Retailers Told March 2008

By Chris | 4th Aug 2007 at 17:07 GMT in GTA IV | 15 Comments

Take-Two have apparently been telling retailers the new release date for GTA IV is "March 2008" - nothing more specific than that. The traditional Tuesday (in the US) release dates in March will fall on the 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th, which one it will be we have no idea.

Several retailers have been putting March 4th, others are putting dates as late as June. Take-Two have themselves said in the press release "Q2-2008" of their fiscal year, meaning any time between February and April.

Other GTA sites are claiming March 4th is the "confirmed" date, though of course, no sources are cited. However, retailers are never a reliable source (EBGames anyone?), until we hear directly from Rockstar or Take-Two we cannot really confirm any particular day. So for now, March 2008 is a safe estimate for the release month.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 4th August, 2007 @ 18:35 - Permalink

Meh, still mad about the whole delay. Can't believe it would take this long :(.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 4th August, 2007 @ 18:48 - Permalink

March is a really bad time to actually release any game since most people are preparing for exams etc. Won't make them buy the game, I suspect June a better option and R* should amke it to June.

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 4th August, 2007 @ 22:26 - Permalink
Take-Two have apparently been telling retailers the new release date for GTA IV is "March 2008" - nothing more specific than that. The traditional Tuesday (in the US) release dates in March will fall on the 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th, which one it will be we have no idea.

Several retailers have been putting March 4th, others are putting dates as late as June. Take-Two have themselves said in the press release "Q2-2008" of their fiscal year, meaning any time between February and April.

Other GTA sites are claiming March 4th is the "confirmed" date, though of course, no sources are cited. However, retailers are never a reliable source (EBGames anyone?), until we hear directly from Rockstar or Take-Two we cannot really confirm any particular day. So for now, March 2008 is a safe estimate for the release month.

man, march its so farrrr. darn.

Highwire's photo
Highwire 4th August, 2007 @ 23:34 - Permalink

Dang I wanted wish they didnt delay it by so long i'd be okay with a few days but not months!

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 4th August, 2007 @ 23:37 - Permalink

Eh, I find the delay good news. I'll actually have the money to buy the game if the release date is in March.

Jared's photo
Jared 5th August, 2007 @ 03:12 - Permalink
Meh, still mad about the whole delay. Can't believe it would take this long :(.

Ever coded an entire game and found bugs that you can't find in your 5000000 lines of code? Sadly thats what it's like. However from what I hear the problem is space, not bugs.

In reply to a post just deleted by someone:

Microsoft and the Xbox 360 is not to blame for the delay, you effin' moron. It's been delayed to make sure the game is as good as it can possibly be. The fewer bugs, the better.

Seriously, just shove that fanboy bullshit up your ass. You have no proof the Xbox 360 is behind the delay.

The rumor is space is the problem, if that IS the truth then it's simple, which has the most space? Xbox 360 or PS3?

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 5th August, 2007 @ 09:55 - Permalink

Well if it is March I can get it myself since I will be turning 18 :D

But ive heard that the delay is caused because problems with the PS3, if it is, maybe rockstar and take 2 will be kind enough to release the 360 version then the PS3 at a later date, but I don't think they will :(

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 5th August, 2007 @ 11:35 - Permalink

No, they've had problems with both versions. Please, don't bring any fanboiness into this topic. If March is the suspected release date, I don't mind too much.

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 5th August, 2007 @ 13:04 - Permalink

sorry the bossman about my fanboiness, but I just looked on the GameStation website, and I looked at the prices of GTA IV and they are the same as everyother game retailer, and they say that the release date is Wednesday 30th April 2008, and you can look for your self by clicking here

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 5th August, 2007 @ 18:52 - Permalink

^ Don't worry about it ;) Hmm, April they say? I think it'll be March, but things change quickly in the games industry so it's hard to predict.

Stojko's photo
Stojko 6th August, 2007 @ 16:12 - Permalink

I just read about this delay this morning... UGH!

Gycu's photo
Gycu 6th August, 2007 @ 16:54 - Permalink
:cry: That means that the PC version will come September-October 2008 ( 6 months later ) :( :( :(
Artur's photo
Artur 12th August, 2007 @ 19:49 - Permalink
Eh, I find the delay good news. I'll actually have the money to buy the game if the release date is in March.

Agree with you there but still man, I've been gone for like 10 days (on a trip) and come back to find out GTA IV is being delayed for a pretty damn long time. Not good news :( Oh well, I can wait. Save up some money like WnN2

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 12th August, 2007 @ 21:39 - Permalink

Someone mentioned large chunk of code to debug. SA was about 550,000 lines just in the MAIN.SCR & I expect GTA4 to

be even bigger. I've just started scratching the surface on SA script editing.

Some of of you may have seen my ranting about Scarface/Sierra/VU Games over quality issues, so I'll spare you the details

here. Having said that, I would rather R* delayed the game & got it right than rush to market w/ a buggy piece of shoddy


R* set a high standard & has a rep to protect.

smallpancake's photo
smallpancake 14th August, 2007 @ 04:37 - Permalink


Mod edit: Dude, that shit was disgusting :/ Not again plz?

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