GTA Creator Announces New Game

By Chris | 19th Feb 2005 at 19:59 GMT in General | 15 Comments

David Jones, the creator of the legendary game 'Grand Theft Auto' has announced in a press statement a new game that he and his team will be releasing in 2007.

All Points Bulletin (APB) is a MMORPG which will enable players all over the world to create gangs and squads in living, breathing real life cities.

APB is a massively multiplayer online game based in living, breathing cities that will feel familiar to players, as they precisely replicate famous cities all over the world. APB is a turf war involving two main factions, the Squads, whose goal is to uphold the law, and the Gangs, who seek to break the law at all costs. Players will be able to choose their side, in a classic good guy versus bad guy scenario. The Gangs are all about graffiti, attitude, custom cars and earning cash any way they can. The Squads stand for honor, teamwork, firepower and destroying the Gangs. APB will provide the player with the ultimate customization options from their weapons, vehicles and clothes to their attitude, music and environment.

APB is set to "fuel the growth of online gaming" and I'm pretty sure it will do just that.

Link: BusinessWire Article

Thanks to CodenameGTA for the news.

zimoo's photo
zimoo 19th February, 2005 @ 20:04 - Permalink

Sounds pretty cool, pity we have to wait until 2007 though :(

MaxPayne's photo
MaxPayne 19th February, 2005 @ 20:12 - Permalink

Sounds like a cool game 2 years isn't long to wait

Airashii's photo
Airashii 19th February, 2005 @ 20:42 - Permalink

It's good to hear that they're working on something, thanks for the news Chris.

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 19th February, 2005 @ 21:05 - Permalink


This is worth the long wait if it sounds this good

Lordsaddler_2005's photo
Lordsaddler_2005 19th February, 2005 @ 21:35 - Permalink

you know that 2 years is about the same time they worked on vc and sa

Chris's photo
Chris 19th February, 2005 @ 21:36 - Permalink

It's gonna revolutionise online gaming as we know it. I believe there are a couple of screens on IGN, i'll probably edit this post with them later.

zimoo's photo
zimoo 19th February, 2005 @ 21:43 - Permalink

I'll save you a bit of trouble Chris. Here are the screens:




tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 19th February, 2005 @ 23:53 - Permalink

I hope the gangstas have more models thatn the hoodie one, cause it looks like thier all the same exept for the designs and colours, so bandanas and other gangsta clothing is a must be

Cops agian look the same exept for design and colour, so they should have other law characters like the SWAT and army, add some other cops with differnt skin colour would be nice too

Customization of characters will be fun


Oscar's photo
Oscar 20th February, 2005 @ 01:30 - Permalink

So 2 years, well, is not that much time, specially when I havent played SA yet, and is must be a pwning game in all the aspects

aemboy15's photo
aemboy15 20th February, 2005 @ 01:44 - Permalink

That looks awsome!! I have always wanted something like this to come out. Is there rivalry within the gangs or just the gangs v.s the police?

Chris's photo
Chris 20th February, 2005 @ 02:27 - Permalink

It mentions turf wars so I would imagine its a free-for-all between each gang, plus all gangs against squads of law enforcers. So basically if you are in a Squad you are against ALL gangs.

If you are in a gang you are against the Squads and any gangs whom are rivals.

aemboy15's photo
aemboy15 20th February, 2005 @ 02:39 - Permalink

Cool. I cant wait for it.

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 20th February, 2005 @ 03:15 - Permalink

Has anyone hear of the game thats gonna come out "25 to life"?

Its suppose to be a cop Vs. Gangs simulation, i think the guy stole his idea from 25 to life :P

Oscar's photo
Oscar 20th February, 2005 @ 03:52 - Permalink

Probably, but knowing R*, the game will be better than the 25 to life games, w00t for Rockstar.

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 20th February, 2005 @ 04:50 - Permalink

God this game sounds awesome. This is the type of online game I've been waiting for. Mix it with TSO and you've got "The Game of Life: Online"! :D

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