3 More Screenshots

By Chris | 5th Dec 2007 at 20:43 GMT in GTA IV | 19 Comments

We're not sure how many more of these are coming but here are 3 new screenshots from IGN.

gta4_screen40.jpg gta4_screen41.jpg gta4_screen42.jpg

LDoubleU's photo
LDoubleU 5th December, 2007 @ 20:47 - Permalink

nice one chris ;)

these screenshots are awesome! :D

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 5th December, 2007 @ 20:48 - Permalink


The shadows and reflections look really nice and I think you could see exhaust coming out of the helicopter.


Looks pretty basic, but it appears we could use elevators, which aren't new, but maybe there is more to do with them.


Again, I like the shadowing and lighting GTAIV has.

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 5th December, 2007 @ 20:48 - Permalink

The helicopter one is my favorite.. But the one where Niko is shooting is awesome.. So is the other one... Jeez, they're just all awesome!

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 5th December, 2007 @ 20:50 - Permalink

I just noticed that the helicopter's location is near one of the locations in the first trailer.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 5th December, 2007 @ 20:51 - Permalink

Helicopter picture has amazing reflections on one of the buildings, it looks immense. Can't wait for the trailer tomorrow.

STL67's photo
STL67 5th December, 2007 @ 20:56 - Permalink

the picture where Niko is in the elevator is wierd, cause if you look at the gun there are some lines goin through it

Red_91's photo
Red_91 5th December, 2007 @ 20:58 - Permalink
the picture where Niko is in the elevator is wierd, cause if you look at the gun there are some lines goin through it

Yeah your right, its on his hands too, could this be an updated version of the surveillance?

Gycu's photo
Gycu 5th December, 2007 @ 22:34 - Permalink

Glad you got my message Chris ... Sorry for not sending you the link but anyways :D:)

I set the first pic as my desktop background ... Simply amazing! :D

Sherman's photo
Sherman 5th December, 2007 @ 22:41 - Permalink
the picture where Niko is in the elevator is wierd, cause if you look at the gun there are some lines goin through it

Yeah your right, its on his hands too, could this be an updated version of the surveillance?

I thought it was a glove or net over both his hand and the gun, maybe to prevent fingerprints or something?

Gycu's photo
Gycu 5th December, 2007 @ 23:05 - Permalink


I noticed something in this pic ... On Niko's richt hand it looks like a glitch or like he's wearing a glove but I think it's just the reflection/shadow of the ceilling ( it has iron grills or w/e ) ... Notice that almost his entire arm and his foot looks weird ...

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 5th December, 2007 @ 23:14 - Permalink

I think it's a combination of the light pouring through the grate, and just plain fuzzy edges... seems logical...

Artur's photo
Artur 6th December, 2007 @ 00:57 - Permalink

It could be, but doesn't look like it much. Whatever, the pics look awesome my favourite is also the helicopter one. It just looks sick.

STL67's photo
STL67 6th December, 2007 @ 01:42 - Permalink

yea, it might just be a bad quality picture, but whatever . and in the pic where he is shooting, you can kind of see his wrist coming through the jacket, hmmp

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 6th December, 2007 @ 06:32 - Permalink

i dont understand people wen i click on quote nothin comes up, so i have 2 reply to do this sry guys but does any1 noe wats the problem.

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 6th December, 2007 @ 07:15 - Permalink

cnt wait for trailer

Jet's photo
Jet 6th December, 2007 @ 09:00 - Permalink

Whow!! These are really nice. :lolbounce:

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 6th December, 2007 @ 16:46 - Permalink

My favourite is the 1st, the shadow looks great. The 2nd shot surely shows you can buy clothes and things like that for Niko, and I like the fingerless gloves in the 3rd shot, he's clearly rocking the hobo look. Can't wait for the trailer...

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 6th December, 2007 @ 18:51 - Permalink
i dont understand people wen i click on quote nothin comes up, so i have 2 reply to do this sry guys but does any1 noe wats the problem.

Hit "Quote" ONCE, it will turn a lighter shade. Do this for all the posts you want to quote, THEN hit Reply.

niko bellend's photo
niko bellend 6th December, 2007 @ 19:47 - Permalink

does anyone think that this sudden wave of screens is hinting that the release dat is some-what very near?

just a thought

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