
By Chris | 14th Feb 2005 at 23:29 GMT in GTA IV | 10 Comments

I have decided to launch our sister site today, after testing various layouts, I've stuck with one. is a site speculating on what the next GTA game may be called, because at the time of writing we don't have any legible information saying it is GTA4 for certain.

There is not much in the way of content obviously, and we are looking for users to submit any fan art they have created. Thanks to MVI we already have three pieces up on the fan art page. Please check out the Fan Art page for more information on submitting fan art.

Hope you enjoy the site! If you find any bugs let me know, and any feedback and constructive criticism is welcome. Relevant links are below. Remember to post on our forums you need to register. Registration is of course completely free, and only takes a few moments. Please Click here to register for free if you aren't a member already. Registration has many benefits, including the ability to play games in our Arcade!

Links:, GTA4 Forum, GTA4 Wishlist

Oscar's photo
Oscar 16th February, 2005 @ 05:06 - Permalink

So now a site too, this is cool, fan fiction starts again, wich is really one of the good parts about a great game saga.

Chris's photo
Chris 16th February, 2005 @ 10:23 - Permalink

yeah if you want you can post fan fics in the GTA4 forum ;)

bryan's photo
bryan 16th February, 2005 @ 21:54 - Permalink
:coolthumbup: The GTA 4 site is a gr8 idea. I don't know how long you'll be waitin' to get any real information since its so far away (or is it). GTA NET started a gta 4 site too. I might even start one on my own site. I've got a cool idea for a layout. :o
Chris's photo
Chris 16th February, 2005 @ 22:04 - Permalink

ah so its they who own that domain, thats the one I wanted to get for the site. But yeah thanks anyway. I would assume that the next GTA is a long way off and we have no idea of the name of it either, i'm just hoping it is GTA4 otherwise i'll have to fork out another £5 on another domain :rolleyes:

MaxPayne's photo
MaxPayne 16th February, 2005 @ 22:32 - Permalink

No ones took i think that a good domain name

Chris's photo
Chris 16th February, 2005 @ 22:40 - Permalink

Yes somebody has that, I checked that one, just no site put on it yet.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 17th February, 2005 @ 02:25 - Permalink
:coolthumbup: The GTA 4 site is a gr8 idea. I don't know how long you'll be waitin' to get any real information since its so far away (or is it). GTA NET started a gta 4 site too. I might even start one on my own site. I've got a cool idea for a layout. :o

Aren't you on GTAWH?

Cool site though, has my boxart on it. And I'm called a friend.

bryan's photo
bryan 17th February, 2005 @ 12:16 - Permalink
(Spasmodically_Insane @ Feb 17 2005, 02:25 AM)

Aren't you on GTAWH?

I'm just a forum member @ GTAWH - nobody special.

Got my own site - see [www] below. I lost all my members because I had problems transfering the database. :'( :pissedred:

Airashii's photo
Airashii 17th February, 2005 @ 22:28 - Permalink

sounding good Chris, i'll be sure to check it out.

mvi's photo
mvi 18th February, 2005 @ 12:55 - Permalink

It is a good site, and my artwork has now been turned into a fake screen which it probably is.

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