Massive GTA4 preview by Kikizo

By chris82 | 25th Jul 2007 at 18:33 GMT in GTA IV | 24 Comments

Just as promised earlier, Kikizo has released a staggering 10-page preview of Grand Theft Auto 4. This preview has an incredible amount of information. Kikizo notes this as well, claiming every other gaming magazine and website "missed important information."

  • Niko is regularly referred to as 'Nikolai' in the demo
  • Little Jacob (the gun dealer) is from Dukes (the Liberty City version of Queens)
  • En route to Rotterdam, Kikizo spotted a pizza store selling food for 99 cents and a cocktail bar with a bright pink sign called "Bahama Mamas"
  • Kikizo started in Star Junction (Times Sqare) early in the October morning, a possible suggestion of season changes
  • The neon-lit Junction is "dazzling" at night
  • There is a theatre called "T.S. Pirate at the Thespian Theatre" as well as a camera store called "Liberty Cameras". Kikizo said that it seemed like the same exact camera store they bought their camera in in real life.
  • All animations look "like they should," especially with unique NPCs like overweight policemen
  • Phone calls extend the concept of non-linear gameplay, according to Rockstar.
    Whereas past GTA games have been about accepting missions, now that line is blurry and you actively take more of a part in telling the story yourself.
  • Weapons in GTA4 are a "precious commodity" and are "not easy to acquire"
  • Little Jacob had a 9mm, an SMG, and a Micro SMG in his car for sale for 0 each, which wasn't "breaking the bank" as the demo started Kikizo off with 00
  • Animations are always "superb."
  • Kikizo reported that they had no concern whatsoever on technical issues in the game, other than when they slowly pan the camera, the windows on the buildings begin to get jittery as they reflect the world. They also noted this is not the case in typical game scenarios.
  • Niko Bellic is 'a small fish in a big pond'.
  • Niko will whistle to get a cab's attention, then press "Y" (on the Xbox 360 controller) to get inside. You're given the options to relax and watch the ride, do a trip skip, or pay double for the driver to go twice as fast.
  • The player views the world from Niko's perspective while in the cab and you can interact with the driver while he is driving you.
  • The game is now fully confirmed to make extensive use of HDR lighting.
  • Car/person interaction physics are now fully in place, meaning if a car suddenly brakes, the people inside are thrown forward.
  • The interiors/exteriors are completely seamless and the outside world can be heard, muffled, from the inside.
  • Advertisements in the Tw@ internet cafe claim internet access for , offer "totally wireless" internet, and accept credit cards.
  • Niko has his own, unique computer account so he is able to access his information from any computer in Liberty City.
  • The mouse cursor is controlled with the analog stick.
  • Niko's fake resume claims his objective is to "rise to the top of my profession in Liberty City," that he has experience in criminal law with cases like manslaughter under his belt. He also claims that he deals with the emerging markets in the West Indies (especially 'Jamaica and Puerto Rico'). He also claims to have been the associate attorney at Mediterranean Shipping Enterprise, and an intern at a police force. His school is supposedly 'Walford University' in the UK.
  • Rockstar wants to use the phone as 'the primary gateway into Niko's life,' as it has his contacts, an organizer, a dailing calendar, text messaging, and a camera
  • Several advertisements can be heard on the radio (although these may be placeholder)
    From the people who brought you the Domestobot, we proudly present El Comercio Roboto! It's the robotic future... from south of the border! 'Politicians may demand illegal aliens leave the country, but I want a Mexican gardener I can ogle!' El Comercio Roboto! You little devil. He can mow the lawn, if you know what I mean! Comes with six different attachments!
    Are you ready to live the real estate dream? Whether you're new on the market or an old hack, we'll take your dream to the limits of prestige, in a spacious loft or an outstanding penthouse! It's a 500-square ft glass coated box in the sky, with windows that won't open and a doorman that masturbates in your bed while you're at work! Only three million dollars, only three blocks from the ghetto!
    You can begin living a life of luxury. Why worry about health, your weight, or what people think of you? Now, you're faster! Motorized scooters are the future of the American lifestyle - carefree! Take the wait off!
  • The game engine has sounds that can compete with the likes of "Forza Motorsport" and "Project Gotham Racing"
  • The cars react to every bit of "undulation" in the road
  • The camera angle is slightly over to the driver's side to give the player a better line of sight, but there are still many different angles and the camera may be moved
  • Cars have a full-GPS system in place, which show recommended routes for missions
  • Pedestrians are incredibly detailed, with the game including peds who are bored waiting at bus stops, people talking on various payphones and cell phones, people smoking, etc...
  • Inside of the cab you can change the next music track if you'd like.
  • There is an astonishing level of detail with every object in the game, with textures being varied on every sidewalk, street, and surface
  • Car lights light up "convincingly" and reflect the street and the surroundings.
  • The graphical quality is the best Kikizo has seen in any next-generation game
  • Street names show up in the corner like districts have in past GTA games
  • In Kikizo's journey towards the park (for the mission in which Niko must retrieve a memory stick for McReary), they passed through "Chinatown, Presidents City, Lancet, Hatton Gardens, Middle Park East, and a stretch of freeway, on to Lancaster, and Ruby Street."
  • The name of Niko's cell phone network is "Whiz."
  • The wanted level system uses "line of sight" to pinpoint Niko's location and catch him. The player must escape the search radius he gets when a wanted level is attained, but if an officer spots Niko, the search radius will be instantly reset to his position
  • Once Niko has the memory stick, he must greet McReary by "heading down Cod Row, Denver Avenue, Exeter Avenue and stop at Northwood / East Holland."
  • To get the suit for the interview, Niko must go "to Silicon Street, through Quartz Street, and Middle Park East."
  • Niko must buy a "chocolate" suit for 00 and some nice shoes for 0
  • To get to the law firm, Niko must go "past Star Junction, The Triangle, Easton, Chinatown, Diamond Street, and Calcium Street."
  • Niko can take cover behind almost anything, auto-target, manually aim, or blind-fire
  • Many things were still kept secret about the game. Kikizo was forced to leave the room while Rockstar worked with "secret menu stuff" after Niko was "wasted" by police in the demo.

Thanks, rockstarrem for much of the information

Kikizo GTAIV preview

Chris's photo
Chris 25th July, 2007 @ 18:38 - Permalink

Holy crap that is a LOT of info there, good job getting all that typed up. Awesome.

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 25th July, 2007 @ 18:41 - Permalink

I wonder what we can do while interacting with taxi drivers. Perhaps we could rob them. Hey, I'm just throwing out ideas.

Chris Benoit's photo
Chris Benoit 25th July, 2007 @ 19:04 - Permalink

Damnit october 16th wont come any faster ill be asleep untill then

7.62mm's photo
7.62mm 25th July, 2007 @ 19:07 - Permalink


TG187's photo
TG187 25th July, 2007 @ 19:21 - Permalink

Cool info, took me some minutes to read it. :D Thanks for the info, chris82. Like the part with Taxis.

Chris's photo
Chris 25th July, 2007 @ 19:31 - Permalink

Here's our news post with today's screenshots and artwork from the previews. ;)

We aren't posting about the other sites (links are in the topic I linked to above) previews since Kikizo pretty much covered every little detail as they're awesome like that. Which is also easier for us too :P

MishoM's photo
MishoM 25th July, 2007 @ 19:41 - Permalink

Nice job typing all that up chris82, how long did that take you? As for the actual info, Kikizo did a wonderful job. A lot of nice detail there, saved the staff a lot of time since we now don't have to post IGN's, GameSpot's, etc.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 25th July, 2007 @ 20:32 - Permalink

That information is quite a lot and I like the name of the phone 'whiz' sounds good. The way kikizo are talking about the game it must be the best game this year.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 25th July, 2007 @ 20:45 - Permalink
Nice job typing all that up chris82, how long did that take you? As for the actual info, Kikizo did a wonderful job. A lot of nice detail there, saved the staff a lot of time since we now don't have to post IGN's, GameSpot's, etc.

Me and Chris82 typed it up together, it took us both about 20 minutes to be honest.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 25th July, 2007 @ 20:52 - Permalink

Overweight policeman sounds good, they could be in the doughnut store a lot, and the car engines as good as Forza and Project Githam racing now that is good since they are racing games

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 25th July, 2007 @ 23:40 - Permalink

All that is pretty awesome info. I can't wait for this game... I am going to freeze myself until October 15th at 11:59. And then I'll just have to wait 1 minute! Yay!

chris82's photo
chris82 26th July, 2007 @ 01:06 - Permalink

Actually I'm hoping that they'll sell it the night before release like they did with San Andreas in my area. At 7:00pm the game went on sale and I was first in line.


rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 26th July, 2007 @ 01:07 - Permalink

That's awesome, wish that happened here.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 26th July, 2007 @ 01:13 - Permalink
Actually I'm hoping that they'll sell it the night before release like they did with San Andreas in my area. At 7:00pm the game went on sale and I was first in line.


Yep, same thing happened with me as well. That's why I'm actually thinking of pre-ordering with GameStop again... (I never buy anything from them anymore, but I might have to make an exception...)

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 26th July, 2007 @ 01:51 - Permalink
Actually I'm hoping that they'll sell it the night before release like they did with San Andreas in my area. At 7:00pm the game went on sale and I was first in line.


Same here, only I accidentally walked out like 2 minutes before they started selling the game and ended up like 7th in line. Oh well.

AMAZING information. Holy shit. They took this shit uber far. It's going to be a bitch to one-up this game..... Honestly, how will they keep us happy after giving us GTA IV?

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 26th July, 2007 @ 01:56 - Permalink
AMAZING information. Holy shit. They took this shit uber far. It's going to be a bitch to one-up this game..... Honestly, how will they keep us happy after giving us GTA IV?

A stick of gum free with every game?

I love the game more and more every time I hear about it. Well done to both of you guys for typing out all that.

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 26th July, 2007 @ 02:15 - Permalink
Actually I'm hoping that they'll sell it the night before release like they did with San Andreas in my area. At 7:00pm the game went on sale and I was first in line.


Well, I know they didn't do that here, because it came out like 2 days after it was released... So I'm just hoping we get it on time this time.

Did you just call me a bitch? Lol.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 26th July, 2007 @ 02:48 - Permalink

Pre-ordering the bonus pack, but this just makes me want it now that much more.

Good work Chris82.

7.62mm's photo
7.62mm 26th July, 2007 @ 04:27 - Permalink

Wonder if you can kill the taxi driver with like a knife and steal the car.. doing this while in the back seat :P

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 26th July, 2007 @ 04:31 - Permalink

Probably can, actually. At least kill him.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 26th July, 2007 @ 11:15 - Permalink

Just read all the previews and they sound good, all of them comment on the incredible detail. But reading wat TGTAP is always best ;) , like the idea of buying cameras from a shop and I like the sound of the theatre.

Luigi Antonio Fellowsioni's photo
Luigi Antonio Fellowsioni 28th July, 2007 @ 19:38 - Permalink

I can't wait for this game to come out i've prordered it already

Luigi Antonio Fellowsioni's photo
Luigi Antonio Fellowsioni 1st August, 2007 @ 16:56 - Permalink

Looks cool

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 1st August, 2007 @ 18:02 - Permalink

^ At least attempt to make more constructive posts rather than 1 or 2 word answers. You also replied to yourself, you retard.

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