Minor Multiplayer Details

By chris82 | 12th Oct 2007 at 20:16 GMT in GTA IV | 15 Comments

ivlogo356t.gifToday a news article posted on GamingExcellence provides us with a minor, yet potentially large piece of information regarding GTAIV's multiplayer mode.

According to a Rockstar representative at the PlayStation Holiday Preview Event,

Set for 2008’s second quarter, GTA IV was also missing, but Rockstar’s man on the scene told GamingExcellence that they had begun testing the various plots and that the developers were considering the possibility of having an open world completely unlocked from the start of the game. We also understand that the game’s multiplayer mode, unseen in the GTA franchise since GTA2 in 1997, is aiming for at least 16 simultaneous players, with more than just the usual deathmatch mode.

This news comes with many implications. For one, Rockstar mentions "at least 16," which means no less than 16 is aimed for, but there is also the potential for more. This information also confirms once more that deathmatch isn't the only option in multiplayer. Will we see racing? Capture the Flag? Or something even more intuitive? Only time will tell...

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Connor's photo
Connor 12th October, 2007 @ 21:03 - Permalink

That's really cool, I guess that's good, but if it comes out on PC, the SA-MP team are going to be bored for a while..

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 13th October, 2007 @ 01:20 - Permalink

I'm hoping they do similar things that was done with LCS and VCS. The multiplayer modes kicked ass.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 13th October, 2007 @ 02:55 - Permalink
I'm hoping they do similar things that was done with LCS and VCS. The multiplayer modes kicked ass.

Well I hope they don't do it the same exact way because having only portions of the map opened sucked.

Slyde's photo
Slyde 13th October, 2007 @ 03:35 - Permalink

Awesome! Finally some new details. I'm expecting about 32 players if it is going to be open world.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 13th October, 2007 @ 13:09 - Permalink

Awesome, I've never experienced multiplayer GTA, except the crappy 2 player option in San Andreas. This will be a phenomenon. I'm hoping to play as every character from the recent GTA games, specifically the PS2 ones, use hundreds of weapons and have the whole map available to play in. That would surely be the best multiplayer ever.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 13th October, 2007 @ 20:27 - Permalink

Having 16 players is not enough considering the size of the map, It would be better if we had 50 or so but I doubt that will happen but still its sound like good news anyway.

DeAtH's photo
DeAtH 13th October, 2007 @ 23:43 - Permalink

I hope they will make it that way the city won't be empty.

Like there would be NPCs walking around the street and so on.

surrealistic ArtSweet's photo
surrealistic ArtSweet 14th October, 2007 @ 09:35 - Permalink

wait a sec, 16 players, that means online right? xbox live and everything?

maybe we can choose what street we would be in, because R* made street names right? maybe we would choose the streets in MP

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 14th October, 2007 @ 10:33 - Permalink
wait a sec, 16 players, that means online right? xbox live and everything?

maybe we can choose what street we would be in, because R* made street names right? maybe we would choose the streets in MP

Yes it means online.

If they wanted to do it right they would have to be atleast 40 players IMO. In Resistance Fall Of Man online they had 40 players on one map and it would be perfect for the games atmosphere and if they had about that amount of players on GTA IV it would be a nicely done game.

They could have a game mode called seek and destroy where the amount of people on one server would be split evenly (8 aside) and whichever team kills off the other team first wins. Each player would have only 1 life but this could be changed to a maximum of 5.

StormLexer's photo
StormLexer 14th October, 2007 @ 16:13 - Permalink

I wont see the MP becoming a huge-omfg hit as SAMP/VCMP was. Cause IMO if they don't have server customization(or whatever it'll be using) like pawno it's most likely gonna get boring after the first few months. (IMO it would anyway)

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 15th October, 2007 @ 19:10 - Permalink
I wont see the MP becoming a huge-omfg hit as SAMP/VCMP was. Cause IMO if they don't have server customization(or whatever it'll be using) like pawno it's most likely gonna get boring after the first few months. (IMO it would anyway)

The main reason people would rather play MTA and Multiplayer than an official one is because they're all to use to having those stupid rules like "No roof kills", "No grenades", "No heli kills", etc.

People are always complaining about how games are unrealistic...well have you ever heard of a soldier saying "Hey, stop throwing grenades...that's against the rules"? NO

You should be able to use what's in the game and if you can't learn how to defend yourself, then you FAIL. It’s that simple.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 15th October, 2007 @ 19:22 - Permalink
I'm hoping they do similar things that was done with LCS and VCS. The multiplayer modes kicked ass.

Well I hope they don't do it the same exact way because having only portions of the map opened sucked.

Well, something was said about having the entire map unlocked at the beginning possibly? If that ends up being the case I assume the entire map will be accessible in multiplayer.

I wont see the MP becoming a huge-omfg hit as SAMP/VCMP was. Cause IMO if they don't have server customization(or whatever it'll be using) like pawno it's most likely gonna get boring after the first few months. (IMO it would anyway)

Quite honestly, I've played a lot of online games that didn't allow you to customize the server, but it was still fun to play. Why you'd NEED to have server customization in order to have fun is beyond me.

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 16th October, 2007 @ 00:37 - Permalink
I wont see the MP becoming a huge-omfg hit as SAMP/VCMP was. Cause IMO if they don't have server customization(or whatever it'll be using) like pawno it's most likely gonna get boring after the first few months. (IMO it would anyway)

Quite honestly, I've played a lot of online games that didn't allow you to customize the server, but it was still fun to play. Why you'd NEED to have server customization in order to have fun is beyond me.

I'm guessing because some people can't really play to the original game's rules, so they have to modify them so they actually have a chance. Or to make crazy-ass stunting videos, I don't know.

Charger's photo
Charger 16th October, 2007 @ 18:49 - Permalink

I mostly play SAMP, I can't even drive-by in one of the official servers, because its cheating...

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 18th October, 2007 @ 10:17 - Permalink

they should allow 32 players online coz the map will be huggeee if gta has a good multiplayer say hello to one of the greatest games ever.

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