Hardware Limitations and GTAIV

By Chris | 2nd May 2007 at 20:15 GMT in GTA IV | 39 Comments

A number of large gaming websites have been reporting on an interesting quote from Dan Houser, creative Vice President of Rockstar Games, in the latest issue of Official PlayStation magazine. The question posed to Dan regards the limitations of the Xbox 360, with it only being capable of playing games on DVD format, and the fact the "Core" system lacks a hard drive - 6GB of an Xbox 360 hard drive is reserved for system use and game features, such as in-game caching to speed up load times.

Dan not only confirmed that the Xbox 360 does limit what they can do with the game, but also suggested that the PS3 also has a few limitations of its own.

On PS3 you've got a guarantee that every machine is going to have a hard drive and, with Blu-ray, you've got plenty of storage, whereas on Xbox 360 there's no guarantee of a hard drive and you're working with the DVD format. Does that create limitations?

"Yep. To be honest with you we haven't solved all those riddles yet. Both of them have enormous challenges. Again, that's been an advantage having the guys at San Diego who are freakishly clever and full-time dedicated to us, but we're not there with either yet. There are problems on both. We'll get there with both, but both have their own particular pleasures and pains."

You can definitely count on Rockstar doing a great job with the game for both platforms, but which version, if any, will end up being a "better" buy? This question is probably only relevant if either you own both consoles, or if you don't own any and are still deciding which one to buy. The Xbox 360 seems to have greater limitations without it having a guaranteed hard drive, and the fact it uses standard DVD's, but then again, it also has exclusive content confirmed for it, while the PS3 version doesn't.

It's not clear what the specific limitations are for the PS3 version, but hopefully whatever they are they will be sorted out before October, the same goes for the 360 version. We'll update you when we get further information on the differences between both versions of the game.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 2nd May, 2007 @ 20:43 - Permalink

That's interesting. They are making a game but actually don't even know how they are going to get the game able to be played. Also it needs more space so it will be bigger then any other game for the 360 untill now.

They possibly could give 2 DVD's for the 360 but that wouldn't support the no loading stuff.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 2nd May, 2007 @ 20:59 - Permalink
That's interesting. They are making a game but actually don't even know how they are going to get the game able to be played. Also it needs more space so it will be bigger then any other game for the 360 untill now.

They possibly could give 2 DVD's for the 360 but that wouldn't support the no loading stuff.

They didn't say it wouldn't fit on a DVD.... They said there are limitations on both systems, they never said what any of the limitations were.

Jared's photo
Jared 2nd May, 2007 @ 21:08 - Permalink

I had a feeling this was going to happen, either why I'm sure Rockstar will solve the issues. Good luck guys.

#1 canuck fan's photo
#1 canuck fan 2nd May, 2007 @ 23:31 - Permalink

:PPoor players with core system lets pay a moment of silence 4 them :P

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 3rd May, 2007 @ 00:16 - Permalink
:PPoor players with core system lets pay a moment of silence 4 them :P

It doesn't say they won't be able to play, it just says that it could pose a problem.

tilly's photo
tilly 3rd May, 2007 @ 05:18 - Permalink

stop being so picky spaz. people are just saying opinions and you have to correct them for things that arent really needed? whatever.

I wanna learn what the problem is with ps3.

Jared's photo
Jared 3rd May, 2007 @ 05:49 - Permalink

Maybe PC would be a good option?

JOYA's photo
JOYA 3rd May, 2007 @ 06:23 - Permalink

Maybe, it would be cheaper if you don't already have a console. But you will need a good PC to play it.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 3rd May, 2007 @ 11:17 - Permalink

Every PC bought withing the last 6 months should do. And of course the good pc's before that time.

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 3rd May, 2007 @ 11:43 - Permalink

I thought they might of mentioned the "Xbox 360 Elite", couldn't that help some people, though I think that is a limited version?

But we all kind of knew this was going to happen, no console is perfect.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 3rd May, 2007 @ 15:45 - Permalink
stop being so picky spaz. people are just saying opinions and you have to correct them for things that arent really needed? whatever.

I wanna learn what the problem is with ps3.

People are acting as if he specifically stated what the problems were with each console.

Every PC bought withing the last 6 months should do. And of course the good pc's before that time.

No, not true. Not true at ALL. My mom bought a PC a month or so back. It came with Vista. And only 512MB of RAM. That's barely enough to push Vista. But yesterday we stuck another gig of RAM in there. Still f***ing running slow.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 3rd May, 2007 @ 15:53 - Permalink

Well I think this could be bad for one set of console because as the PS3 ain't selling well, they'll probably concentrate more on the 360, but thats just my opinion.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 3rd May, 2007 @ 16:29 - Permalink

I don't think they will, they'll focus on both equally. I think they might struggle to get everything to run smoothly on the Xbox 360, seeing as it's been out for about 2 years, and similar issues with the PS3 - new hardware, so might be difficult to get to grips with, but I'm sure it will all work out fine.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 3rd May, 2007 @ 17:24 - Permalink

I'm sure, too! Rockstar isn't star for nothing! The game will be grate that's for sure!

Gycu's photo
Gycu 3rd May, 2007 @ 17:27 - Permalink

This is a surprise to me, I mean these consoles are next-gen but still GTA 4 has problems with them...but as R* said, the guys at R* San Diego are clever...so maybe they will solve this problem in time and R* wont delay the game...

Pandora's photo
Pandora 3rd May, 2007 @ 18:00 - Permalink
No, not true. Not true at ALL. My mom bought a PC a month or so back. It came with Vista. And only 512MB of RAM. That's barely enough to push Vista. But yesterday we stuck another gig of RAM in there. Still f***ing running slow.

Exept for budget PC's every PC of the last 6 months should be able to get any game running.

What CPU does it have?

You can't get PC's with less then 1 gig of memory here (with exeption of the under 400 EUR ones and a few laptops). Usually they do lack a good graphic card (so just a on-board one from intel or nVidia.)

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 3rd May, 2007 @ 19:16 - Permalink

In my honest opinion, I think if your going to buy a laptop/computer, then you should get 2 gig of ram. I have a really old computer which almost has 1gb of ram and runs off windows XP. Still goes slow, my brother bought it a new graphics card a while ago, so it can play most new games on low quality. And it has about 100gb of disk space. Hoping to buy a macbook though :)

Edit: Sorry I went a bit off-topic, won't happen again.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 3rd May, 2007 @ 19:46 - Permalink

Why would you buy a mac for gaming :mellow:

tilly's photo
tilly 4th May, 2007 @ 01:48 - Permalink

how do you have almost a gig of ram? its either a gig or 512.

Who would buy a mac for gaming... that would be one really stupid decision.

And why do people still want this game for Wii, ive been looking at other forums and i saw that alot of people still want it for wii. i just dont get it.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 4th May, 2007 @ 01:55 - Permalink
how do you have almost a gig of ram? its either a gig or 512.

Who would buy a mac for gaming... that would be one really stupid decision.

And why do people still want this game for Wii, ive been looking at other forums and i saw that alot of people still want it for wii. i just dont get it.

Um, no? Since I have on-board video, it has to share memory with my RAM, which puts my RAM a bit LOWER than 2GBs. Also, there are 256 sticks, 128 sticks, and 64 sticks. I THINK you could probably find 32 sticks, also.

And some people, like myself, want GTA on Wii. Not GTA IV..... Just GTA.

tilly's photo
tilly 4th May, 2007 @ 01:58 - Permalink

yeah but two ram cards have to be mirrored or the higher memory one wont work. And i think hes talking about the physical memory, not the actual working memory. (ex. Has two 512 RAM sticks physically IN his computer)

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 4th May, 2007 @ 02:04 - Permalink
yeah but two ram cards have to be mirrored or the higher memory one wont work. And i think hes talking about the physical memory, not the actual working memory. (ex. Has two 512 RAM sticks physically IN his computer)

Higher cards will lower in terms of SPEED, but not MEMORY...... You can put a 512 and a 256 together and have 768 MB of RAM.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 4th May, 2007 @ 14:27 - Permalink

They don't say GTA IV for Wii, just a GTA game for the Wii. And I'd like that too actually.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 4th May, 2007 @ 18:56 - Permalink
This is a surprise to me, I mean these consoles are next-gen but still GTA 4 has problems with them...but as R* said, the guys at R* San Diego are clever...so maybe they will solve this problem in time and R* wont delay the game...

There will probably be a delay in the game, this is probably a little message to say that we won't be able to deliver on time.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 4th May, 2007 @ 19:55 - Permalink
They don't say GTA IV for Wii, just a GTA game for the Wii. And I'd like that too actually.

Yes, that's right and Wii have way too slow graphic and memory! New GTA will not be released for Wii for sure!

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 5th May, 2007 @ 03:21 - Permalink
They don't say GTA IV for Wii, just a GTA game for the Wii. And I'd like that too actually.

Yes, that's right and Wii have way too slow graphic and memory! New GTA will not be released for Wii for sure!

Um, have you seen the newest Zelda? Looks pretty good. The Wii isn't "slow", as you put it... It's higher-end than the PS2, which could play GTA..... So how about you stop being ignorant and actually know something before bashing it?

Red_91's photo
Red_91 5th May, 2007 @ 07:49 - Permalink

Well if there was multiple gaming discs, GTA4 could definetly be on the Wii and actually have graphics that are about parwith 360 and PS3

tilly's photo
tilly 5th May, 2007 @ 08:28 - Permalink
They don't say GTA IV for Wii, just a GTA game for the Wii. And I'd like that too actually.

You really didnt get my point, did you? I said and meant people saying it for GTAIV. 4. not any other gta. 4. they are still saying it for 4. thats why i said it.

and gta for wii would be fine actually i was just about to say that in another topic. have a gtaIV expansion (or expansion expansion lik the stories) for the wii.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 5th May, 2007 @ 09:36 - Permalink

There is no such thing as slow graphics. And the Wii actually has more memory then a ps3 (but a weaker CPU of course. Far weaker). What mainly determines the fun is the game-play, not graphics. So I really can't see why the Wii wouldn't be able to play a GTA game.

Drome's photo
Drome 5th May, 2007 @ 13:32 - Permalink

Can't wait till it comes out for ps3! :D

I just hope people realise its goin to be great, no matter what it comes out on.

Now...where to find £50.....

gamerzworld's photo
gamerzworld 6th May, 2007 @ 04:33 - Permalink

I'm betting the hard drive problem is with the game saves. The game saves are too big to fit on a memory card. Maby they will use a less detailed game save on memory cards and more detailed ones on hard drives.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 6th May, 2007 @ 12:49 - Permalink

Save games have never posed a problem. If my memory card is a prob, I'll just buy a new one.

Drome's photo
Drome 7th May, 2007 @ 18:50 - Permalink

I wan't multiplayer! Kill everyone who owns a ps3 :pissedred: (online of course)

Does anyone know if the graphics on the 360 will be affected by the consoles limitations?

If so, its another thing to avoid in my eyes....

See you all online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ps3 owners only) :innocent:

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 7th May, 2007 @ 19:46 - Permalink
I wan't multiplayer! Kill everyone who owns a ps3 :pissedred: (online of course)

Does anyone know if the graphics on the 360 will be affected by the consoles limitations?

If so, its another thing to avoid in my eyes....

See you all online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ps3 owners only) :innocent:

I personally believe they'll be rather equal. And I find you not to be a true GTA fan if SLIGHT GRAPHICAL DIFFERENCES are IMPORTANT to you.

Drome's photo
Drome 7th May, 2007 @ 20:14 - Permalink

Me not a True GTA Fan!???!!!!!!! :pissedred::bashhead:

I am trying to promote the ps3 version as it will mean that I have more people to murder!!!!! :lolbounce:

Please dont jump to any harsh conclusions,


Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 8th May, 2007 @ 15:37 - Permalink

You're saying to avoid the one with lower graphics. Whether you live by that statement or not, you're still promoting it and attempting to breed the type of gamers we want to get RID OF. Jesus Christ, what happened to the gamers back in the day who didn't care what a game looked like at all, as long as it was fun?

Drome's photo
Drome 8th May, 2007 @ 19:35 - Permalink

Jesus, your right! :mellow:

Ive become what I hate......

Whoa.... I need to think about this....

p.s. I can only get 1 version of the game since all I own is a Ps3. :mellow:

p.p.s Why does everyone hate me...?.......

LAST POST EVER...........

Gycu's photo
Gycu 8th May, 2007 @ 19:43 - Permalink
Jesus, your right! :mellow:

Ive become what I hate......

Whoa.... I need to think about this....

p.s. I can only get 1 version of the game since all I own is a Ps3. :mellow:

p.p.s Why does everyone hate me...?.......

LAST POST EVER...........

OffTopic:This happens to all of us, at least to me, about 3 days after I joined some guys insulted me badly...partially my fault...for a minor thing a guy told me to get a gun and shoot myself and other insults... I said too that I will never post anything on this forums..you must get over it...

No one hates you, it`s your mind ! :)

Drome's photo
Drome 8th May, 2007 @ 19:49 - Permalink

Thanks man, guess that promise didn't last long :D:P

Next time, I guess I should keep Quiet.... :D

Sorry for wasting everyones time.

Won't go off topic again....

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