Vice City Stories Wins "Best Handheld Game of the Year 2007"

By Chris | 28th Oct 2007 at 21:32 GMT in Vice City Stories | 6 Comments

IPB ImageFor the second time in as many years, Rockstar Games have picked up the GamesRadar Handheld Game of the Year award for Vice City Stories, with 2006's of course going to Liberty City Stories.

If you own a PSP (or indeed a PS2) and are looking for something to pass the time until GTA IV, why not get Vice City Stories? Assuming you don't already have it.

You can read the full list of winners at C&VG.

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 28th October, 2007 @ 21:57 - Permalink

Pretty cool. Must be a nice boost for Rockstar to know that they can still win awards... Despite the game's obvious and numerous faults. :P

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 28th October, 2007 @ 22:27 - Permalink

To me there isn't really a PSP (or handheld game) that compares to VCS (probably because I don't have so much).

Red_91's photo
Red_91 29th October, 2007 @ 09:25 - Permalink

VCS was good on PSP but it was way better than the PSP version though no other PSP game comes close to it, maybe MGS - Portable Ops, but its not better than VCS.

2003's photo
2003 29th October, 2007 @ 18:33 - Permalink

Awsome, congrats Rockstar Games! :D

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 30th October, 2007 @ 19:17 - Permalink

I'm not surprised at all, it was clearly better than LCS, and set in probably the best City in the whole GTA series IMO. I have it on PS2, I haven't tried it on PSP.

EDIT: Wow, still the last post in the topic for over a year now.

shootist's photo
shootist 18th February, 2011 @ 06:43 - Permalink

Wow! Gta vice city stories get the best handheld game of the year!! A great award for a great game. People should buy san andreas and vice city stories rather than play gta 4.I am not saying that gta 4 is a bad game.I'm just saying because its a little difficult.My stupid friend says gta 4 is quite dull and boring.gta 4,gta san andreas and vice city stories are great games.

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