Ninja Cheat

By Chris | 10th Feb 2005 at 14:03 GMT in San Andreas | 7 Comments

edisoncarter's found another new cheat, this one changes everything to a ninja theme.

Ninja Theme:

Changes all peds to Asian's with Katana's and most vehicles are black bikes.


Have fun with it.

Airashii's photo
Airashii 10th February, 2005 @ 14:27 - Permalink

Hehe, sounds pretty cool, I'll perhaps give it a whirl.

Cough7007's photo
Cough7007 10th February, 2005 @ 16:31 - Permalink

So, basically everybody turns into Chinese ninjas with black motorcycles. COOL! Woozie's men at their finest... lol I hope it works.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 10th February, 2005 @ 17:17 - Permalink

I r Ninja, Sir! This is Spaz's type of cheat.

person123's photo
person123 11th February, 2005 @ 23:20 - Permalink

WOO! ninjas everywhere I LOVE IT!!

zimoo's photo
zimoo 14th February, 2005 @ 21:10 - Permalink

This is a pretty cool cheat. I put it on while my sister was playing and she loved going around chopping off all the Triads heads :)

thedon121's photo
thedon121 20th February, 2005 @ 19:39 - Permalink

uh, dude, that's a little off of the topic why dont u go to the questions section of the forums and ask them.

Chris's photo
Chris 20th February, 2005 @ 19:53 - Permalink
uh, dude, that's a little off of the topic why dont u go to the questions section of the forums and ask them.

I just deleted that guys post ;)

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