New GTA IV Previews and Media Hit The Web

By Chris | 23rd Jan 2008 at 17:38 GMT in GTA IV | 22 Comments

The websites we mentioned in earlier posts are all publishing their previews and new media from R* today. New, unwatermarked screenshots are at the bottom of this post.

Websites with new content: IGN, GameSpot, Kikizo, GameSpy, ComputerAndVideogames, GamesRadar, TeamXbox, VideoGamer. Based on the sheer amount of information covered, we suggest reading Kikizo's mammoth 8 page preview - they even drew a map of Liberty City from memory! Below is a brief summary of some of the new/updated information from the previews, however, I recommend reading one of the full previews if you want to know everything.

  • Websites received a 90 minute demonstration
  • The stuttering frame rate has now been smoothed out and the city is now fully populated
  • A new style of wanted meter has been implemented - this has already been briefly mentioned, but in case you don't know, "A circle appears on the map around your car and if the cops are outside that circle the wanted status will decrease."
  • Drive-by shootings are now easier - "In an example of the increased physicality of the new GTA, Niko smashed out the driver's side window with his elbow before pulling out a pistol. Indeed, guns can now be controlled with the right analogue stick, making it easier to shoot out tires to end a chase quickly."
  • GTA IV will now auto-save progress after important mission way-points.
  • If you fail a mission you'll be given the option to jump straight back in and have another attempt, using text messages on Niko's mobile.
  • Currently two minutes equates to one hour of game-time, although that is subject to change.
  • Niko can listen to music whilst on foot, using the phone. "Sound quality is, as you'd expect from a mobile, realistically tinny and having the soundtrack accompanying you on foot is a welcome addition"
  • Liberty City has a subway system which Niko is able to use.
  • It took roughly 5 minutes (real time) to pilot a speedboat round half of Algonquin.
  • A new character called Bell is revealed
  • Characters wear different clothes instead of wearing the exact same outfit through the entire game (as in previous GTAs)
  • Building relationships with characters is important. Some will meet you rather than you meeting them. Being on bad terms with them won't help you.
  • Pool, eating, darts, bowling and going for a drink are some of the activities you're able to do (using the phone to access them)
  • There is a radio station called IF99.
  • In this demo, the cell network is called Badger whereas in previous demos we learned it was called Whiz.

Once Niko has the car away from the attention of the cops he can access the police database, via the onboard police computer. By tapping in the name of the informant Niko is able to pinpoint his home address – Long Street in Broker, which would be our next stop. Interestingly, Rockstar mentioned it would also be possible to upload photos of people from your phone's camera into the database to attain details as well

blow_off_some_steam.jpg its_my_car.jpg niko_motorcycle_1.jpg rain_running.jpg rush_hour_run.jpg sniper_team.jpg the_meeting.jpg torched.jpg wanted.jpg whats_in_the_trunk.jpg

Thomas.'s photo
Thomas. 23rd January, 2008 @ 17:42 - Permalink

Is it just me or Did I see a Stallion in the Background of the last picture? (the one with the motorbike)


GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 23rd January, 2008 @ 17:44 - Permalink

YAy! New previews.Those screenshots look cool.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 23rd January, 2008 @ 17:51 - Permalink

LOL! Niko is bald in one of the pics, he is also unshaved and in another pic Niko has rapper jeans :lol:

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 23rd January, 2008 @ 18:01 - Permalink

man oh man, this game looks so cooolll. cant wait!!!!!! but they didnt say anythin abt release date, bummed abt that, but man thats sweet :coolthumbup:

Red_91's photo
Red_91 23rd January, 2008 @ 18:10 - Permalink

Release dat is in about 3-4 months, but this game is going to be so good, I certainly think this could go down as a step stone for next gen gaming just lik gtaIII was.

Chris's photo
Chris 23rd January, 2008 @ 18:14 - Permalink

April is now looking very likely. IGN stated that there are a few things that need to be ironed out in the next couple of months... that brings us to the end of March, then the game can go gold and can start shipping out to retailers in mid-late April ready for sale in the final week. IMO.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 23rd January, 2008 @ 18:17 - Permalink

I read through the preview Chris linked in his other topic on this, but haven't waded through all the links in this one.

Is there any video released yet or just text?

PS: Good work Chris, you made my day. :coolthumbup:

Gycu's photo
Gycu 23rd January, 2008 @ 18:34 - Permalink

Here are some things mentioned in the kikizo preview


It's later into the night and the city looks steamy as we listen to a station called IF99

[*] If you miss a meeting the Relationship bar will go down and the respective guys will be more nervous and angry when you meet them

[*] the game has HUD advises such as : "You are drunk. Your vision is blurred.", controling a car after drinking won't be easy :wub:

[*] After passing a mission it appears the Mission Passed message and a 5 seconds sorta hip-hop beat that sounds very cool

[*] The Rocket Launcher magically appears :(

[*] There won't be seasons in the game :cry:

Red_91's photo
Red_91 23rd January, 2008 @ 18:41 - Permalink

The kikizo preview is the best one, gives a lot of detail, to me there seems to be a lot of charachters in the game. I think the HUD is going to be good and I read (somewhere) that the better the car the posher the GPS system which is good.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 23rd January, 2008 @ 18:48 - Permalink
The kikizo preview is the best one, gives a lot of detail, to me there seems to be a lot of charachters in the game. I think the HUD is going to be good and I read (somewhere) that the better the car the posher the GPS system which is good.

I agree, kikizo has always the best previews ... they even have the exact lines spoken by the characters from the game

Niko: [entering garage] Hello?

Worker: [Voice from underneath car] I'm busy!

Niko: I said, HELLO! [Kicks him]

Worker: Ow! Motherfucker!

Niko: Is your boss around?

Worker: What did you do that for?

Niko: Is your boss around?

Worker: Yeah, he's around... Brucie! Some fucking Polak asshole for you!

Niko: Pleasure to meet you too...

Brucie: [entering room] He's not a Polak, he's a gentleman.

Worker: He's still a fucking asshole.

Brucie: Sorry Niko man, how's things?

Niko: OK.

Brucie: Sweet [he then play-punches Niko and makes stupid noises] I got you man! I'm big, but I'm also fast, wake up boy!

Niko: Ooh, I'm sorry, can show me that again?

[this time Niko counters and locks his arm causing pain]

Brucie: Ow, ow! Enough, man! Whoo, that's some army shit, serious! You gotta show me that one, I'm ALL about power... c'mom, feel my pecks man...

Niko: No thank you.

Brucie: Rock hard! I bench 450, I'm like, [breathes deeply]... shit, no shit, what you doin' here Nik?

Also, they have a un-official map of the game on the 2nd page ...

Stojko's photo
Stojko 23rd January, 2008 @ 19:10 - Permalink

I liked the preview by Kikizo too.

They mentioned a release in April...

chris82's photo
chris82 23rd January, 2008 @ 20:48 - Permalink

Wow, excellent information. The game sounds really good and it looks nice too, though it's a shame they don't anti-alias console games-it would look SO much better.

When this hits the PC it'll look quite good.

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 23rd January, 2008 @ 21:27 - Permalink

I can't believe i missed the previews at 5:30 and only now i remebered!!!

Anyways im here and know now

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 23rd January, 2008 @ 21:38 - Permalink

Completely forgot about these.

All is sounding very good though, especially how they put into perspective the size of algonquin... :D

I'll post more thoughts later.... Kinda tired.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 23rd January, 2008 @ 23:02 - Permalink

Here's the map from the kikizo preview ...


Comments ?

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 23rd January, 2008 @ 23:05 - Permalink

^ It's liberty city 2007, rofl. The game's set in october, the original release date.. but eh...

Looking good, Besides the fact there's only 1 bridge, i'm assuming we won't have to swim / steal a boat to get across?

Swifty's photo
Swifty 23rd January, 2008 @ 23:18 - Permalink

That sounded like a very possitive review, not only did it give us some idea of what's to come, but it also suggests that R* have really gone out of their way to lose the repetative mission styles that became all too familiar with SA.

Some really great stuff that I was pleased to hear about was

-The on-board police computers being used for missions

-Being able to get drunk'd

-The new targeting system

-Being able to shoot out your windscreen & shoot forward (finaly)

-You can listen to the radio on your phone

& also that a slick frame rate & draw distance won't be letting the game down


Artur's photo
Artur 24th January, 2008 @ 00:17 - Permalink
^ It's liberty city 2007, rofl. The game's set in october, the original release date.. but eh...

Looking good, Besides the fact there's only 1 bridge, i'm assuming we won't have to swim / steal a boat to get across?

Yeah that would kinda suck. Size looks pretty good. All this new info is really good, gonna go read one of the detailed ones later.

BTW doesn't the last picture remind you guys of Pulp Fiction? :P

Swifty's photo
Swifty 24th January, 2008 @ 00:45 - Permalink
^ It's liberty city 2007, rofl. The game's set in october, the original release date.. but eh...

Looking good, Besides the fact there's only 1 bridge, i'm assuming we won't have to swim / steal a boat to get across?

Yeah that would kinda suck. Size looks pretty good. All this new info is really good, gonna go read one of the detailed ones later.

BTW doesn't the last picture remind you guys of Pulp Fiction? :P

That's probably because R* are heavily influenced by popular films. In Vice City there is a shot from inside the boot (trunk) of the car as Tommy & Lance tool up, which is very similar to the shot where Samuel L & Travolta do the same in Pulp Fiction. In SA there is a mission where you are chased through the aquaducts of down town Los Santos which is a very obvious nod to the infamous chase scene from Terminator 2. I hope that R* continue to borrow ideas from movies in GTA IV, as it's good fun & I think it adds a bit of novelty to the game.

STL67's photo
STL67 24th January, 2008 @ 01:16 - Permalink

Anyone notice the guys jacket in the picture with the helo, says FIB, im assuming this is R* takin a shot at the FBI? i wonder if youll have to meet with law enforcement ppl similar to the godfather but i doubt that

Gycu's photo
Gycu 24th January, 2008 @ 17:19 - Permalink

Altough not realated to this topic, seems like Ruudeke from GF posted these 3 new pics from a magazine preview


The Cool's photo
The Cool 26th January, 2008 @ 04:14 - Permalink

The previews were great, and they only made the wait longer. (GTAIV :thumbsup: )

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