Five New GTA IV Screenshots

By Chris | 24th Dec 2007 at 17:56 GMT in GTA IV | 42 Comments

Here 4 brand new screenshots of Grand Theft Auto IV courtesy of Rockstar Games, as well as one new artwork of a new character apparently named Faustin.

gtaiv_screenshot_56.jpg gtaiv_screenshot_57.jpg gtaiv_screenshot_58.jpg gtaiv_screenshot_59.jpg gtaiv_screenshot_60.jpg faustin.jpg

More screenshots are available in our gallery, as well as our artwork page.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 24th December, 2007 @ 17:58 - Permalink

Like the 4th image. The car would look good if you could modify it.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 24th December, 2007 @ 17:58 - Permalink

Is it just me or does the ground in the fourth picture look very blurry?

Great expression in the first picture and they've surely done a good job on Niko's climbing (second picture).

Chris's photo
Chris 24th December, 2007 @ 18:03 - Permalink

I thought the 1st pic was an old one, turns out I was thinking of this screenshot - notice he has the exact same facial expression and is even holding the same gun, the screenshot shows him at the same angle too, just in a different location.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 24th December, 2007 @ 18:05 - Permalink

I found something on the 4th pic, and I thought it'd be good to let you guys see it:


It looks as if the tire is going through the solid floor. I'm not entirely sure, but something could be in the way.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 24th December, 2007 @ 18:09 - Permalink

Hmm.. They should have more then one position for every gun. Or at least a different expression. Depending on the sistuation for instance (by wanted level or something like that).

Otherwise it would get rather repetetive. Like the way CJ would fall from a motor bike in San Andreas.. always the exact same way (made it funny at times too, though).

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 24th December, 2007 @ 18:27 - Permalink
I found something on the 4th pic, and I thought it'd be good to let you guys see it:


It looks as if the tire is going through the solid floor. I'm not entirely sure, but something could be in the way.

To me that actually looks like the tire got shredded down to the rim.

mark123's photo
mark123 24th December, 2007 @ 18:27 - Permalink


is it just me, or is this look really wierd like cartoony? like the colours and the lighting and the clothes on niko?? or is it artwork? cant wait to hang off lorrys though!! gonna be awesome

1st and 3rd image looks good..

1st picture.. notice nikos hair line looks a little wierd..

notice in the third image how niko is leaning to the side that the car is turning..

but yes.. the car tyre in the 4th picture is sunk into the ground if you save the picture then zoom in you can see its the same texture as the road ( if you remember past pictures there were pictures where a policeman was inside a staircase * first trailer* and more recently you could see nikos wrist through his jacket so it doesnt surprise me that the car tyre is inside the ground * although it really shouldnt happen but they should be able to fix it* )... and the ground does look really blurry.. you would sorta expect them to create a really good looking sharp designs ( but different viriaties ) of road surfaces then just duplicate them.. instead of the blurry one thats boring.

5th picture.. i'm pretty sure thats an old one...

p.s i'm not complaining i love gta.. but i think they should sort out some of the glitches in the game or should do before release.

Alkali64's photo
Alkali64 24th December, 2007 @ 18:30 - Permalink

Wow, this game is getting worse and worse every screen...

Still, its not enough for a game to look bad, im sure its as meaty as ever in terms of gameplay and such...

Hardly a good way to represent the biggest game of 2008 though..

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 24th December, 2007 @ 18:41 - Permalink

Those screenshots look wicked-sick!

mark123's photo
mark123 24th December, 2007 @ 18:42 - Permalink
Wow, this game is getting worse and worse every screen...

Still, its not enough for a game to look bad, im sure its as meaty as ever in terms of gameplay and such...

Hardly a good way to represent the biggest game of 2008 though..

i feel the same as you, i'm not blown away by this game anymore.. at first the info on it on what you could do was amazing then the first trailer came out but now it just doesnt seem to look that good. graphics arent everything.. blah blah.. but they do help and i was expecting a lot from this game graphics wise. they should really screen the images and flush out the ones that have glitches in them at least .

but to me the problem is the shading.. or colours or whatever you call it.. they seem very washed out if you know what i mean.. kinda hazy/whiteish . for a city it just doesnt seem to be alive with colour. it looks kinda like an old photo from like the 70's or something that has that washed out look.

but that might just be cause its playing on the crapbox. if they did it solely on ps3 would be a lot better graphically and detail wise. not to mention the millions more things you could fit into the game ( including planes and countryside which i'll miss i liked to get out of the city and mess around in the countryside in san andreas not having to worry about cops being around ) because of the blueray discs. not to mention the higher processing power. :)

i hope next one.. gta 5. they put it on the xbox elite and ps3.. cause then you can have the 15/30GB capacity on the HDDVD.. or the 25/50GB capacity of the blueray to work with. instead of 4.7GB that the xbox 360 limits it to.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 24th December, 2007 @ 18:45 - Permalink

A little something for Christmas, thanks.

Agree w/ TM on the tire, probably a minor graphics glitch. No surprise when you think about how big this will be

graphically speaking.

I don't recognize the car, is it new one or just an update of an old GTA car? It looks like a cross between a first gen

Camaro & a '76 Toyota Celica. :lol:

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 24th December, 2007 @ 18:55 - Permalink
Wow, this game is getting worse and worse every screen...

Still, its not enough for a game to look bad, im sure its as meaty as ever in terms of gameplay and such...

Hardly a good way to represent the biggest game of 2008 though..

i feel the same as you, i'm not blown away by this game anymore.. at first the info on it on what you could do was amazing then the first trailer came out but now it just doesnt seem to look that good. graphics arent everything.. blah blah.. but they do help and i was expecting a lot from this game graphics wise. they should really screen the images and flush out the ones that have glitches in them at least .

but to me the problem is the shading.. or colours or whatever you call it.. they seem very washed out if you know what i mean.. kinda hazy/whiteish . for a city it just doesnt seem to be alive with colour. it looks kinda like an old photo from like the 70's or something that has that washed out look.

but that might just be cause its playing on the crapbox. if they did it solely on ps3 would be a lot better graphically and detail wise. not to mention the millions more things you could fit into the game ( including planes and countryside which i'll miss i liked to get out of the city and mess around in the countryside in san andreas not having to worry about cops being around ) because of the blueray discs. not to mention the higher processing power. :)

i hope next one.. gta 5. they put it on the xbox elite and ps3.. cause then you can have the 15/30GB capacity on the HDDVD.. or the 25/50GB capacity of the blueray to work with. instead of 4.7GB that the xbox 360 limits it to.

Y'know, we don't appreciate fanboyism around here. Just a heads-up. Also, the Xbox 360 uses DVD-9s, which have 9GB capacity. Which is plenty, considering the mammoth game Oblivion is only 6GB.

As for the fourth pic, the tire is definitely clipping through the ground. But it's only a minor graphical glitch that every game has. Now, the second pic....maybe we can finally climb up and over cars REALISTICALLY.

mark123's photo
mark123 24th December, 2007 @ 19:00 - Permalink
Wow, this game is getting worse and worse every screen...

Still, its not enough for a game to look bad, im sure its as meaty as ever in terms of gameplay and such...

Hardly a good way to represent the biggest game of 2008 though..

i feel the same as you, i'm not blown away by this game anymore.. at first the info on it on what you could do was amazing then the first trailer came out but now it just doesnt seem to look that good. graphics arent everything.. blah blah.. but they do help and i was expecting a lot from this game graphics wise. they should really screen the images and flush out the ones that have glitches in them at least .

but to me the problem is the shading.. or colours or whatever you call it.. they seem very washed out if you know what i mean.. kinda hazy/whiteish . for a city it just doesnt seem to be alive with colour. it looks kinda like an old photo from like the 70's or something that has that washed out look.

but that might just be cause its playing on the crapbox. if they did it solely on ps3 would be a lot better graphically and detail wise. not to mention the millions more things you could fit into the game ( including planes and countryside which i'll miss i liked to get out of the city and mess around in the countryside in san andreas not having to worry about cops being around ) because of the blueray discs. not to mention the higher processing power. :)

i hope next one.. gta 5. they put it on the xbox elite and ps3.. cause then you can have the 15/30GB capacity on the HDDVD.. or the 25/50GB capacity of the blueray to work with. instead of 4.7GB that the xbox 360 limits it to.

Y'know, we don't appreciate fanboyism around here. Just a heads-up. Also, the Xbox 360 uses DVD-9s, which have 9GB capacity. Which is plenty, considering the mammoth game Oblivion is only 6GB.

As for the fourth pic, the tire is definitely clipping through the ground. But it's only a minor graphical glitch that every game has. Now, the second pic....maybe we can finally climb up and over cars REALISTICALLY.

im not a fanboy lol.. i dont even have a ps3. and i understand that its a huge game and that it might be minor.. but still shouldnt happen specially after a delay of 6 months. game must be near complition if not complete and just finishing it off by now.

and i dont care too much about glitches because sometimes they can be funny.. and majority of the time you dont notice them ( like the tyre one if you were driving the car you wouldnt notice it happening ) .. my main issue with the game right now is the colours of it. and like i said .. the no countryside or planes, i was looking forward to an updated version of the hydra.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 24th December, 2007 @ 19:00 - Permalink

QUOTE: TEC 9 -"....maybe we can finally climb up and over cars REALISTICALLY."

LlamaLlama's car surfing could go to a whole new level.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 24th December, 2007 @ 19:32 - Permalink


The delay was partially because of the PS3 system, it was 2 weeks behind the 360 version.

Anyway the guy in the artowrk name 'Faustin' sounds a bit South American to me, maybe a Columbian.

Anyway the red car looks like an updated version of the Sabre I think, but I got to admit the graphics in some of the pics (especially 4) look blurred, might just be me like.

Alkali64's photo
Alkali64 24th December, 2007 @ 19:51 - Permalink

The delay was partially because of the PS3 system, it was 2 weeks behind the 360 version.

Anyway the guy in the artowrk name 'Faustin' sounds a bit South American to me, maybe a Columbian.

Anyway the red car looks like an updated version of the Sabre I think, but I got to admit the graphics in some of the pics (especially 4) look blurred, might just be me like.

Nope, you definitely aren't alone..

I mean, i have always thought the graphics were stunning until now, shame.. :erm:

I aint losing interest in IV, i just hope Rockstar aren't being too lazy...

niko bellend's photo
niko bellend 24th December, 2007 @ 21:30 - Permalink

i recognise the oceanic, and possibly a feltezer, in the 3rd pic, the car niko's in looks kinda like a clover

Highwire's photo
Highwire 24th December, 2007 @ 21:46 - Permalink

The more I see the more I want. I just wish I could get a PS3 with GTA IV for my birthday (April 20th). Im pretty sure it would be released before then. I like the second and third pictures the most. And about that car that looks like theres something in the way I think its just a flat.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 25th December, 2007 @ 00:45 - Permalink

Saber is as good a guess for the car as any. The Infernus has showed up in 3 variations since GTA3.

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 25th December, 2007 @ 05:12 - Permalink

ok Do you see a Dodge Charger in this picture? look middle left, there, i swear thats the same charger design of a 69' charger, that and it has the stock rims of one too...and dope ass camero there,

blindklb's photo
blindklb 25th December, 2007 @ 06:33 - Permalink

That totally is a Dodge Charger. Thats fucking awsome. I can't wait to drive that.

"All I want for christmas is a GTA4 release date" Is that so much to ask?

Gycu's photo
Gycu 25th December, 2007 @ 16:46 - Permalink

These are some cool new screen I tought too that the first pic is older but it is actually new ... The 4th one is a lil' bit blurry ... My personal favorite is the second one ... the driver of the truck looks very realistic IMO ...

Angry Gorilla's photo
Angry Gorilla 27th December, 2007 @ 14:19 - Permalink
I am a fucking cocksucker.

You fail at life.

Please go rape yourself :)

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 27th December, 2007 @ 15:04 - Permalink

They look okay I guess, some look too similar to past shots though. The ground in the 4th shot is extremely blurry, the 1st shot looks identical to a previous shot, and the 5th shot is also similar to a previous shot, although it didn't feature Niko. The 2nd shot and the artwork looks great.

treemans's photo
treemans 27th December, 2007 @ 16:36 - Permalink

Hello boys! Official GTA 4 Release Date from hungarian GTA page:

You use this side for the translation: (HUN-ENG)

One of worker announced the date! Date: 04/01/08 !!!!

Angry Gorilla's photo
Angry Gorilla 27th December, 2007 @ 17:12 - Permalink
Hello boys! Official GTA 4 Release Date from hungarian GTA page:

You use this side for the translation: (HUN-ENG)

One of worker announced the date! Date: 04/01/08 !!!!

O rly?

mark123's photo
mark123 27th December, 2007 @ 17:13 - Permalink
Hello boys! Official GTA 4 Release Date from hungarian GTA page:

You use this side for the translation: (HUN-ENG)

One of worker announced the date! Date: 04/01/08 !!!!

ya, i was expecting a march release date... and april 1st seems logical if you ask me.. cause by the time they finish the game-polish it off-start promoting and publishing- manufactor/produce the game discs-release them. that seems around a time scale required.. if in deed just a little over...

my expectation really was mid march ( around 18th) and it sucks that rockstar ( IF ITS TRUE) would release it so late into the 2nd fiscal quarter. but in the end if thats what it takes to create a masterpiece then thats what it takes. and besides i should of finished my exams ... or near enough by that time so i'm not fully complaining. university can occupy my time till then quite easily.

thanks for the info treemans.

although i'll still wait for an official release date.. i'm still pretty sure it'll be mid march.

mark123's photo
mark123 27th December, 2007 @ 17:30 - Permalink

to save time for people HERE IS THE WEBSITE IN ENGLISH

I am glad that on the world possibly firstly, I may declare it certainly already: Is that deuced official publication date! Yes dear guests, I may confirm it its views official already, 2008. April elsején, we get to it certainly already Grand Theft Auto the 3 version of 4 PlayStation. (valszeg*. It 360 one!)

That let me keep clear of it it potential being accusing, that I found out all stb. I would relate how this happened all:

Well all an very kind, already unemployed GameStop (Internet game department store) darling for who thank you can be said to an employee, who was like that, and two daytimes printed the 2008 game appearances treated confidentially so far entirely out before Christmas, and on the today's day without a fear, faithful to the paper form, published them. I got into the picture here well since my eye comes to a halt while I was looking at the list of the games appearing in the future two very much on a familiar piece:

04/01/08 Grand Theft Auto IV .99

*****04/01/08 Grand Theft Auto IV: Special Edition .9*********

Yes, this darling was an employee, was so neat and much somebody else, together with a game title concealed this far, the we by way of us already very much, but eagerly-awaited GTA 4 revealed it, moreover not only from the original shopper version, but enlightened us about the date of the collector expense yet.We say thank you for it hereby!) So that let everybody start saving up hard-working, or let him put a small one aside from the decks got for the Christmas because he will be everybody's need in April onto him, that let him be allowed to increase his ornate game collection by single newer GTA. I would say thank you for the attention, I hope for it you read this with a delight the who are good for,- for who news saddening small one though.

*Update 1: Seeing the ominous lists out naturally nobody let GTA not get sticked at 4 because we may happen upon many interests on them yet, for example that in the coming year the PS3 shapes big one then, and we may notice more games like that on the list if we are rather clear-sighted which ones they were not announced hitherto, or they did not add an official date to it. That not be left out from the good one, I fetched these lists for you:









anyway hope that helped.. saved you having to translate it all


rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 27th December, 2007 @ 21:38 - Permalink
rockstarrem is a fucking cocksucker.

Maybe so, but your banned.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 27th December, 2007 @ 23:34 - Permalink

April.. the first..

Yeah... very reliable day.

Just wait for official news. I'm pretty sure (say 95%) that that's just some made-up story by someone who just wanted some lulz.

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 28th December, 2007 @ 00:23 - Permalink

You.. do realise that gamestop probably said that just so he pre - ordered it, or out a reserve down?

You're so gullible.

The guy at the gamestore don't tell you shit, he's just out for your custom.

Either that, or someone made the story up to get respect / someone to suck his balls.

LDoubleU's photo
LDoubleU 28th December, 2007 @ 13:18 - Permalink

how about we all just wait for an officail R* announcement? that way nobody gets called a bullshitter and nobody gets their hopes up...

Ivan's photo
Ivan 28th December, 2007 @ 13:26 - Permalink
how about we all just wait for an officail R* announcement? that way nobody gets called a bullshitter and nobody gets their hopes up...

Great post, that's what everyone should do.

mark123's photo
mark123 28th December, 2007 @ 18:00 - Permalink
how about we all just wait for an officail R* announcement? that way nobody gets called a bullshitter and nobody gets their hopes up...

i certainly hope you dont mean me as the bullshitter... i mearly posted what the website said. it was that treeman guy that said it first.

also i was doing it to save people time from clicking on the website link n having to translate it all, if anything you should be thanking me.

if not then thats the last time i'll help out.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 28th December, 2007 @ 18:37 - Permalink

Come on,Mark.They were only teasing you.

PoopMonster's photo
PoopMonster 28th December, 2007 @ 18:58 - Permalink

R* didn`t give us, the fans waiting out there some info on a release date, so I guess these screens are what we got for Christmas..

mark123's photo
mark123 28th December, 2007 @ 21:01 - Permalink
Come on,Mark.They were only teasing you.

i dont like to be teased :(

besides, i said that i didnt believe it to be true and that i expect a mid march release date.

either its the official release date noted that leaked our but hasnt been made official yet.. or it really is just like retailers that make up a release date to make people buy a pre-order. which i think is probably more the reason.

Raymond's photo
Raymond 31st December, 2007 @ 06:44 - Permalink
i dont like to be teased :(

besides, i said that i didnt believe it to be true and that i expect a mid march release date.

either its the official release date noted that leaked our but hasnt been made official yet.. or it really is just like retailers that make up a release date to make people buy a pre-order. which i think is probably more the reason.

calm down..the GTA IV pictures are great :coolthumbup:

mark123's photo
mark123 31st December, 2007 @ 12:31 - Permalink


just noticed something else about this photo.. besides looking kinda strange.

the lighting effects do look great in it though .. like over by the building with the shadows.

but notice that the telephone box doesnt have a shadow , yet the girl standing next to it does?

also, the elastic bit around nikos waist looks a lil stretched doesnt it? and if you compair it to the trailer its not as big as that either so maybe his jacket isnt a seperate part of his body like we thought it was. or maybe its something rockstar just hasnt gotten around to changing yet.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 31st December, 2007 @ 19:55 - Permalink

Yeah, odd that the box doesn't have a shadow, but I guess it's a small thing they haven't corrected yet. And I think Nikos jacket is supposed to be like that, it's probably just a different style you can have, eg tight and zipped up or a little baggy, who knows?

andi01's photo
andi01 1st January, 2008 @ 17:55 - Permalink

I'm glade R* is giving us more updates. I thought it'd be days untill another update would come!

fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 1st January, 2008 @ 20:01 - Permalink
I'm glade R* is giving us more updates. I thought it'd be days untill another update would come!

HUH! Am I missing something here. Updates, it has been days brother.

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