New San Andreas Pages Coming Soon

By Cough7007 | 24th Feb 2005 at 23:06 GMT in San Andreas | 10 Comments

Sometime in March, The GTA Place will hold new San Andreas reference pages in the San Andreas area. Pages include: swimming tips, eating tips, a gang list, a character list, and a finished weapon list. Chris has been busy with school and website operations for a while, so the assignment has been turned over to me. ALL of the pages will be up by March, but please note that all of these pages will be added one-by-one as they are completed.

Thanks for reading,

--Ryan H. (Content Editor)

Airashii's photo
Airashii 24th February, 2005 @ 23:38 - Permalink

That sounds good, I think that the San Andreas section has been needing a bit of work for a long time now.

Cough7007's photo
Cough7007 24th February, 2005 @ 23:41 - Permalink

Glad to deliver ^_^

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 25th February, 2005 @ 01:00 - Permalink
Sometime in March, The GTA Place will hold new San Andreas reference pages in the San Andreas area. Pages include: swimming tips, eating tips, a gang list, a character list, and a finished weapon list. Chris has been busy with school and website operations for a while, so the assignment has been turned over to me. ALL of the pages will be up by March, but please note that all of these pages will be added one-by-one as they are completed.

Thanks for reading,

--Ryan H. (Content Editor)

That's pretty cool. I have one question, though. Who ARE you?

Cough7007's photo
Cough7007 25th February, 2005 @ 01:40 - Permalink

Okay, I'll explain everything. I know you're probably confused.

I'm a staff member. A new one. I've just recently been taking part in the forums. Chris will upgrade me to an admin when he thinks he needs help with the forums. For now, I can only post news. Still confused?

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 25th February, 2005 @ 01:44 - Permalink

WOW, your proboly the fastest member to become a mod

I want to be a mod, but i aint no good at these things, proboly because i was never a mod anywhere :P

Anyways, good, i have been waiting for a lot more sections of SA

Mabye a section of what vehicles can be customizable and where

Cough7007's photo
Cough7007 25th February, 2005 @ 01:49 - Permalink

Good suggestion, dude.

I'm only a staff member because I have TONS of experience. I'm sure you'll become a mod after you stick around longer. ;)

aemboy15's photo
aemboy15 25th February, 2005 @ 02:38 - Permalink

Yeah I want to see some more things under San Andreas but I think you got it covered. But yea like nobody posts in the San Andreas area anymore :( . I think you will change that.

Sherman's photo
Sherman 25th February, 2005 @ 03:16 - Permalink
I'm sure you'll become a mod after you stick around longer. ;)

Hmm.. alot longer..

And, uhh.. you need any help?

Cough7007's photo
Cough7007 25th February, 2005 @ 03:31 - Permalink

For now, I don't need any help, but since you're offering, I'll just PM you if I need help, thanks.

Chris's photo
Chris 25th February, 2005 @ 16:13 - Permalink

Sorry I forgot to introduce Ryan, a.k.a Cough7007, he's helping me with content for the site since im too busy to do it all. He will also be helping with the news.

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