New GTAIV Preview From OPM Italia

By Chris | 10th May 2007 at 19:03 GMT in GTA IV | 10 Comments

opm_it_may07.jpgItaly's version of Official PlayStation magazine have a preview of GTA IV this month, they also seem to have received the same demo as the other mags we've reported on so far. There isn't much new to say on this one if you read the new tidbits from OXM we posted about today. However, there are a few additional details to mention which clarify some of the things in said OXM article.

  • Further to the new targeting system, it appears Niko is able to strafe left and right when locked on to a target after pulling out a weapon to avoid being shot.
  • Emphasising the detailing gone into the city, you can see what's under grates on the sidewalk providing there's enough light shining into it.
  • While hi-jacking cars driving along the road is a familiar task for GTA players, hi-jacking a parked vehicle seems like it has more to it now. No longer can you simply open the door and drive off. Now you'll have to be stealthy about it, break the window to get in, and then hot wire it.

These details may be a little sketchy due to mistranslation, as obviously the magazine is in Italian so keep checking back for any further clarification we get on the aforementioned details. Also in the magazine is some new artwork, depicting a man laying on a sofa smoking an unknown substance.

Thanks to GTA-Series for the scans and translation.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 10th May, 2007 @ 19:10 - Permalink

Dunno what to say about that last thing. Quite cool, but I'll have to get used to that.

Mike356's photo
Mike356 10th May, 2007 @ 19:42 - Permalink

that would add a lot more realism if you had to hot wire cars instead of just getting in and going

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 11th May, 2007 @ 02:04 - Permalink
that would add a lot more realism if you had to hot wire cars instead of just getting in and going

But also, how long would this take? Any less than 3-5 seconds would be nothing but show... Any more than 5 seconds would become very annoying for when you just want to get in a car and take off.

tilly's photo
tilly 11th May, 2007 @ 05:17 - Permalink

Yeah the bottom one is a + and -. i wish i had the +- symbol...

But yeah it will get sorta annoying stealing parked cars like that, but i can deal with it, i usually get driving cars anyways.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 11th May, 2007 @ 17:17 - Permalink

I agree with Spaz on this one, if it takes quite long I wouldn' really bother stealing a parked car. Maybe its just simple hot wiring like it does it automatically but I don't know.

tilly's photo
tilly 12th May, 2007 @ 05:12 - Permalink

hey i just read it and it also said that changing your clothes would help the cops get off your tale "when they are on your trail." Maybe cops are MUCH smarter this time and dont just follow you for 10 minutes shooting you then run away. i think thats cool and fun at the same time. More realistic, more targets.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 12th May, 2007 @ 08:36 - Permalink
hey i just read it and it also said that changing your clothes would help the cops get off your tale "when they are on your trail." Maybe cops are MUCH smarter this time and dont just follow you for 10 minutes shooting you then run away. i think thats cool and fun at the same time. More realistic, more targets.

I thought this was already in San Andreas and I am 100% sure it was in Vice City as well.

Artur's photo
Artur 12th May, 2007 @ 17:12 - Permalink

Yeah the changing of clothes/outfits was already implemented in SA and VC so nothing new (wow used a pretty big word there :P). Like others, I'm not to sure about the parked car thing because imagine this: you're on a super hard mission running away from a bunch of gang members wanting to kill you and you need a getaway car. The only one you find is a parked one and all the gang members just start shooting you while you take your precious time to hot wire the car and in a couple of seconds the car blows up and your dead. It would be more realistic I agree but it just can't use up too much time.

tilly's photo
tilly 14th May, 2007 @ 01:46 - Permalink

No im not saying the clothes thing, im saying when they said "on your trail" not on your tail, on your trail. meaning they dont just lose you and drop the chase, and if you kill someone maybe 30 seconds later there gunna go after you. ['2 stars without any cops around. get ready to get identified. look for cops and cop cars walking around and go hide in a safe place. and if your lucky, buy some new clothes.'] see what i mean?

Red_91's photo
Red_91 14th May, 2007 @ 20:40 - Permalink
Yeah the changing of clothes/outfits was already implemented in SA and VC so nothing new (wow used a pretty big word there :P). Like others, I'm not to sure about the parked car thing because imagine this: you're on a super hard mission running away from a bunch of gang members wanting to kill you and you need a getaway car. The only one you find is a parked one and all the gang members just start shooting you while you take your precious time to hot wire the car and in a couple of seconds the car blows up and your dead. It would be more realistic I agree but it just can't use up too much time.

Hot wiring might just be automatic thus making it easier though I would hate it for it to be something else. Plus I think R* should put a damage bar when you enter a car so you know how much it is damaged,

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