More Previews on Their Way

By Chris | 25th Jul 2007 at 01:06 GMT in GTA IV | 1 Comment

Just a heads up to everyone simply to say that a number of gaming sites are expecting GTA IV previews to go up tomorrow, so keep checking back here for more updates on them as they happen.

We hear they'll be based on the same demo recently reported on by magazines including GamesTM and Games Aktuell, but there should be some new info from them as well. We should also see higher res digital screenshots of the images seen in recent magazines, and hopefully some new ones too.

Kikizo is just one website publishing a preview tomorrow, they note a time of 1PM EST for it going live (that's 6PM GMT), so expect to see something from them around that time, and I'd guess other gaming sites too. We'll of course be reporting on all of them right here.

7.62mm's photo
7.62mm 25th July, 2007 @ 02:30 - Permalink

Thanks Chris! Don't get to excited guys. I bet we get stuff saying like "Niko uses his cell often* and like no new screenshots. I am very suprised we dont have more screenshots at this time. Maybe tomorrow will be different.

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