San Andreas XBOX and PC Versions Announced!

By Chris | 16th Dec 2004 at 21:50 GMT in San Andreas | 3 Comments

GTA San Andreas XBOX and PC version release dates have been confirmed by Take2 in their latest press release.

New York, NY December 16, 2004 - Rockstar Games, the world-renowned publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), is pleased to announce that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is making its way to the Xbox® video game system from Microsoft. Developed by world-class designers Rockstar North, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for the Xbox® and PC will be in stores in North America on June 7th, 2005 and in Europe on June 10th, 2005.

Just to reiterate, the proposed release dates for San Andreas on XBox and PC are:

North America: June 7th, 2005

Europe: June 10th, 2005

Now please stop sending us emails about release dates, they are above and I will put this in the announcements box later for convenience.

In another press release posted at the same time it mentions of Rockstar making a few games for the Sony PSP, could GTA be one of these? No titles are confirmed so we'll just have to wait.

Additional products planned for fiscal 2005 from Rockstar include a new console title based on a proven brand from Rockstar's internal studios, titles based on two of Rockstar's premier brands for Sony's highly anticipated PlayStation®Portable platform (PSP™) and the release of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in Japan.

Link: Take2 Press Releases - PC and XBox release, Financial Results

person123's photo
person123 16th December, 2004 @ 23:29 - Permalink

finally it they come out

mvi's photo
mvi 17th December, 2004 @ 12:36 - Permalink

That's a long time.

Chris's photo
Chris 17th December, 2004 @ 14:42 - Permalink

yeah and longer than last time because VC and also GTA3 both came out early May I believe

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