GTA Movie Started... and Cancelled

By Gerard | 6th Feb 2008 at 01:00 GMT in General | 30 Comments

Gaming blog The Cut Scene, part of Variety, has reported that there was a Grand Theft Auto movie in the early stages of production. Apparently Rockstar had warmed to the idea of doing a film, and Take Two was in negotiations with an unnamed film studio - even Eminem was being approached to play the lead. Although it appears, like the planned Halo film, the GTA movie has been scrapped, Cut Scene saying it "fell the last minute."

However, Dan Houser has responded to the media, dismissing the claims that the movie had ever been started:

Rockstar was not involved in this project in any shape or form nor is it something that we're currently interested in. There was no GTA movie in the works as far as Rockstar is concerned. Some movie producers were trying to put something together to entice us to make a movie, as studios and production teams frequently have done in the past. This proposal was no more interesting than the numerous others we receive. We never entertained proceeding with the project.

Perhaps it was only a suggestion floating around at Take Two, or perhaps it is just a piece of overzealous journalism, but it is still intriguing to hear at least rumours of a GTA movie from the creators themselves.

Do you think Take Two would make a GTA movie? Should be a one? If so, who should be in it? Let us know in the forums.

Dirty Harry's photo
Dirty Harry 6th February, 2008 @ 01:05 - Permalink

Would be interesting. As long as it isn't about SA...

Should be directed by Quentin Tarantino.

Main character James Hetfield from Metallica :P

I'd be curious if this came out...

Chris's photo
Chris 6th February, 2008 @ 01:19 - Permalink

The webmasters would all play mob bosses.

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 6th February, 2008 @ 01:26 - Permalink

Why would Eminem be approached for the lead? I'm not saying he's a bad actor, but he doesn't seem like the right person to portray the lead.

Besides, I think it'd be damn difficult to fit all of what makes GTA great into a two-hour film.

Dirty Harry's photo
Dirty Harry 6th February, 2008 @ 01:27 - Permalink
The webmasters would all play mob bosses.

Lol, Chris did you want to unleash your inner criminal?

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 6th February, 2008 @ 02:13 - Permalink
Why would Eminem be approached for the lead? I'm not saying he's a bad actor, but he doesn't seem like the right person to portray the lead.

Besides, I think it'd be damn difficult to fit all of what makes GTA great into a two-hour film.

Why would there only be one movie? If the Grand Theft Auto video game series made it to the big screen I could pretty much guarantee there would be more than one movie...assuming that there will ever be one.

I feel that if they ever decide to make a movie based off of the GTA video game series that they should use the actors and actresses that voiced the characters in the video games, most of which are actually actors and actresses.

Although, since Rockstar Games is creating a whole new story…I don’t really see that happening…ALTHOUGH, they did re-model Liberty City to make it look a hell of a lot more like New York City…which would help them out with production of a movie in the future. You never know, but for now I’ll stick with what Dan Houser said and expect no movie until Rockstar Games themselves says otherwise.

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 6th February, 2008 @ 06:04 - Permalink

What I meant was that there may not be enough time in one film to cover as much story as one game would. I could be wrong, though.

darkdude's photo
darkdude 6th February, 2008 @ 06:17 - Permalink

hmm...looks good if GTA: The Movie released maybe GTA become Top rated Movie i think :D

Gycu's photo
Gycu 6th February, 2008 @ 08:28 - Permalink

Too bad it was cancellated, I like the idea of a GTA movie, especially since Eminem might be in it ... Hell, I always wanted a GTA movie ... Ray Liotta to play Tommy Vercetti ? :D

sibraa5's photo
sibraa5 6th February, 2008 @ 09:10 - Permalink

There was a GTA movie in the making?! WHY WASN'T I TOLD?

Would'a been interesting to watch...Too bad it was cancelled :|

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 6th February, 2008 @ 09:53 - Permalink

maybe you guys don't know this, but there is a Grand Theft Auto movie on dvd but it was made in the 80's i think coz i have it on DVD, but its sh*t, but too bad they cancelled a plan to do a GTA movie

sibraa5's photo
sibraa5 6th February, 2008 @ 10:20 - Permalink

Yeah, but it;s not related to GTA. It's just got the same name. It sucks anyway...

Chris's photo
Chris 6th February, 2008 @ 10:45 - Permalink
maybe you guys don't know this, but there is a Grand Theft Auto movie on dvd but it was made in the 80's i think coz i have it on DVD, but its sh*t

The 70's, and yeah and it has absolutely nothing to do with the games, obviously, as it's so old. Plus it's a crime comedy. Why on earth do you own it on DVD when it's so bad? :P

azn's photo
azn 6th February, 2008 @ 11:29 - Permalink


It would be great if they did San Andreas, as Young Maylay looks and has the voice of CJ, and how are they going to film the movie if the cities are fictional? Then there's physics..CJ can't carry around a pistol, an Uzi, a shotgun, a Sniper, an M4, a rocket launcher etc simultaneously so there's a problem. And since a lot of the stuff in the game is based on real life products, it would be easy finding props :P Elegy = Skyline R34 hehe.

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 6th February, 2008 @ 14:00 - Permalink
maybe you guys don't know this, but there is a Grand Theft Auto movie on dvd but it was made in the 80's i think coz i have it on DVD, but its sh*t

The 70's, and yeah and it has absolutely nothing to do with the games, obviously, as it's so old. Plus it's a crime comedy. Why on earth do you own it on DVD when it's so bad? :P

lol, i only watched it once, and its at the bottom of my DVD pile lol

Red_91's photo
Red_91 6th February, 2008 @ 15:18 - Permalink

Some games shouldn't be made into films and vice versa. Grand Theft Auto is strictly gaming only in my opinion. Hainvg several films to represent ONE story would be too long and people will lose interest.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 6th February, 2008 @ 15:49 - Permalink

It would've been cool to see a GTA movie. Eminem? He just seems so inexperienced. Yeah, they wouldn't be able to get the physics right, and changing from one weapon to another in an instant. It would just look too fake, I agree with Red Devil, it would be like Scarface or something.

TNF's photo
TNF 6th February, 2008 @ 16:03 - Permalink

I don't know what to think, but would a GTA movie really be good?

Angry Gorilla's photo
Angry Gorilla 6th February, 2008 @ 16:55 - Permalink

I'm not so sure if a GTA Movie would do the GTA Franchise much good, the movie would probably be awesome but it probably wouldn't be as great as the games have been.

DemonDelight's photo
DemonDelight 6th February, 2008 @ 17:50 - Permalink

In my opinion, i thnik a gta movie would be a great idea. and if it sold enough, they could make a trilligy out of it. i can see a gta movie somewhere in the future, and i strongly hope there will be, to show more what happens in between the different games, and to show the fans more about the grand theft auto storyline.

as for eminem being in the plot, i wouldnt like that, because then the movie would seem to be more about him and his life, and not about gta.

Dirty Harry's photo
Dirty Harry 6th February, 2008 @ 18:22 - Permalink
In my opinion, i thnik a gta movie would be a great idea. and if it sold enough, they could make a trilligy out of it. i can see a gta movie somewhere in the future, and i strongly hope there will be, to show more what happens in between the different games, and to show the fans more about the grand theft auto storyline.

as for eminem being in the plot, i wouldnt like that, because then the movie would seem to be more about him and his life, and not about gta.

I don't want Eminem to be a lead actor but that point you make is just stupid. How would the film be about his life?? He'd be doing what an actor those ROLE PLAYING. Hiring Eminem is just like hiring some other actor(Eminem isn't an actor though).

Connor's photo
Connor 6th February, 2008 @ 18:26 - Permalink

Eminem is an actor, he isn't bad actually, but I'd prefer someone else for a role like that.

If there ever was a GTA movie, I'd be watching ASAP.

Gycu's photo
Gycu 6th February, 2008 @ 19:40 - Permalink

Akon should play CJ, I mean back in Senegal he was charged for car theft :D

Spaz The Great's photo
Spaz The Great 6th February, 2008 @ 22:58 - Permalink
Akon should play CJ, I mean back in Senegal he was charged for car theft :D


And why are we talking who should play what? You wouldn't know who the main character was, or if it would even be a familiar face at all.

Connor's photo
Connor 7th February, 2008 @ 16:01 - Permalink

I would rather have an actor that isn't well known to play the lead for two reasons...

1. The film will be more original, if you know what I mean...Which you probably don't.

2. Help build an actor's reputation.

Mendoza's photo
Mendoza 9th February, 2008 @ 04:26 - Permalink

connor is right but i would love it i mean look at the godfather its still on TV since like the 70s or something no even earlier idk when but people still love it i own the box set and there could be a lot of movies on it box set for LC,VC,SA lol just a though

Deji's photo
Deji 11th March, 2008 @ 20:05 - Permalink

It would be great if they did San Andreas, as Young Maylay looks and has the voice of CJ, and how are they going to film the movie if the cities are fictional? Then there's physics..CJ can't carry around a pistol, an Uzi, a shotgun, a Sniper, an M4, a rocket launcher etc simultaneously so there's a problem. And since a lot of the stuff in the game is based on real life products, it would be easy finding props :P Elegy = Skyline R34 hehe.

Young Maylay acted out CJ in the san andreas game.

The cities are based on real places in america. Some places are rockstars version of the real places. Los Santos-Los Angeles San Fierro-San Fransisco Las Venturas-Las Vegas. Easy.

Also they wouldn't actually play by the same story, guns, whatever. That'd be a bit boring.

Would be interesting. As long as it isn't about SA...

Should be directed by Quentin Tarantino.

Main character James Hetfield from Metallica :P

I'd be curious if this came out...

why not sa. thats the best one. its got a great storyline too,.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 14th March, 2008 @ 17:25 - Permalink

Trailer for the 1977 movie, GTA.

If they make one for the game, I nominate Sky & TEC 9 to do a morning show on one of the radio stations, banned

members can be idiot callers & use as many of the voice actors from the games as they can get.

Here's the next best thing, starring Samuel L. Jackson (aka Tenpenny) -

robsyb's photo
robsyb 1st September, 2008 @ 16:07 - Permalink

wow that would be SO cool, but i dont think Eminem would be very good for the lead role

Deji's photo
Deji 1st September, 2008 @ 20:17 - Permalink

bump much?

Shortbus's photo
Shortbus 1st September, 2008 @ 21:12 - Permalink

I'm glad it got scrapped, I'm afraid it could have been a trainwreck :(

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