GTA IV Screenshots and Previews Galore!

By Chris | 24th May 2007 at 18:35 GMT in GTA IV | 47 Comments

*UPDATE*: I have uploaded the unwatermarked versions of the screenshots, which hopefully you'll find are a little nicer to look at.

*UPDATE 2*: Added some very high resolution official artwork and better quality screenshots.

Several gaming websites have all published previews of GTA IV today, all of them including some brand new screenshots, in addition to digital versions of all the screens we've seen in print over the past couple of months. There doesn't appear to be anything new said in the previews, but links to the various articles are after the screenshots below.

bridge1.jpg bstone.jpg dawn.jpg docknight.jpg dusk.jpg elevated_tracks.jpg full_auto.jpg heckler.jpg hill.jpg hood.jpg niko4.jpg rama.jpg shopper.jpg trainb.jpg inside_bar_oe1.jpg chinatown_oe2.jpg black_car_oe3.jpg bridge2_oe4.jpg

Official artwork and new logos:

GTAIV_logo_OnBlack.jpg GTAIV_logo_OnWhite.jpg

Car_Shoot_Out.jpg Niko_Shotgun.jpg Police.jpg

Articles: IGN, GameSpot, GamesRadar,, C&VG

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 24th May, 2007 @ 18:42 - Permalink

Pictures looks great! I wonder who is that guy on a last picture?

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 24th May, 2007 @ 18:42 - Permalink

I am loving the brilliant views of Liberty City (Again). Great pictures, I wonder did all three sites plan to release these on the same day?

Chris's photo
Chris 24th May, 2007 @ 18:51 - Permalink

Am I the only one who thinks the vehicle models don't look too good at the moment. I mean, this screen for example:

That car is way too shiny, and what on earth is going with the reflections (look at the doors). Hope this is fixed in the final game.

Another demo glitch:

Looks like the car in front of the taxi is being sucked into the middle of the bridge! (That's the taxi in the middle, not the bottom of the screen)

Sexual innuendo already:

Sign reads "Cher Kov" which is pronounced like jerk off, a sign lower down reads "please BLOW HORN"

But yeah those vehicle models and 'glitch' are my only concerns right now. Looking good otherwise.

I wonder did all three sites plan to release these on the same day?

Rockstar generally send assets (screenshots) to a number of websites all at once, so they have something to post with their preview.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 24th May, 2007 @ 18:56 - Permalink

I don't have probs with the shining. Just the model isn't all that good. The grid for instance.


Red_91's photo
Red_91 24th May, 2007 @ 19:15 - Permalink

Well I wonder who the other guy is, Roman? He has some didersaches stuff on too.

Chris's photo
Chris 24th May, 2007 @ 19:20 - Permalink

I highly doubt Roman is going to be a black man though, it could be the character in the artwork we saw of the guy laying on a sofa smoking what was presumably weed.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 24th May, 2007 @ 19:29 - Permalink
Pictures looks great! I wonder who is that guy on a last picture?

I was also going to mention that he has on Didier Sachs boxers.

Pretty nice looking sigs, people.

V's photo
V 24th May, 2007 @ 19:31 - Permalink

Aaah, brilliance.

Are these on a specific console?

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 24th May, 2007 @ 19:34 - Permalink

If they are we are yet to know. I'd be willing to bet both consoles look rather similar, or we could possibly get different sets of pictures, y'know? Will have to wait until a few more months pass to see if we ever get separate screens.

Silberio's photo
Silberio 24th May, 2007 @ 19:44 - Permalink

Sweet screenshots.

Actually, Chris is right with the red car, but anyways...its better than the other games

Chris's photo
Chris 24th May, 2007 @ 19:57 - Permalink
Aaah, brilliance.

Are these on a specific console?

Actually yes they are, these particular ones are from an Xbox 360 demo, which is what Rockstar have been showing to all these magazines and websites. But Rockstar will most likely also produce PS3 versions which they will show to the press, and we'll no doubt get screens that have come from that console too.

Spaz is right saying both are probably going to look very similar. This is also supported by the fact that no website or magazine has actually put any emphasis on saying they come from a 360, suggesting that we probably won't be able to tell which console they've come from unless we're told.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 24th May, 2007 @ 20:23 - Permalink

Really amazing shots, although there's still a long way to go before it's released, so they can get much more detailed than that. I particularly like the shots with water in them, that's what it's all about, and that's the level I come to expect of games these days.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 24th May, 2007 @ 21:27 - Permalink

The sky looks great... I like it`s blue color... Looks like is going to rain in one pic...

I also noticed the Didier Sachs clothes, but that guy doesn`t wear a suit or a tuxedo...And also the Africa Pendant, the black rag and the dark shades... Looks like that guy took his clothes from different clothe shop from San Andreas, the black rag and the Africa Pendant aren`t from Didier Sachs that`s for sure...

Edit: I looked closer and I`m not 100% the pendant is an African Pendant, the shape is similar but also slightly different...

I`m sure that guy is probably from Africa because it has a flag ( colors : red/yellow/green ) on the belt, also the shirt has these colors and also the pendant ... Probably this guy is from Cameroon... I`m gonna research...

Edit 2 : Lots of African countries have red, yellow and green on the flag

Chris's photo
Chris 24th May, 2007 @ 23:10 - Permalink

*UPDATE*: I have uploaded unwatermarked versions of the screenshots which should be a little nicer to look at.

2003's photo
2003 24th May, 2007 @ 23:41 - Permalink

I now believe that there will be an African Gang in GTA IV.

Silberio's photo
Silberio 24th May, 2007 @ 23:54 - Permalink


No way, my friend, if you are talking about the guy in the last picture, its a Rastafari

Artur's photo
Artur 25th May, 2007 @ 00:38 - Permalink

Nice screenshots, some new ones we haven't seen before. The last guy could be a Rastafarian looking at his belt but who knows? We'll have to wait to find out but still a nice little preview of GTA IV in screenshots. :)

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 25th May, 2007 @ 02:41 - Permalink

The screenshots are nice, but they seem a little fuzzy.

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 25th May, 2007 @ 05:42 - Permalink
Am I the only one who thinks the vehicle models don't look too good at the moment. I mean, this screen for example:

That car is way too shiny, and what on earth is going with the reflections (look at the doors). Hope this is fixed in the final game.

Another demo glitch:

Looks like the car in front of the taxi is being sucked into the middle of the bridge! (That's the taxi in the middle, not the bottom of the screen)

You do have to remember that the engine that render the game is not final, and so also for the vehicles. I know of at least one that was shown in the trailer that still had stuff to be done on it. About the "demo glitch", that is an interesting one.

I don't think it's much of a glitch, and there is actually a slight chance they released that screenshot to so many magazines and online sites on purpose. I mean, they obviously look through the screens before sending them out, and you spot that clearly within 2 seconds.

The guy on the left is likely Niko, and they could've gotten out of that car, climbed on top of the bridge, activated the free-aim camera and took a shot. So yeah, could be that they wanted fans to speculate you can even climb that good... Niko perhaps a former gymnast ? :P

Artur's photo
Artur 25th May, 2007 @ 06:02 - Permalink
The screenshots are nice, but they seem a little fuzzy.

Yeah a bit low quality if you ask me.

The guy on the left is likely Niko, and they could've gotten out of that car, climbed on top of the bridge, activated the free-aim camera and took a shot. So yeah, could be that they wanted fans to speculate you can even climb that good... Niko perhaps a former gymnast ? :P

Heh, yeah maybe GTA IV is going all Prince of Persia style :P It'd be really cool if you could climb almost anywhere though.

Jared's photo
Jared 25th May, 2007 @ 06:09 - Permalink

I've contacted Rockstar Games and asked if I would be able to get some high-quality un-watermarked versions. Just waiting on a reply.

Adriaan's photo
Adriaan 25th May, 2007 @ 14:14 - Permalink
I've contacted Rockstar Games and asked if I would be able to get some high-quality un-watermarked versions. Just waiting on a reply.

They released the assets a while ago... Chris can get them from me or Jordan. Just grab them from GTAF would be the best.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 25th May, 2007 @ 14:29 - Permalink

Great shots, a bit fuzzy, whatever. I'm feeling good again :) and thinking GTAIV is gonna kick ass again. That game and city looks so fu**ing fun to free roam around lol.

Queenie's photo
Queenie 25th May, 2007 @ 14:44 - Permalink

I'm starting to get excited about this game now, the trailer didn't really hype me up to be honest but the screen shots have got me interested now.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 25th May, 2007 @ 18:20 - Permalink

Well I always thought the 360 screens wouldn't be much different to the PS3 ones, but still it would be nice to see some PS3 screenshots for a change.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 25th May, 2007 @ 18:31 - Permalink

I don`t want to start another XBOX360 vs PS 3 but I heard that XBOX has better graphics and IMO that`s why they took the pics from it ... But don`t forget the M$ exclusive ...

Genyus's photo
Genyus 25th May, 2007 @ 18:38 - Permalink

w00t this game is gonna rawk ^_^ I love the cars only the red one is a bit too shiny lol :P

Further I don't really like Niko in these pics but whatever lol

Queenie's photo
Queenie 25th May, 2007 @ 18:45 - Permalink

I'm starting to warm to the main character (Niko) now, but I wasn't so sure when I first saw him. The shine on the red car could be due to the camera angle and the sun reflecting off it.

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 25th May, 2007 @ 19:16 - Permalink

Yes, it could be, but as Chris said I belive that it is going to be fixed in the finale release. And Niko looks kinda "artwork".

Bear's photo
Bear 25th May, 2007 @ 19:19 - Permalink

They do look pretty good, I like the screenshot of the city in the distance. The qualityof the game looks very good

Silberio's photo
Silberio 25th May, 2007 @ 19:46 - Permalink


The water reflection and the water it self looks great too

Chris's photo
Chris 25th May, 2007 @ 22:04 - Permalink

*UPDATE 2*: Added some very high resolution official artwork and better quality screenshots.

Dave1's photo
Dave1 26th May, 2007 @ 01:46 - Permalink

The screens look good, can't wait to see more. :)

Red_91's photo
Red_91 26th May, 2007 @ 08:38 - Permalink

I have a feeling that red car might be an audi a4 you know but Im not completely sure.


Maybe a chrysler

Nate10's photo
Nate10 26th May, 2007 @ 17:23 - Permalink
Pic. In that pic there's a Turismo poster or something on the high left side. Maybe like a "make fun of" thing of GT like they did of True Crime....
tilly's photo
tilly 26th May, 2007 @ 19:28 - Permalink
I have a feeling that red car might be an audi a4 you know but Im not completely sure.


Maybe a chrysler

it could also be a lexus.

Silberio's photo
Silberio 27th May, 2007 @ 00:28 - Permalink

Or a VolksWagen.

Artur's photo
Artur 27th May, 2007 @ 01:20 - Permalink

Looks like a little mix of all of them. Some nice new screenshots and the artwork looks awesome too.

7.62mm's photo
7.62mm 27th May, 2007 @ 04:42 - Permalink

Very nice new screens. I'm really happy to see it much more populated than it was b4 :)

tilly's photo
tilly 27th May, 2007 @ 23:38 - Permalink
Or a VolksWagen.

I really dont see how it could be a VW...

Artur's photo
Artur 28th May, 2007 @ 00:55 - Permalink

Probably talking about the likes of a Jetta but nah doesn't look like that much IMO. Looks more like that Chrysler I can't remember the name of...

tilly's photo
tilly 28th May, 2007 @ 01:34 - Permalink

a 300? thats the closest chrysler to it, and i still dont think it looks like it that much.

Catcher's photo
Catcher 28th May, 2007 @ 04:40 - Permalink
Pic. In that pic there's a Turismo poster or something on the high left side. Maybe like a "make fun of" thing of GT like they did of True Crime....

I have a feeling it's actually an advertisment for the car model 'Turismo', like from San Andreas, it looks very similar... and sweet ^_^

So if thats the case, we have our first confirmed car (named).

Silberio's photo
Silberio 28th May, 2007 @ 19:41 - Permalink

ROFLEZ, yeah.

I was thinking on a VW Pasat BTW, anyways, no car in any GTA, was exactly like the real one it represents, kinda.

tilly's photo
tilly 28th May, 2007 @ 19:52 - Permalink

yes. the sentenel is almost exactly like a bmw 2000.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 29th May, 2007 @ 03:00 - Permalink
Pic. In that pic there's a Turismo poster or something on the high left side. Maybe like a "make fun of" thing of GT like they did of True Crime....

I have a feeling it's actually an advertisment for the car model 'Turismo', like from San Andreas, it looks very similar... and sweet ^_^

So if thats the case, we have our first confirmed car (named).

Yeah, good thought too. Man, high-def Turismo :) .

tilly's photo
tilly 29th May, 2007 @ 05:10 - Permalink

it has now changed. From a diablo to a 360 superamerica. YAY.

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