Some GTAIV Info from GamePro Germany

By Chris | 15th May 2007 at 19:01 GMT in GTA IV | 12 Comments

German magazine GamePro recently published their preview of GTA4. It looks to be the same as all the other magazines we've reported on so far, simply reiterating what we already know. A couple of minor new details have popped up though:

  • Niko will have access to a wardrobe in his flat - it is not clear whether this will be on the scale of what we had in San Andreas, or more like what we saw in Liberty and Vice City Stories.
  • There are several different animation sets for breaking into a car
  • Rockstar are thinking about doing something that the True Crime games, by giving every street it's own name which will fade in/out of the screen when entered, rather like each area did in previous GTA games. This has not yet been finalised though.
  • Rockstar are aiming to have no differences between the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions (aside from possibly downloadable content)
  • Rockstar are also trying to remove some of the less realistic things from GTA, such as arrow and markers showing the player where to go. Instead we will possibly make use of gadgets in Niko's possession such as his mobile phone.

Thanks to for the news.

Drome's photo
Drome 15th May, 2007 @ 19:31 - Permalink

Flat? FLAT? Does anyone know if you can actually BUY properties in the game?

I hope you can.... :huh:

Rockstar is holding out on us ...;)

Red_91's photo
Red_91 15th May, 2007 @ 20:02 - Permalink
Flat? FLAT? Does anyone know if you can actually BUY properties in the game?

I hope you can.... :huh:

Rockstar is holding out on us ...;)

You probably can buy properties but I do hope the clothing system is exactly the same or very similar to the one in San Andreas.

Silberio's photo
Silberio 16th May, 2007 @ 00:14 - Permalink

What does Flat mean?

and the last thing, what is it with that, in eve3ry GTA game, the name of the street you are on apears, and then fades away

7.62mm's photo
7.62mm 16th May, 2007 @ 01:37 - Permalink

I am not sure buddy, but I think a flat is like an apartment complex. Maybe I am wrong..

Cursed's photo
Cursed 16th May, 2007 @ 06:13 - Permalink

Its an apartment, theyre a large building seperated into a few floors and quite a few apartments.

- And Rockstar said they have the dynamics of Niko just right so you wont have the SA clothing system style :(.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 16th May, 2007 @ 11:49 - Permalink
Niko will have access to a wardrobe in his flat

So that means we`ll have a flat safehouse...isn`t this the first time?

It is not clear whether this will be on the scale of what we had in San Andreas, or more like what we saw in Liberty and Vice City Stories

I don`t wanna be a n00b, I haven`t played LCS & VCS, but how was the wardrobe in LCS and VCS ? Was it like in Vice City ( 2002) ?

As in the True Crime games, every street now has it's own name which will fade in/out of the screen when entered, rather like each area did in previous GTA games

So that means there will be lots of fake street names... I hope R* didn`t ran out of ideas....Ah, what the heck? they never do... :)

Its an apartment, theyre a large building seperated into a few floors and quite a few apartments.

Exactly, I live in a flat, I`m writing this message from a flat :)

Chris's photo
Chris 16th May, 2007 @ 12:57 - Permalink
It is not clear whether this will be on the scale of what we had in San Andreas, or more like what we saw in Liberty and Vice City Stories

I don`t wanna be a n00b, I haven`t played LCS & VCS, but how was the wardrobe in LCS and VCS ? Was it like in Vice City ( 2002) ?

Kind of, it was better than Vice City though. In LCS and VCS, you basically had a clothes icon in each safehouse, you walk into it, and you press left or right to scroll through available outfits, then just press X to select the one you want. It wasn't as big as SA where you were able to select individual items of clothing etc.

As in the True Crime games, every street now has it's own name which will fade in/out of the screen when entered, rather like each area did in previous GTA games

So that means there will be lots of fake street names... I hope R* didn`t ran out of ideas....Ah, what the heck? they never do... :)

Well if they just do it typical American lazy style like 5th street, 6th street, 7th street etc. (the most unimaginitive names for streets in the world... any other countries do this)

And let me guess, there will be a 69th street... :)

Gycu's photo
Gycu 16th May, 2007 @ 13:36 - Permalink
Kind of, it was better than Vice City though. In LCS and VCS, you basically had a clothes icon in each safehouse, you walk into it, and you press left or right to scroll through available outfits, then just press X to select the one you want. It wasn't as big as SA where you were able to select individual items of clothing etc.

Ok, thx, I didn`t knew that, and seems cool...

Well if they just do it typical American lazy style like 5th street, 6th street, 7th street etc. (the most unimaginitive names for streets in the world... any other countries do this)

Yes but I still hope for better names for Broadway,WallStreet etc...

And let me guess, there will be a 69th street... :)

Something tells me that the game will start from the 69th street :P I wonder where is that situated in NY... I`ll go do some research about this, or maybe I shall start TrueCrime NYC and find it there :) I heard rumours about the game starting in Hover Beach...

Red_91's photo
Red_91 16th May, 2007 @ 14:54 - Permalink

Without the SA clothing system, the game will lost a lot but I didn't really have a problem with the VCS outfits.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 16th May, 2007 @ 15:11 - Permalink

Well in San Andreas areas only had names, not streets.

Like Grove Street was in Ganton and in only shows Ganton.

Artur's photo
Artur 17th May, 2007 @ 04:09 - Permalink

Yeah the street names will let R* have a little fun. I like the idea of 69th street :P

The clothing system should be like LCS and VCS but just a bigger variety of outfits and stuff. SA was too much like playing Barbie although I did like having my own personal "look". Some nice little info seems to be coming by each mag. :)

tilly's photo
tilly 17th May, 2007 @ 04:12 - Permalink

yeah all the other games and squares and areas. Sortof like if your near the civic center it would be called Civic park or something.

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