R* to do something really different with the SIXAXIS, maybe they could use it for hydraulics in the game but Im not sure, they'll think of something.How would they be used for hydraulics?
Oh, while I'm asking about six axis.. Is it actually any good for racing games? Couldn't they have an option in the menu to turn it off for cars or something?
You can turn the motion sensing off any time you want. So that ain't a problem.
It would be used in hydraulisc so when you tilt to the left the car tilts to the left and so on......
If that was the case I wouldn't ever use hydraulics. I don't want to have to keep my hand perfectly still while trying to drive.
Some cool stuff, going to read the scans now.
Hacking is used in SC Double agent with the Sixaxis but it will be hard for R* to do something really different with the SIXAXIS, maybe they could use it for hydraulics in the game but Im not sure, they'll think of something.How would they be used for hydraulics?
Oh, while I'm asking about six axis.. Is it actually any good for racing games? Couldn't they have an option in the menu to turn it off for cars or something?
You can turn the motion sensing off any time you want. So that ain't a problem.
It would be used in hydraulisc so when you tilt to the left the car tilts to the left and so on......
If that was the case I wouldn't ever use hydraulics. I don't want to have to keep my hand perfectly still while trying to drive.
Some cool stuff, going to read the scans now.
Well you don't have to have them perfectly still you have to tilt about 30 degress before the motion sensing kicks in,
Wow, it's even less useful than I originally thought. No point having motion sensing that isn't even very sensitive.
Read the scans, and it is all rather nice stuff. They are doing some superb stuff. I'm itching to play this game so badly. NEED A CONSOLE
Wow, it's even less useful than I originally thought. No point having motion sensing that isn't even very sensitive.Read the scans, and it is all rather nice stuff. They are doing some superb stuff. I'm itching to play this game so badly. NEED A CONSOLE
Well if you don't like motion sensing buy a 360, you can get the exclusive episodic content aswell.
Wow, it's even less useful than I originally thought. No point having motion sensing that isn't even very sensitive.Read the scans, and it is all rather nice stuff. They are doing some superb stuff. I'm itching to play this game so badly. NEED A CONSOLE
Well if you don't like motion sensing buy a 360, you can get the exclusive episodic content aswell.
It isn't motion sensing against, remember, I 500% support the Wii. It's weak motion sensing((atleast 30 degree tilt before it does something?)), and out-dated technology used as a gimmick.
I'd prefer to get it for PS3, for the sole reason that I've always played GTA with a Playstation controller and it's what I'm use to. It's the easiest to me. The Xbox controller is way different, and I HATE GTA with a keyboard. Yes, I'm willing to spend the extra money so I have the controller I'm use to. But to me it doesn't matter anyways because they are both just consoles to me.
Well I doubt the peds will start screaming to the cops that you have a gun once they see you. After all, in previous games gang members walked around with guns and as long as they didn't use them the cops wouldn't come after them. Plus guns are legal if you have a license down in the US so I'm pretty sure they'll react more scared when you actually aim the gun at them. Something they could say when they only see the gun could be: "Nice gun." or "Point that gun at me and I'll pull out mine." Lol, just some random ideas. R* will definitely have something better.
Ummm... its illegal to have a weapon in public or anywhere else unless you are at a gun certified, enclosed area (gun range, shooting ranch.) If anyone saw anyone with a gun here they would most likely run away. unless there in the deep ghetto, which guns are still illegal. it is only okay to have it at your HOUSE if you have a license.
Well I doubt the peds will start screaming to the cops that you have a gun once they see you. After all, in previous games gang members walked around with guns and as long as they didn't use them the cops wouldn't come after them. Plus guns are legal if you have a license down in the US so I'm pretty sure they'll react more scared when you actually aim the gun at them. Something they could say when they only see the gun could be: "Nice gun." or "Point that gun at me and I'll pull out mine." Lol, just some random ideas. R* will definitely have something better.Ummm... its illegal to have a weapon in public or anywhere else unless you are at a gun certified, enclosed area (gun range, shooting ranch.) If anyone saw anyone with a gun here they would most likely run away. unless there in the deep ghetto, which guns are still illegal. it is only okay to have it at your HOUSE if you have a license.
Unless you have a concealed weapons permit. In which you're allowed to have concealed weapons on you.
yeah but you cant be just a regular pedestrian to have that permit. you gotta be a cop, fbi, that pretty much rules out the point of his statement. no need to get technical and exact.
Um, I'm rather certain you just have to have a clean record and pass a test and such.....