WKTT Radio Launches

By Chris | 13th Jul 2007 at 16:02 GMT in GTA IV | 28 Comments

We've just got word from Rockstar about the first teaser site they've launched, WKTTRadio.com. You can phone in have your opinion on Liberty City heard on the radio!

It sounds pretty cool, so head on over to WKTT Radio if you fancy your chances of being a voice artist in GTA IV!

Hey Chris,

I wanted to give you a heads-up about this site that has just gone up. Be sure to check it out and let everyone at your site know about it.




Red_91's photo
Red_91 13th July, 2007 @ 16:17 - Permalink

Is this radio station going to be in GTAIV? It sounds good though

TM™'s photo
TM™ 13th July, 2007 @ 16:17 - Permalink

Lol, this really getting funny now. It's cool that now you can tell your opinion over the phone. I guess alot of members here will be calling in.

chris82's photo
chris82 13th July, 2007 @ 16:19 - Permalink

Yes, although it's unfortunate that you must be 18.

Dmac's photo
Dmac 13th July, 2007 @ 16:24 - Permalink

I rang up, I recorded some of it.


Chris's photo
Chris 13th July, 2007 @ 16:29 - Permalink
Is this radio station going to be in GTAIV?

Yeah, looks like it's gonna be one of the talk radio stations.

The terms and conditions say that some of the recorded calls "may be used in Grand Theft Auto IV" - so I guess if you give a good rant, they'll feature you.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 13th July, 2007 @ 16:33 - Permalink

Your actual voice or just like someone saying your words, either way its pretty good, shame you have to be 18.

Dmac's photo
Dmac 13th July, 2007 @ 16:34 - Permalink

How do they know your 18? your voice?

Chris's photo
Chris 13th July, 2007 @ 16:36 - Permalink

Your actual voice will be used in the game.

I don't know how they 'know' you're 18. But I'd imagine if your voice was actually selected then you'd have to sign some sort of contact (for them to use your voice) and to legally enter a contract you have to be 18.

Dmac's photo
Dmac 13th July, 2007 @ 16:38 - Permalink

Did they do this with SA? :huh:

Chris's photo
Chris 13th July, 2007 @ 16:40 - Permalink

No. A whole new concept it seems.

In fact I'm not aware of any game that has given it's fans this sort of opportunity. That's why R* are so awesome :P

Dmac's photo
Dmac 13th July, 2007 @ 16:43 - Permalink

If anyone here rings up and says whats wrong with America, Please record it for us!

chris82's photo
chris82 13th July, 2007 @ 16:44 - Permalink

Well you did, dmac, but wtf is .amr? .wav or .mp3 would be nice.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 13th July, 2007 @ 16:46 - Permalink

Well there are a lot of problems with America, so you will have lots to talk about, I doubt anyone is calling from TGTAP, most seem to be under 18 which is a shame.

Dmac's photo
Dmac 13th July, 2007 @ 16:48 - Permalink

.amr works with quicktime, ill change it.

EDIT: Jordan uploaded a nice 50second recording.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 13th July, 2007 @ 16:59 - Permalink

I was going to call up and say something extremely ridiculous but I just realized that I had to be 18. Meh, I want to be 18 :(.

fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 13th July, 2007 @ 16:59 - Permalink

Hells yeah! I just called in. Hope it gets aired. Love R*. They come up with the coolest shit!

Chris's photo
Chris 13th July, 2007 @ 17:04 - Permalink

I would phone up but my British accent would sound retarded talking about problems with America :P

Would be cool if someone from this site gets in the game though, come October, let us know if you were featured.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 13th July, 2007 @ 17:05 - Permalink

So what did you say? Did you make a recording?

Chris's photo
Chris 13th July, 2007 @ 17:09 - Permalink

Me? No I didn't phone up. Also, it would cost me a fortune to phone New York from the UK probably :P

Red_91's photo
Red_91 13th July, 2007 @ 17:13 - Permalink

Lol not you I was talking to fatalgamer, and it would cost a lot to phone new york, only way cheap is to get a phone card.

DeAtH's photo
DeAtH 13th July, 2007 @ 18:20 - Permalink

I'm 13 and calling to US costs pretty much O.o so I better don't call there.

tilly's photo
tilly 13th July, 2007 @ 22:04 - Permalink

i called it and talked about "THEM DAMN HIPPIES!"

Chris's photo
Chris 13th July, 2007 @ 22:36 - Permalink

lol, anyone else phoned up?

Let us know what you said if you did.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 13th July, 2007 @ 22:56 - Permalink

Fatalgamer, what was your rant?

I called as the OUTLAW & Told 'em I was glad they got rid of the bike ban, it was the stupidest ideas liberals had yet & they

need to do something about gas prices.

Thanks for the heads up, Chris.

mvi's photo
mvi 13th July, 2007 @ 23:42 - Permalink

Excellent to see proof checking maintained strongly at R*, still managing to make a spelling mistake in something 200 words long.

Artur's photo
Artur 13th July, 2007 @ 23:51 - Permalink

Woah this is some pretty cool stuff by R*, I wish I was 18 though... :(

Chris's photo
Chris 14th July, 2007 @ 12:09 - Permalink
Excellent to see proof checking maintained strongly at R*, still managing to make a spelling mistake in something 200 words long.

Gerard and I talked about that yesterday. We were wondering if it was deliberate though seeing as it talks about war and such...

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 15th July, 2007 @ 13:13 - Permalink

If I lived in New York, I would definitely give this a go, but unfortunately I don't. Will WKTT replace Chatterbox, or will it be a rival network? I don't want Chatterbox gone, it's probably my favourite station...

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