A Few GTA IV Details From OXM

By Chris | 18th Jul 2007 at 20:30 GMT in GTA IV | 16 Comments

oxm_74.jpgThe September(?) issue of US Official Xbox Magazine has brought with it a few more details about GTA IV:

  • Little Jacob offered weapons including a 9mm pistol, a shotgun, an SMG, and a micro SMG
  • McReary's first name is Francis, and he knows about a felony Niko committed
  • Another vehicle is confirmed as it is noted that Niko stole a black Comet before heading off to the Humboldt River Viewpoint to kill the man who has McReary's memory stick.
  • Before Niko submitted his C.V. to the Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster website, OXM noticed that his C.V. notes that he was on the "Balkan Peace Force" and that he is adept at swimming, shooting and boxing.
  • Karen is the name of the receptionist from Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster, who calls Niko to notify him of his interview. It's not known if she is an important character or not.
  • There are no references to the September 11th terrorist attacks anywhere in the game.
  • Swimming is a confirmed feature

The "Balkan Peace Force" fact is more evidence that Niko is not Russian. There are still some websites saying he is - an Xbox.com editor recently made the mistake of saying Niko is a Russian immigrant. Now if you remember back to the last time OXM had a preview, you might recall the following quote from Dan Houser:

OXM: You've talked about picking culturally different neighbourhoods. Can you reveal any of the gang cultures apart from the Russians?

Dan Houser: I can't reveal gangs too much yet, but one of the things that appealed to us about a) this character (who isn't actually Russian, he's Eastern European, although there will be plenty of Russian gangsters in there) and b ) the story and the world [...]

Thanks to jester210 for the scans.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 18th July, 2007 @ 21:19 - Permalink

Well, Fighting over a Memory stick which has all the evidence of Niko's felony is quite interesting. Usually, they would show the evidence in the car or in any object. I guess computers have a big roll in GTAIV. ;)

Chris Benoit's photo
Chris Benoit 18th July, 2007 @ 22:19 - Permalink

Cool good info Chris ^_^ man october 16th wont come any faster. I guess they want people to forget about 911 :down:

Gycu's photo
Gycu 18th July, 2007 @ 22:47 - Permalink

@Chris: You forgot about the CALENDAR and others ...

Like your real cellphone, your in-game handset has an address book, an organizer a calendar, and a camera--"and it's also how you'll access multiplayer within the game
MishoM's photo
MishoM 18th July, 2007 @ 23:29 - Permalink

I think its very safe to say that Niko is a Serbian immigrant. Serbia is an "Eastern European" country, "ic" is a very common way to end Serbian last names, (sounds like "eech" when pronounced), and I believe "Balkan" is the region near the country's of Serbia and Macedonia, I'm quite positive that Niko isn't Macedonia since Macedonian last names often end with "ski". So yeah, I think hes from Serbia. :)

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 18th July, 2007 @ 23:39 - Permalink

Well, since there are no references to September 11, I'd guess that means the towers are still standing. Anybody thinking any missions will occur there?

Chris's photo
Chris 18th July, 2007 @ 23:42 - Permalink

From the outset I have always been keen to say that Niko is Serbian - of course there's no proof so I could still be wrong, but never mind that.

Of the countries that make up the Balkans, only Serbia and Croatia tend to have surnames ending in 'ic'. Croatia isn't a country you typically associate with this sort of stuff, so yeah, I say Serbia too.

@Gycu: We already knew that? Did we not? Sure I mentioned it in a previous post..

Well, since there are no references to September 11, I'd guess that means the towers are still standing. Anybody thinking any missions will occur there?

No they won't. It's set in 2007. How would they still be standing? And I highly doubt any missions will occur there.

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 19th July, 2007 @ 00:37 - Permalink

What I meant was that since there are no references to 9/11, maybe the WTC was never destroyed due to the terrorist attacks and are still standing. Then again, maybe Liberty City never had any rendition of the Twin Towers, so they would have never existed.

Artur's photo
Artur 19th July, 2007 @ 03:10 - Permalink

Yeah I doubt they ever existed in the world of GTA.

Nice little info, I actually buy OXM mags once in a while. Might go out and buy one soon.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 19th July, 2007 @ 05:52 - Permalink
@Gycu: We already knew that? Did we not? Sure I mentioned it in a previous post...

I never knew there was a calendar in, maybe seasons too :thumbsup: ...

tilly's photo
tilly 19th July, 2007 @ 06:49 - Permalink
What I meant was that since there are no references to 9/11, maybe the WTC was never destroyed due to the terrorist attacks and are still standing.

ultimately, making a reference to 9/11.


Red_91's photo
Red_91 19th July, 2007 @ 14:33 - Permalink

The Cell phone looks good and the missions sound a lot different to previou GTA's. I do think that Niko is a Serbian as well.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 19th July, 2007 @ 22:32 - Permalink
oxm_74.jpgThe September(?) issue of US Official Xbox Magazine has brought with it a few more details about GTA IV:
  • Little Jacob offered weapons including a 9mm pistol, a shotgun, an SMG, and a micro SMG
  • McReary's first name is Francis, and he knows about a felony Niko committed
  • Another vehicle is confirmed as it is noted that Niko stole a black Comet before heading off to the Humboldt River Viewpoint to kill the man who has McReary's memory stick.
  • Before Niko submitted his C.V. to the Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster website, OXM noticed that his C.V. notes that he was on the "Balkan Peace Force" and that he is adept at swimming, shooting and boxing.
  • Karen is the name of the receptionist from Goldberg, Ligner & Shyster, who calls Niko to notify him of his interview. It's not known if she is an important character or not.
  • There are no references to the September 11th terrorist attacks anywhere in the game.
  • Swimming is a confirmed feature

The "Balkan Peace Force" fact is more evidence that Niko is not Russian. There are still some websites saying he is - an Xbox.com editor recently made the mistake of saying Niko is a Russian immigrant. Now if you remember back to the last time OXM had a preview, you might recall the following quote from Dan Houser:

OXM: You've talked about picking culturally different neighbourhoods. Can you reveal any of the gang cultures apart from the Russians?

Dan Houser: I can't reveal gangs too much yet, but one of the things that appealed to us about a) this character (who isn't actually Russian, he's Eastern European, although there will be plenty of Russian gangsters in there) and b ) the story and the world [...]

Thanks to jester210 for the scans.

Holy fu**ing sh** lol. I don't know if this is located in humboldt(where I live)but they say Niko headed off of Humboldt river, either way that's sick man :) . Good info though, thanks Chris.

10 Dimensions's photo
10 Dimensions 30th October, 2007 @ 12:31 - Permalink

Hey Guys!

I Was Wondering. Are R* Goig to Put Children In The new GTA Because They Dont Have Any In The Other GTA`s.

Does Any One Know Anything About This


[[ 10 Dimensions ]]

Gycu's photo
Gycu 30th October, 2007 @ 12:41 - Permalink
Hey Guys!

I Was Wondering. Are R* Goig to Put Children In The new GTA Because They Dont Have Any In The Other GTA`s.

Does Any One Know Anything About This


[[ 10 Dimensions ]]

Wow! You bumped this topic ( last post was 4 months ago :| ) and asqued an offtopic question but w/e

Nope ... R* won't put children in their games, remember the Hot Coffee incident? Killing children and animals is just sick ... I think Dan Houser said they won't put children and fuzzy animals to kill in their games but I'm not sure ...

10 Dimensions's photo
10 Dimensions 30th October, 2007 @ 13:02 - Permalink
Hey Guys!

I Was Wondering. Are R* Goig to Put Children In The new GTA Because They Dont Have Any In The Other GTA`s.

Does Any One Know Anything About This


[[ 10 Dimensions ]]

Wow! You bumped this topic ( last post was 4 months ago :| ) and asqued an offtopic question but w/e

Nope ... R* won't put children in their games, remember the Hot Coffee incident? Killing children and animals is just sick ... I think Dan Houser said they won't put children and fuzzy animals to kill in their games but I'm not sure ...

Hey Mate!

I Agree Espesically wit the Hot Coffe incident Which you Mentioned. Also I Think That If They Want to make the game realistiv as possible you will have famillies in cars and out and stuff.

Can someone tell me where to post the next post about this topic please


[[ 10 Dimensios ]]

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 30th October, 2007 @ 13:27 - Permalink

Did you read the post above?

This topic's already been bumped. Oh, and i didn't realise it was by YOU.

Plus, the news was from July. Over and done with. Leave it.

No children, no cute fuzzy animals. Confirmed.

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