GTA IV Episodic Content Exclusive to 360, confirms Take-Two

By Chris | 15th Jun 2007 at 23:24 GMT in GTA IV | 46 Comments

Speculation on this subject began back in September 2006 when Microsoft first announced that the Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV would receive episodic content. Recently, in the past week, many gaming sites have picked up on this again, after Take-Two released their financial results for the second quarter. The press release simply stated that episodic content would arrive on the Xbox 360 sometime during 2008, with no mention of the PS3.

Today, a Take-Two spokesperson has confirmed to that the episodic content planned for Grand Theft Auto IV will be exclusively released for the Xbox 360.

a company representative has told, "The Grand Theft Auto IV episodic content is exclusive to Xbox 360."

This comes as yet another huge blow to the PlayStation 3, which is doing appallingly compared to its rivals, the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

#1 canuck fan's photo
#1 canuck fan 15th June, 2007 @ 23:36 - Permalink

Aww Crap :jumpon: Lucky Xbox 360 owners

Dazza's photo
Dazza 15th June, 2007 @ 23:37 - Permalink


Why do they only have to put it on the X360, it sucks like so much that they don't have it on the PS3 as well!!!!


Charger's photo
Charger 15th June, 2007 @ 23:39 - Permalink

Anything can happen, You'll see..........

Chris's photo
Chris 15th June, 2007 @ 23:47 - Permalink

Oh please, leave the fanboy comments out of this. Both systems are amazing. No one cares if you don't like one or the other.

I was thinking the same Charger, but you have to admit now take two have said it's 360 exclusive, it's not looking too great for Sony. We'll see what happens, if anything, though.

Dazza's photo
Dazza 15th June, 2007 @ 23:53 - Permalink

If i was "fan boying" I would go...'Why do they have to have it on X360, bring it on Wii."

But yeah, Sony is not doing well at all...yet now if it comes on computer we might get it on there...

Chris's photo
Chris 16th June, 2007 @ 00:08 - Permalink

Well I was referring to you saying "the X360, it sucks like so much" - no it doesn't. But enough of this already, let's not get sidetracked with arguments about which consoles we like.

Who here thinks that the PS3 will eventually get some exclusive DLC of its own?

Dazza's photo
Dazza 16th June, 2007 @ 00:13 - Permalink

I ment by it sucks saying that it's only going to be on X360 and also not on the PS3. I didn't mean anything by the console.

chris82's photo
chris82 16th June, 2007 @ 00:15 - Permalink








(Not that I'm insinuating that the PS3 sucks in any way Chris, but it just got its shit ruined with this announcement)

Jared's photo
Jared 16th June, 2007 @ 00:19 - Permalink

Don't seem right, Rockstar have always used the PS3 more then anything else, lots of exclusive games have been released on it rather then the Xbox. Not to mention the limitations, makes you wonder, maybe they have something planned, I find it hard to believe they wouldn't.

Chris's photo
Chris 16th June, 2007 @ 00:26 - Permalink

@Dazza: Oh, sorry, I read your comment the wrong way, looked like you were saying the 360 sucks, not that it sucks they only put it on 360... punctuation...

@chris82: yeah you are right actually. heh.

@Jared: Yeah it's strange they now seem to be favouring MS over Sony when it's always been the other way round. How times have changed...

I guess there could always be a surprise announcement, but it's getting later and later now [for people who haven't bought a console yet] as people will now turn to 360. If Sony leave it too late then everyone will have already got a 360 and won't want/can't afford a PS3 as well.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 16th June, 2007 @ 02:30 - Permalink
Speculation on this subject began back in September 2006 when Microsoft first announced that the Xbox 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV would receive episodic content. Recently, in the past week, many gaming sites have picked up on this again, after Take-Two released their financial results for the second quarter. The press release simply stated that episodic content would arrive on the Xbox 360 sometime during 2008, with no mention of the PS3.

Today, a Take-Two spokesperson has confirmed to that the episodic content planned for Grand Theft Auto IV will be exclusively released for the Xbox 360.

a company representative has told, "The Grand Theft Auto IV episodic content is exclusive to Xbox 360."

This comes as yet another huge blow to the PlayStation 3, which is doing appallingly compared to its rivals, the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Jared's photo
Jared 16th June, 2007 @ 03:09 - Permalink

I guess at the same time there are other games that are meant to be being released that havn't been documented, so maybe they are covering some up for now?

balbaro's photo
balbaro 16th June, 2007 @ 03:56 - Permalink

Who cares...

GTAIV for PC please ??????

chris82's photo
chris82 16th June, 2007 @ 03:58 - Permalink

OGTAM, I hope you're not saying that you think it'll be released exclusivly for 360, meaning it'll be released first for 360 because it has exclusivity but released later for PS3. No. was told it's exclusive to 360. Therefore ONLY for 360.

Who cares...

GTAIV for PC please ??????

Wait until June 2008.

surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 16th June, 2007 @ 04:01 - Permalink

i know this sounds really stupid, but i never knew what exactly is an episodic content, and what's the advantage of having it???? :(

can someone tell me the details?

7.62mm's photo
7.62mm 16th June, 2007 @ 05:55 - Permalink

Good thing I have a 360

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 16th June, 2007 @ 06:01 - Permalink


Any word on what the content will be?

Also, any word on system requirements for PC?.

Charger's photo
Charger 16th June, 2007 @ 06:09 - Permalink

We don't know what the content will be yet.

GTA IV for PC hasn't been announced. So we don't know the requirements, I expect a good PC for it.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 16th June, 2007 @ 07:20 - Permalink
i know this sounds really stupid, but i never knew what exactly is an episodic content, and what's the advantage of having it???? :(

can someone tell me the details?

It is kind of like an Expansion Pack .... But no one knows what will contain ... ( could be missions/cars/clothes etc. )

And I don`t think ether PS 3 will have Exclusive Content, neither the PC version ( if one ) ...

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 16th June, 2007 @ 11:51 - Permalink

Oh well... Another day another blow to the PS3 and yet I still stick by them. I don't really care, as long as I play GTAIV on the launch day I will be happy. Well done to MS and Take-Two for destroying my day.

Chris's photo
Chris 16th June, 2007 @ 13:04 - Permalink
OGTAM, I hope you're not saying that you think it'll be released exclusivly for 360, meaning it'll be released first for 360 because it has exclusivity but released later for PS3. No. was told it's exclusive to 360. Therefore ONLY for 360.

I couldn't work out what he meant either. Way to fail emphasis.

OGTAM, I don't think you can just read the sentence differently to then assume that the PS3 will get some at a later date. What you're doing there is taking the quote out of context from's article.

For now, everyone just has to accept the fact that the 360 is the only console getting additional content. If the PS3 is getting some then it will be announced to us a later date, for now it doesn't have any though.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 16th June, 2007 @ 13:08 - Permalink

Well I sort of knew this a long time ago but can someone please answer me one question, you know the GTA after GTAIV, is it exclusive to PS3 or 360 or both?

Chris's photo
Chris 16th June, 2007 @ 13:39 - Permalink

No we don't know the GTA after GTA IV, we also don't know what consoles it will be on, I'd imagine both, again.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 16th June, 2007 @ 14:03 - Permalink

Thx Chris, I was unsure thats why I asked, if its on both it will be alright

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 16th June, 2007 @ 16:30 - Permalink
I couldn't work out what he meant either. Way to fail emphasis.

OGTAM, I don't think you can just read the sentence differently to then assume that the PS3 will get some at a later date. What you're doing there is taking the quote out of context from's article.

For now, everyone just has to accept the fact that the 360 is the only console getting additional content. If the PS3 is getting some then it will be announced to us a later date, for now it doesn't have any though.

I'm simply pointing out that it says "exclusively released". If it said " that the episodic content planned for Grand Theft Auto IV will be exclusively for the Xbox 360.", THEN I would say "Yes, it's only for the 360."

I'm just saying, Rockstar said that both Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories were going to be exclusively to the PSP, but then they were put onto the PS2. I wouldn't doubt it if both LCS and VCS go to the XBox as well in the future and along with that, I feel that exclusive content for the PS3 version of GTAIV will be released, but not for a little while after it is for the 360. THAT'S MY OPINION! So don't tell me what to think.

chris82's photo
chris82 16th June, 2007 @ 17:18 - Permalink
a company representative has told, "The Grand Theft Auto IV episodic content is exclusive to Xbox 360."

Chris wrote, in his news post, "exclusively released," which you misinterpreted as "being released on the Xbox 360 first because of an exclusivity deal, and being released later for the PS3. No. The quote clearly states it's only for Xbox 360.

You can think whatever you want, but these are facts.

Charger's photo
Charger 16th June, 2007 @ 17:24 - Permalink

Facts that will soon change...........

vicsrealms's photo
vicsrealms 16th June, 2007 @ 17:24 - Permalink

Hmm, interesting. Just one more reason to pick up a XBOX360 once Mass Effect hits the shelves (that is if I can ever find an elite). Still, I hope the content comes out for the PC as well since its so easy to download that stuff on the net. Oh well, a lot can happen between now and next year when it comes out.

chris82's photo
chris82 16th June, 2007 @ 17:29 - Permalink
Facts that will soon change...........

You don't know that.

For now, everyone just has to accept the fact that the 360 is the only console getting additional content. If the PS3 is getting some then it will be announced to us a later date, for now it doesn't have any though.

True dat.

Charger's photo
Charger 16th June, 2007 @ 17:39 - Permalink
You don't know that.

Its clearly obvious, what R* will do. You seen it in the past. "Exclusive" is what the say and later on Its announced Its coming to Xbox. GTA SA was an example, Microsoft does not own R*.and R* can change its mind anytime they want. They want all GTA fans to get what they deserve on every console. Not miss something out because of the console they own.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 16th June, 2007 @ 17:57 - Permalink
You don't know that.

Its clearly obvious, what R* will do. You seen it in the past. "Exclusive" is what the say and later on Its announced Its coming to Xbox. GTA SA was an example, Microsoft does not own R*.and R* can change its mind anytime they want. They want all GTA fans to get what they deserve on every console. Not miss something out because of the console they own.

Exactly, and if Rockstar pulls from their deal with Microsoft and Microsoft sues, I doubt Microsoft will get any Grand Theft Auto games or even Rockstar video games again. Some of you guys think Microsoft has Rockstar Games by the balls, but in reality its the other way around.

Having exclusive content on just one consol is a bad marketing plan on Rockstar's part and they know that. The deal they made with Microsoft is to make it seem like the content is only for the 360, so that Microsoft could sell some more consols and later on the PS3 will recieve content as well so Rockstar doesn't lose profit.

This is a marketing plan that has been used many times before, not just with video games. You guys have to see that.

Artur's photo
Artur 16th June, 2007 @ 19:05 - Permalink

It could happen... Everything that OGTAM is saying but for now I'm just happy it's on the 360 because I'll be getting one this summmer. :)

chris82's photo
chris82 16th June, 2007 @ 23:53 - Permalink
You don't know that.

Its clearly obvious, what R* will do. You seen it in the past. "Exclusive" is what the say and later on Its announced Its coming to Xbox. GTA SA was an example, Microsoft does not own R*.and R* can change its mind anytime they want. They want all GTA fans to get what they deserve on every console. Not miss something out because of the console they own.

That's because the Sony->Rockstar exclusivity deal was originally scheduled to end in October 2004 but instead ended a year earlier. But it was still released on PS2 first and then ported to Xbox months later.

Rockstar put LCS and VCS on PS2 because the PSP sales weren't as high as they had hoped, so they were able to make their money back by porting them to PS2.

Besides Xbox 360 outsells PS3 heavily. I mean, I can see the Wii catching up to the 360. But the PS3? Only 3,000,000 sales isn't good, especially when compared to the less-powerful 360 and Wii.

If I was a developer, I'd develop for the 360 or the Wii, or both, but not PS3. Why? Not a big enough audience to justify the development.

The PS3 was a waste of money to begin with, and this news is the nail in the coffin. Who knows? Maybe Rockstar will release the expansions later on for PS3. But by the time that happens, everyone will have already gotten a 360 for the then-exclusive content.

Sony had the best brand for games, but they didn't put enough emphasis on what people want (GTA) and they also put blu-ray (useless) in every console. With a price tag like the PS3s, of course it's going to be outsold by a machine that

1. Has the same/better games

2. Is cheaper

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 17th June, 2007 @ 00:42 - Permalink
You don't know that.

Its clearly obvious, what R* will do. You seen it in the past. "Exclusive" is what the say and later on Its announced Its coming to Xbox. GTA SA was an example, Microsoft does not own R*.and R* can change its mind anytime they want. They want all GTA fans to get what they deserve on every console. Not miss something out because of the console they own.

That's because the Sony->Rockstar exclusivity deal was originally scheduled to end in October 2004 but instead ended a year earlier. But it was still released on PS2 first and then ported to Xbox months later.

Rockstar put LCS and VCS on PS2 because the PSP sales weren't as high as they had hoped, so they were able to make their money back by porting them to PS2.

Besides Xbox 360 outsells PS3 heavily. I mean, I can see the Wii catching up to the 360. But the PS3? Only 3,000,000 sales isn't good, especially when compared to the less-powerful 360 and Wii.

If I was a developer, I'd develop for the 360 or the Wii, or both, but not PS3. Why? Not a big enough audience to justify the development.

The PS3 was a waste of money to begin with, and this news is the nail in the coffin. Who knows? Maybe Rockstar will release the expansions later on for PS3. But by the time that happens, everyone will have already gotten a 360 for the then-exclusive content.

Sony had the best brand for games, but they didn't put enough emphasis on what people want (GTA) and they also put blu-ray (useless) in every console. With a price tag like the PS3s, of course it's going to be outsold by a machine that

1. Has the same/better games

2. Is cheaper

I find the PS3 a bargain. We're getting tons of free things that 360 owners will most likely never get and the PS3 has things such as Blu-Ray that right now cost a lot to get by its self.

You're obviously not good with marketing at all. You're saying 3,000,000 PS3's were sold. Microsoft sold 11,000,000. Well would if 95% of PS3 owners were GTA fans and are planning on purchasing GTAIV where as only 75% of 360 owners were GTA fans, BUT 50% of the 360 owners that are GTA fans would rather get Halo 3, which is by far the heaviest competition for GTAIV. That would mean only 25% of 360 owners, 2,750,000 people, would buy GTAIV for the 360 where as 2,850,000 PS3 owners would by GTAIV for the PS3. This shows that what Rockstar is doing is a large marketing risk.

This here is actually one of many elements that show that doing this is bad for Rockstar Games and I know they're smarter than that.

chris82's photo
chris82 17th June, 2007 @ 01:00 - Permalink
I find the PS3 a bargain. We're getting tons of free things that 360 owners will most likely never get and the PS3 has things such as Blu-Ray that right now cost a lot to get by its self.

You're obviously not good with marketing at all. You're saying 3,000,000 PS3's were sold. Microsoft sold 11,000,000. Well would if 95% of PS3 owners were GTA fans and are planning on purchasing GTAIV where as only 75% of 360 owners were GTA fans, BUT 50% of the 360 owners that are GTA fans would rather get Halo 3, which is by far the heaviest competition for GTAIV. That would mean only 25% of 360 owners, 2,750,000 people, would buy GTAIV for the 360 where as 2,850,000 PS3 owners would by GTAIV for the PS3. This shows that what Rockstar is doing is a large marketing risk.

This here is actually one of many elements that show that doing this is bad for Rockstar Games and I know they're smarter than that.

1. Blu-Ray is more or less useless at the moment, it's too expensive and people are still rolling with DVD.

2. You don't know anything about that in the second paragraph you posted, usually people who are fans of both series of games (like me) will get both. All you're trying to do is make it look like Rockstar is foolish for favoring a console with a larger audience. Go on Xbox Live (oh wait sorry) and you'll hear nothing but praise for GTA, and I'm sure that people who can spend 0 on a console, plus annually for online service can shell out 0 for GTA4 and Halo 3.

Stop putting the 360 down, just because the PS3 doesn't get exclusive content because not enough people bought it because it's an expensively useless piece of garbage, doesn't mean you should make fun of the 360.

Seriously dude, don't use made-up facts and what you think 360 users will do. The fact is that the better-selling console of the two threw Rockstar a bone and Rockstar picked up on it, it's only logical.

Hell, it's the same shit for Windows and OS X games, if you were a developer would you develop for Windows or OS X? Of course you would develop for Windows because so many people use it, so you have a much bigger audience to buy your game. Same situation here.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 17th June, 2007 @ 07:35 - Permalink
1. Blu-Ray is more or less useless at the moment, it's too expensive and people are still rolling with DVD.

2. You don't know anything about that in the second paragraph you posted, usually people who are fans of both series of games (like me) will get both. All you're trying to do is make it look like Rockstar is foolish for favoring a console with a larger audience. Go on Xbox Live (oh wait sorry) and you'll hear nothing but praise for GTA, and I'm sure that people who can spend 0 on a console, plus annually for online service can shell out 0 for GTA4 and Halo 3.

Stop putting the 360 down, just because the PS3 doesn't get exclusive content because not enough people bought it because it's an expensively useless piece of garbage, doesn't mean you should make fun of the 360.

Seriously dude, don't use made-up facts and what you think 360 users will do. The fact is that the better-selling console of the two threw Rockstar a bone and Rockstar picked up on it, it's only logical.

Hell, it's the same shit for Windows and OS X games, if you were a developer would you develop for Windows or OS X? Of course you would develop for Windows because so many people use it, so you have a much bigger audience to buy your game. Same situation here.

1. Blu-Ray will most likely take out DVDs just like DVDs did videos. So putting Blu-Ray in the PS3 was just one way Sony thought ahead.

2. You obviously didn't understand what I was saying, so maybe I'll use smaller words or rephrase things next time so people like you could understand.

3. I could give any kind of opinion I want about the Shitbox 360. If you don't like it, don't read my post.

chris82's photo
chris82 17th June, 2007 @ 15:05 - Permalink
1. Blu-Ray is more or less useless at the moment, it's too expensive and people are still rolling with DVD.

2. You don't know anything about that in the second paragraph you posted, usually people who are fans of both series of games (like me) will get both. All you're trying to do is make it look like Rockstar is foolish for favoring a console with a larger audience. Go on Xbox Live (oh wait sorry) and you'll hear nothing but praise for GTA, and I'm sure that people who can spend 0 on a console, plus annually for online service can shell out 0 for GTA4 and Halo 3.

Stop putting the 360 down, just because the PS3 doesn't get exclusive content because not enough people bought it because it's an expensively useless piece of garbage, doesn't mean you should make fun of the 360.

Seriously dude, don't use made-up facts and what you think 360 users will do. The fact is that the better-selling console of the two threw Rockstar a bone and Rockstar picked up on it, it's only logical.

Hell, it's the same shit for Windows and OS X games, if you were a developer would you develop for Windows or OS X? Of course you would develop for Windows because so many people use it, so you have a much bigger audience to buy your game. Same situation here.

1. Blu-Ray will most likely take out DVDs just like DVDs did videos. So putting Blu-Ray in the PS3 was just one way Sony thought ahead.

2. You obviously didn't understand what I was saying, so maybe I'll use smaller words or rephrase things next time so people like you could understand.

3. I could give any kind of opinion I want about the Shitbox 360. If you don't like it, don't read my post.

Yes, Blu-Ray will take out DVDs, which is why HD-DVD is supported by more movie studios.

I did understand what you were saying. You said that almost every PS3 owner will buy GTA4, because there is no game being released at a similar time that they would want instead. And that only 25% of Xbox 360 owners will buy GTA4 because the rest want Halo 3 instead. No. You're acting retarded and using every method you can to make the Xbox 360, its players, and Rockstar look bad, when in reality, you're just upset because you bought the more expensive console, when ironically, the cheaper one will have more features in GTA4. :lol: :lol: :lol:

BTW I really hope you're not insulting me. Because that would be verrrry baaaad.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 17th June, 2007 @ 16:07 - Permalink

I'm shocked about this - Sony have always worked closely with Rockstar and now it's as if they're saying 'Thanks for all your work, but we're frolicking off now to Gate's big bucks'. I am extremely angry about this, and I will send hundreds of e-mails to Sony asking why they haven't got the downloadable content. :angry::angry:

Gycu's photo
Gycu 17th June, 2007 @ 16:35 - Permalink

Hundreds of mails will be useless ... Anyways R* played the "Who pays more, wins! " game and oviously M$ paid more ... so they got DLC ... R* has contract with both Sony and M$ but Microsoft paid for the DLC and Sony didn`t that`s why they get it ... Right ?

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 17th June, 2007 @ 21:56 - Permalink
I did understand what you were saying. You said that almost every PS3 owner will buy GTA4, because there is no game being released at a similar time that they would want instead. And that only 25% of Xbox 360 owners will buy GTA4 because the rest want Halo 3 instead. No. You're acting retarded and using every method you can to make the Xbox 360, its players, and Rockstar look bad, when in reality, you're just upset because you bought the more expensive console, when ironically, the cheaper one will have more features in GTA4. :lol: :lol: :lol:

BTW I really hope you're not insulting me. Because that would be verrrry baaaad.

I would personally be very impressed to see a mentally challenged person correctly use percentages.

I would like to know why you think that I want to make Rockstar look bad. I don't really give a shit about the 360 or its owners. I AM upset that the PS3's chances of getting downloadable content for GTAIV are very very slim...I mean, who wouldn't. I'm simply pointing out that there is still a possibility.

I said...

Having exclusive content on just one console is a bad marketing plan on Rockstar's part and they know that.

And by that I wasn't saying Rockstar is stupid because of what they're doing. I'm simply saying they're not doing that and that they're just helping out a business partner, that what Chris pointed out paid them ,000,000 to do. Rockstar and Microsoft made a deal so that the 360 would get the exclusive content first and for a certain amount of time before the PS3 would be able to get it so more people would buy the XBox 360. Later on the PS3 will get exclusive content of some sort, but not until maybe a year or so after the 360. Much like what happened with the Grand Theft Auto III Trilogy, PlayStation got it before Xbox did.

I'm not pulling this out of my ass; it's one of many partnership business-marketing plans out there. I've been in marketing classes for the past 3 years. I know what I'm talking about.

chris82's photo
chris82 17th June, 2007 @ 23:05 - Permalink
Later on the PS3 will get exclusive content of some sort, but not until maybe a year or so after the 360.

You don't know that, stop saying it, it's not a fact, it's not proven, you don't know.

Is it likely? Maybe, but we don't know so stop saying the PS3 will get exclusive content.

I'm not pulling this out of my ass; it's one of many partnership business-marketing plans out there. I've been in marketing classes for the past 3 years. I know what I'm talking about.

What you think you know aside, have you actually polled 360 and PS3 users on what they like? Have you actually gotten data about the trends of players who are fans of the two games? Do you actually know exactly how many owners of each console will buy GTA4? No. No you don't. So, for now, shut the fuck up k thx bye.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 17th June, 2007 @ 23:35 - Permalink
Later on the PS3 will get exclusive content of some sort, but not until maybe a year or so after the 360.

You don't know that, stop saying it, it's not a fact, it's not proven, you don't know.

Is it likely? Maybe, but we don't know so stop saying the PS3 will get exclusive content.

I could say it as much as I f*ucking want as long as it isn't spamming so stop trying to act like a dictator. You need to calm yourself down, get some damn water or some shit.

I'm not pulling this out of my ass; it's one of many partnership business-marketing plans out there. I've been in marketing classes for the past 3 years. I know what I'm talking about.

What you think you know aside, have you actually polled 360 and PS3 users on what they like? Have you actually gotten data about the trends of players who are fans of the two games? Do you actually know exactly how many owners of each console will buy GTA4? No. No you don't. So, for now, shut the gently caress up k thx bye.

I was simply contemplating the possiblities, which was acknowledged by me saying "Would if". Pay attention.

I don't know about you, but I'm simply debating this. So lets not turn this into a "Flame War" or whatever.

Chris's photo
Chris 17th June, 2007 @ 23:37 - Permalink
Later on the PS3 might get exclusive content of some sort, but not until maybe a year or so after the 360.


Please do not spread misinformation. Nothing has been confirmed yet.

You may well have experience with this sort of business, but so do I, and I don't think you're looking at this in realistic terms, so let me explain:

Having exclusive content on only one console is not a "bad marketing plan" as you put it. It is not going to affect how many copies of GTA IV are sold, the only influence it may have is on what console a gamer chooses to purchase it on. It's not like people aren't going to buy it just because it doesn't have exclusive content, that's an stupid thought.

Remember this is Grand Theft Auto we're talking about, people now buy these games just because of the franchise's popularity. "Oh it's GTA, it must be good, I'll buy this!" is what many non-hardcore fans would think.

MS have paid T2 such an immense amount of money that it will cover any "losses" made by not being able to give PS3 gamers additional content. That's the whole point, otherwise T2 wouldn't have accepted it - it would have been in their best interest to make additional content for the PS3 version too. But it's not now, as they're already ,000,000 up.

Additional content is just a bonus for a game, it doesn't ever sway a decision as to whether or not a game is worth purchasing.

Mohamed_GANgsta's photo
Mohamed_GANgsta 21st June, 2007 @ 14:10 - Permalink

Hey waddup GTA homiez,im da new homeboy here. So Y'all have to get used to me 'right B) About dis topic man, DO YOUALL KNOW MANHUNT, manhunt 2 is coming out in only Nintendo Wii,that ain't fair too RIGHt!!!!! Just like this thang dat is happenin',GTA EPISODIC CONTENT ONLY ON XBOX 360 THE XBOX 360 well its just an average console....... PLEASE REPLY!!!!!!!

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 21st June, 2007 @ 14:42 - Permalink

Yeah. You're a fanboy, and there's a rule against fanboyism unless it's in this topic. How about you read some of the posts in that topic and then come back to make an informed decision, alright?

EDIT: You should probably take grammar classes, too. Just because you're a presumerably a rap fan doesn't mean you have to butcher the English language. I like Ludacris too, but Jesus Christ.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 21st June, 2007 @ 16:47 - Permalink

WnN2 - Thank you.

Mohamed_GANgsta - Not a dis, just lay off the over sized text.

Granted this only speculation, but if R* has a plan w/ the exclusive 360 DLC, it's probably to get the PS3 owners to want it that much more. For all we know, Sony wants to hold off so they can charge a premium if/when they finally do get DLC.

R* could've also been looking at Sony's initial release of the PS3 as a shortage or something. Remember people camping out at Wallmart & the insane prices they sold for on e-bay?

Previous titles had exclusive release but eventually released to other platforms.

As I said, only speculation.

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