2 New GTA IV Screenshots

By Chris | 27th Jun 2007 at 20:25 GMT in GTA IV | 20 Comments

Rockstar have updated the official site with two brand new screenshots of Grand Theft Auto IV. Check them out below.

013.jpg 014.jpg

Link: GTA4 Screenshots, official site

2003's photo
2003 27th June, 2007 @ 20:33 - Permalink

Nice screenshots, second one kinda looks like a robbery and such.

Genyus's photo
Genyus 27th June, 2007 @ 20:35 - Permalink

Niko looks bad ass.

At second pic he got captured by camera in left top corner :lolbounce:

CroScorpion's photo
CroScorpion 27th June, 2007 @ 20:37 - Permalink

Yeah, the pcs are nice. I wonder who is that guy in a jacket on a first one.

bigpimpininda818's photo
bigpimpininda818 27th June, 2007 @ 20:40 - Permalink

pics are good the second one kinda looks like a start of something maybe a misson :coolthumbup:

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 27th June, 2007 @ 20:43 - Permalink

Have they released a map yet, or just screenshots?

Red_91's photo
Red_91 27th June, 2007 @ 20:52 - Permalink

A lot of news today, nice sreens but first oe some of the people seem a little blurry

Busby's photo
Busby 27th June, 2007 @ 21:12 - Permalink

The last one looks like a prison

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 27th June, 2007 @ 21:32 - Permalink

Those are some pretty awesome screens. The last one looks like he broke into a safe and is leaving with a bag of money.

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 27th June, 2007 @ 22:19 - Permalink

Does anyone else feel that these could be types of mission pictures? The first one could be that Niko is stealing a car, the second seems that someone is breaking out from a prison (Although it could be something else). Anyway, nice pictures.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 27th June, 2007 @ 22:49 - Permalink

Yeah, the first one looks like he's a getaway driver.

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 27th June, 2007 @ 23:31 - Permalink
Does anyone else feel that these could be types of mission pictures? The first one could be that Niko is stealing a car, the second seems that someone is breaking out from a prison (Although it could be something else). Anyway, nice pictures.

I already said this. But the second one looks like he robbed a bank. Because you can see the vault door, and he is carrying a bag, which probably contains money.... But, I could be wrong. It looks like jail too. Because of the cells. I'm retarded. Don't pay attention to me.

surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 28th June, 2007 @ 02:56 - Permalink

he looks certainly like he just rob a bank, i mean he is carrying a big bag, there's a vault, and he wear a nice suit, he cannot wear that if he is in prison.

oh, btw, that's a really cool suit for nico! :lol:

Silberio's photo
Silberio 28th June, 2007 @ 03:27 - Permalink

Is it me, or the first screenshot is a lil' blurry or somethin'?

bigpimpininda818's photo
bigpimpininda818 28th June, 2007 @ 03:47 - Permalink
Is it me, or the first screenshot is a lil' blurry or somethin'?

yea they do look blurry, i hope that is just a mistake of the picture

Noru's photo
Noru 28th June, 2007 @ 04:23 - Permalink

I don't know if its just me but I only see one new one on the official site, I can't see the one wheres hes in the car

Silberio's photo
Silberio 28th June, 2007 @ 04:28 - Permalink

@bigpimpininda818: Yeah, me too.

Also, could be an effect made by R*.

@Noru: Try refreshing, or closing, and gettin' in again.

Noru's photo
Noru 28th June, 2007 @ 04:31 - Permalink

Nope, same thing. On the official GTA4 website. I don't see that one screenshot where hes in the car.

This could be just me going crazy again -_-

Dark Lord's photo
Dark Lord 28th June, 2007 @ 06:36 - Permalink

Cool Screenshots.

Cant wait for the trailer!

Gycu's photo
Gycu 28th June, 2007 @ 07:18 - Permalink

Cool screens, in the second it looks like Niko is robing a bank, but he could also just be inside a building ... And look at Niko`s face in the first one ... Looks like he has some face muscles now ... He really look nervous in that pic ...

surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 28th June, 2007 @ 08:15 - Permalink
I don't know if its just me but I only see one new one on the official site, I can't see the one wheres hes in the car

my guess is they have it removed because it's bad and blurry quality, i only see the 2nd one in the official site

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