There will be a fourth GTA IV trailer

By Chris | 6th Jan 2008 at 18:50 GMT in GTA IV | 23 Comments

That's according to German gaming website The site claims that an unknown Rockstar spokesperson has confirmed that a fourth trailer for GTA IV will be released before the game comes out, and like previous trailers will show cinematic scenes rather than actual gameplay footage.

No release date for the trailer has been announced by Rockstar as of yet, but we'll keep you updated on that.

Link: Cynamite article (translated)

Thanks to Stallone on our forums for this and everyone who emailed.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 6th January, 2008 @ 18:53 - Permalink

I transalated the page into English with Google.This might not even be true,but if it is,that`s good.This could be just another reason to delay the game.

Chris's photo
Chris 6th January, 2008 @ 18:55 - Permalink

Why do you say that? A trailer is usually released with just a few days/weeks to go before release date.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 6th January, 2008 @ 18:58 - Permalink

I don`t know.They`ve let us down before,but now I`m confident that they won`t do it again.I wonder what the trailer is called...

Red_91's photo
Red_91 6th January, 2008 @ 19:24 - Permalink

I think I am the only one who still think a summer release (june/july) maybe even May is on the cards. I think the game is finished but the right time to release a game is not around April in my opinion, I think they would better off releasing a game near the summer.

Having a fourth trailer might not be as good as people think, I already think we have more than enough information, and too much information could ruin the game, although the trailer is probably just going ot be a few seconds long with a possible release date.

Deji's photo
Deji 6th January, 2008 @ 19:30 - Permalink

San Andreas Had A Few Small Trailers. Then We Didn't Hear About It For Ages. Then A Final Trailer Came Out (I Think?) There Has Been No Gameplay Trailers So I Think There Will Be A 4th Trailer.

Pandora's photo
Pandora 6th January, 2008 @ 19:51 - Permalink

Rockstar has released barely any information. Other games really give loads of stuff. Every week new info.

Nintendo gives more information about Super Smash Bros every single day. Crysis had more more vids released then my HDD could store (not really. But just a way of saying). Pro Street has lots of information too.

We've only had 3 vids. Not 1 actual gameplay vid, we still don't know what the hud will look like.

I like Rockstars trailers (the La Noire trailer is almost a master piece. Just like a movie) and I think it's would be great if they'd make a fourth trailer, this time a cinimatic one. They're just very catchy somehow.

Thomas.'s photo
Thomas. 6th January, 2008 @ 20:54 - Permalink

Another trailer can tell a lot about the game and a lot of other stuff. It could probably tell us the release date and a few more character pictures may be possible.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 6th January, 2008 @ 23:06 - Permalink

@GTADon: I would be pissed of if R* delays the game again and as a consolation they'd give us a 1 minute or less trailer ...

mark123's photo
mark123 7th January, 2008 @ 01:22 - Permalink

maybe i'm just being stupid/arogant/misled but i was sure some of the action scenes in the trailers were actual game play??.. i mean.. otherwise all the nice shots of the bullet sn the cars flying around would all be staged to look better than what they would in the game.

oh well.. i dont really care about another trailer.. i just want the game :(

hunter88888's photo
hunter88888 7th January, 2008 @ 01:35 - Permalink

Mark, cut scenes and shit are made using the game engine, so it doesn't really matter if it was gameplay or not...

azn's photo
azn 7th January, 2008 @ 05:33 - Permalink
Rockstar has released barely any information. Other games really give loads of stuff. Every week new info.

Nintendo gives more information about Super Smash Bros every single day. Crysis had more more vids released then my HDD could store (not really. But just a way of saying). Pro Street has lots of information too.

We've only had 3 vids. Not 1 actual gameplay vid, we still don't know what the hud will look like.

I like Rockstars trailers (the La Noire trailer is almost a master piece. Just like a movie) and I think it's would be great if they'd make a fourth trailer, this time a cinimatic one. They're just very catchy somehow.

I agree with you on that...

Take Halo 3 as an example...There was so many updates prior to the release that when the game was released you would pretty know much everything, apart from the main storyline of course.

The last major release into the addition of GTA games was in 2004/2005 with San Andreas. If you think about it, Rockstar is bound to have finished developing the game, going through it for bugs, and all that stuff. The only thing they haven't done yet is marketing...Sure they have the official website for the game, they do advertise it in game stores (I asked a salesman at GW once when it was being released and he said April 2008) but there is just too little information about the game like Jace said. We've only got 3 trailers to watch, there are NO gameplay videos where we can get a taste of the HUD layout and how it will look like and there are unconfirmed reports circulating the internet. Give us official details, Rockstar!

mk01's photo
mk01 7th January, 2008 @ 11:48 - Permalink

It says the article was deleted...

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 7th January, 2008 @ 15:51 - Permalink
It says the article was deleted...

That`s true.I clicked on the transalated link and it transalated it fine but it said

This article was deleted

Maybe it was fake... <_<

Chris's photo
Chris 7th January, 2008 @ 16:10 - Permalink
It says the article was deleted...

That`s true.I clicked on the transalated link and it transalated it fine but it said

This article was deleted

Maybe it was fake... <_<

If an article turns out to be false it's usually updated and the author apologises for the misinformation. If an article is true it gets deleted and everyone pretends it was never there, I'm guessing Rockstar may have asked them to take it down. We [fansite webmasters] haven't heard anything though so I'm not sure.

Last time this happened we were emailed and asked to remove the article with 'leaked' stuff'.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 7th January, 2008 @ 16:39 - Permalink
It says the article was deleted...

That`s true.I clicked on the transalated link and it transalated it fine but it said

This article was deleted

Maybe it was fake... <_<

If an article turns out to be false it's usually updated and the author apologises for the misinformation. If an article is true it gets deleted and everyone pretends it was never there, I'm guessing Rockstar may have asked them to take it down. We [fansite webmasters] haven't heard anything though so I'm not sure.

Last time this happened we were emailed and asked to remove the article with 'leaked' stuff'.

Maybe Rockstar are releasing a fourth GTA IV trailer but they don`t want us to know about it...yet.

hunter88888's photo
hunter88888 8th January, 2008 @ 01:11 - Permalink

Maybe if we keep talking about it they'll kidnap us...

All I'm looking forward to is the game, not just a trailer...

TM™'s photo
TM™ 8th January, 2008 @ 20:17 - Permalink

I was checking out GTAF and saw that one member said something about RockstarGames asking for it to be removed. Here's a article on GTA-Xtreme (English Translation) about it. Hope this gives you guys the reason it was removed.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 8th January, 2008 @ 20:20 - Permalink
Impossible but it is not ...

Lawl. Good news actually, or it might be bad. Who knows.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 8th January, 2008 @ 20:34 - Permalink

Yeah, but for some reason, there will be another trailer coming soon, if not, Rockstar might of not told that guy who wrote the article to remove it. But asking for it to be removed is probably telling us that it's been leaked. But it could also have been made up. We can never guarantee that it's 100% official or not, but we best keep up with some news like this.

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 8th January, 2008 @ 22:44 - Permalink

It looks as though the article has been removed..

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 9th January, 2008 @ 00:50 - Permalink
It looks as though the article has been removed..


Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 9th January, 2008 @ 02:07 - Permalink

I should probably read a topic before I post in it.. I know.

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 9th January, 2008 @ 02:10 - Permalink
It looks as though the article has been removed..



had to. perfect moment :P , cant wait for it though, its gonna be good

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