More GTA IV Details

By Gerard | 26th Aug 2007 at 12:01 GMT in GTA IV | 29 Comments

Since the delay of GTA IV, various gaming magazines have trickled out some fairly specific new information about GTA IV. Perhaps most notably, confirmation that the game will be set in October 2007, the initial planned release date.

  • The Xbox 360 Version of the game is 80% complete
  • The game itself is set in October 2007.
  • Niko can have several missions active at one time, cycling through them via your phone's 'To Do' list.
  • And in the middle of a mission, Niko can take on entirely different jobs.
  • Niko can pay double the amount to make the taxi drivers drive twice as fast.
  • Pedestrians also Cough, Sneeze, Smoke and Mutter in their breath
  • Hardly any duplicate pedestrian models and car models in the same area.
  • Throughout the game, bigger weapons will have to be stashed out of sight or Niko will attract attention.
  • The offices are large with multiple rooms and the jumpy glitchiness of the PS2 titles is largely absent.

Available are the magazine scans and summaries.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 26th August, 2007 @ 12:13 - Permalink

I like it where they can sneeze, cough, or smoke, If you punch a smoker, their cigarette will fall of and they can start a fight up. :lol: Also, the 'To Do List' is a nice Idea, my sister has a phone and she uses the To Do List to all the things she needs to do in one day. This seems to be a bit of good news.

Freestyle185's photo
Freestyle185 26th August, 2007 @ 12:31 - Permalink


The to do list sounds awesome. And since the game is set in new york, i think ill be using the taxis allot. ^_^

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 26th August, 2007 @ 12:39 - Permalink

Good, I'm getting Official today anyway. Unusual to see it set in a specific month though, normally GTA games are just set in 'this year', not 'October 1991' for example. It will be good if there isn't duplicate ped models, they say this is the case but you don't know until you can play it yourself. I'm also interested to know more about different missions at one time and the peds new abilities. If the Xbox version is around 80% percent complete, I presume the PS3 version is slightly behind because they started work later on it. Nice info, again.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 26th August, 2007 @ 12:46 - Permalink

A lot of gaming sites predicted that the PS3 version was behind by two weeks so they had to delay it, but I like the info, Iknow its little but I am not expecting much info from now till Christmas.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 26th August, 2007 @ 16:48 - Permalink

I think they'll have another trailer on it's initial release date.

Nice info. The 'To-Do-List' sounds pretty cool.

Slyde's photo
Slyde 27th August, 2007 @ 23:52 - Permalink

Good to know that people can actually see you with a RPG in middle of the street now.

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 28th August, 2007 @ 11:16 - Permalink

@ Bossman. Wasn't LCS set in October too? (1998 FYI) Not only that, but the day Cipriani entered LC was reputed to be the 30th....

Anyway, this sounds good, i expected it to be slightly over 80%, but then again thay DID postpone the relese date...

Several missions active? Sounds kinda RPG - ish to me, but then it may make the game more interesting....

I actually saw this on a gaming site (I don't know which) a day or so before it was posted here, but thought it was all old news. Dang.

LDoubleU's photo
LDoubleU 28th August, 2007 @ 11:27 - Permalink

well remembered mrLlamaLlama, october '98. wot website was that?

ps. to all members, i was formerely w33l33 but i 4got my password and the password recovery thing didnt work so i just createda new account.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 28th August, 2007 @ 11:35 - Permalink
@ Bossman. Wasn't LCS set in October too? (1998 FYI) Not only that, but the day Cipriani entered LC was reputed to be the 30th....

Anyway, this sounds good, i expected it to be slightly over 80%, but then again thay DID postpone the relese date...

Several missions active? Sounds kinda RPG - ish to me, but then it may make the game more interesting....

I actually saw this on a gaming site (I don't know which) a day or so before it was posted here, but thought it was all old news. Dang.

Yeah I forgot that one, but apart from that, I don't think any of them have been set in a specific month. The month may have been mentioned in a cut-scene, or opening cutscene eg VC and SA, but I don't think it mattered as much during gameplay. Until now, that is.

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 28th August, 2007 @ 21:30 - Permalink
@ Bossman. Wasn't LCS set in October too? (1998 FYI) Not only that, but the day Cipriani entered LC was reputed to be the 30th....

Actually, LCS was set somewhere in the first 5 months of 1998. In the beginning of the game, you go through that info icon at the Callahan Bridge and it says the bridge would be fixed in May 1998 so LCS doesn't have a specific month it's set in unless that was supposed to hint that it was set in May 1998.

Sharp_Sight's photo
Sharp_Sight 29th August, 2007 @ 00:44 - Permalink
Niko can pay double the amount to make the taxi drivers drive twice as fast.

Well, it says he can pay double the amount to make the taxi driver drive twice faster... It's like saying that other games had this thang but without the ability to pay double.. the question is, do the other games have this ability, even without paying double, just paying normal? and which games? :huh:

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 29th August, 2007 @ 00:59 - Permalink
Niko can pay double the amount to make the taxi drivers drive twice as fast.

Well, it says he can pay double the amount to make the taxi driver drive twice faster... It's like saying that other games had this thang but without the ability to pay double.. the question is, do the other games have this ability, even without paying double, just paying normal? and which games? :huh:

In the other GTAs, Taxis only came when you got wasted or busted during a mission and you could ride the Taxi back to the mission marker you were last at. The differences are that you only paid like and it was Trip Skip (Meaning you were basically teleported there. You didn't watch the ride). In GTA IV, it should be different because if you could pay double to go twice as fast, then it wouldn't be Trip Skip.

tilly's photo
tilly 29th August, 2007 @ 02:30 - Permalink

im glad they dont have seasons. that means they will have much more memory to use for other things.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 29th August, 2007 @ 11:34 - Permalink

Not having seasons SUCKS! :( that means no snow :(

Thomas.'s photo
Thomas. 29th August, 2007 @ 17:48 - Permalink
@ Bossman. Wasn't LCS set in October too? (1998 FYI) Not only that, but the day Cipriani entered LC was reputed to be the 30th....

Actually, LCS was set somewhere in the first 5 months of 1998. In the beginning of the game, you go through that info icon at the Callahan Bridge and it says the bridge would be fixed in May 1998 so LCS doesn't have a specific month it's set in unless that was supposed to hint that it was set in May 1998.

Reading the Gang Manual it says "October 30th 1998".

The To-Do-list Does sound Cool.

And instead of waiting to finish the mission you can do Taxi jobs During a Mission. How Cool

QuickDeath's photo
QuickDeath 30th August, 2007 @ 02:53 - Permalink
[*]Hardly any duplicate pedestrian models and car models in the same area.

I would like to see that happening, its one of the most annoying aspects of GTAs, im sure you all remember CJ's hood where were like 3 types of homies walkin around <_<

tilly's photo
tilly 30th August, 2007 @ 03:24 - Permalink
Not having seasons SUCKS! :( that means no snow :(

did you not read what i just said?

Silberio's photo
Silberio 30th August, 2007 @ 05:19 - Permalink

But still...Come on, it'll be boring without seasons.

Groovy info, but I dont get the Nº 8 :P

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 30th August, 2007 @ 05:24 - Permalink

You know, it's possible that the month was October in the demo they played, but there still is a possibility of seasons.

Highwire's photo
Highwire 30th August, 2007 @ 06:15 - Permalink

I like the details. To Do List sounds awesome and I like the peds idea.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 30th August, 2007 @ 08:26 - Permalink
Not having seasons SUCKS! :( that means no snow :(

did you not read what i just said?

Yeah right ... I read that but not having seasons is a bad idea IMO :(

Here's something I found ( maybe fake but w/e )

Dan Houser, co-founder of Rockstar Games, confirmed at 2006?s E3 that the game will feature Multi Conventional Tesseract technology otherwise known as MCT or "Octachoronics". This will allow for sharper and more innovative game play residing in assimilated artificial weather control systems. The in-game weather will never appear to be the same twice. Each rain drop will contain 20 herds

What is a "herd" ?

K9 Krew's photo
K9 Krew 30th August, 2007 @ 09:07 - Permalink

I like the sounds of the To Do list it seems pretty helpful.

LDoubleU's photo
LDoubleU 31st August, 2007 @ 08:12 - Permalink
@ Bossman. Wasn't LCS set in October too? (1998 FYI) Not only that, but the day Cipriani entered LC was reputed to be the 30th....

Anyway, this sounds good, i expected it to be slightly over 80%, but then again thay DID postpone the relese date...

Several missions active? Sounds kinda RPG - ish to me, but then it may make the game more interesting....

I actually saw this on a gaming site (I don't know which) a day or so before it was posted here, but thought it was all old news. Dang.

Yeah I forgot that one, but apart from that, I don't think any of them have been set in a specific month. The month may have been mentioned in a cut-scene, or opening cutscene eg VC and SA, but I don't think it mattered as much during gameplay. Until now, that is.

to be exact it was october the 30th 1998 just fyi

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 31st August, 2007 @ 21:19 - Permalink
@ Bossman. Wasn't LCS set in October too? (1998 FYI) Not only that, but the day Cipriani entered LC was reputed to be the 30th....

Actually, LCS was set somewhere in the first 5 months of 1998. In the beginning of the game, you go through that info icon at the Callahan Bridge and it says the bridge would be fixed in May 1998 so LCS doesn't have a specific month it's set in unless that was supposed to hint that it was set in May 1998.

Reading the Gang Manual it says "October 30th 1998".

The To-Do-list Does sound Cool.

And instead of waiting to finish the mission you can do Taxi jobs During a Mission. How Cool

I already know.

Nate10's photo
Nate10 7th September, 2007 @ 01:35 - Permalink

Very nice info, sound good :) . all of those details sound nice...

lostatend's photo
lostatend 10th October, 2007 @ 01:51 - Permalink

probally leaps ahead of vice city???

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 12th October, 2007 @ 04:33 - Permalink

Since we're bumping this (that's cool), has anyone heard a final release date yet?

In the mean time I'll probably load up Godfather on the 16th. Not the same, but it'll take some of the sting out of no

GTA4 until next year.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 13th October, 2007 @ 13:12 - Permalink

No info at all has been released about that, except 'between February and April 2008', which was mentioned about 3 months ago I think. And don't bother with Godfather - Scarface or Okami are both brilliant games that deserve to be played.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 18th October, 2007 @ 19:46 - Permalink

Moot point. Godfather won't install, keeps saying I need directX 9 (which is already installed).

Anyway, back to topic.

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