Official GTA IV website now live!

By Chris | 8th Feb 2008 at 18:17 GMT in GTA IV | 45 Comments

The official GTA IV website has now fully launched and features new screenshots and videos of the game. It takes the style of a tourist guide and also includes a map of Liberty City.

I have uploaded all 25 new screenshots to the website, you can view them all in our screenshot gallery.


The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 8th February, 2008 @ 18:21 - Permalink

Awesome! I'll check it out now, thanks Chris. :D

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 8th February, 2008 @ 18:23 - Permalink

I saw it a few minutes ago, there are loads of new screenshots and videos about some characters.

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 8th February, 2008 @ 18:26 - Permalink

That's awesome, thanks for the info, Chris! :D

mark123's photo
mark123 8th February, 2008 @ 18:44 - Permalink

its not loading properly! :( the lists on the left keep saying " undefined" and the map doesnt do anything ahh :( * shakes fist*

Chris's photo
Chris 8th February, 2008 @ 18:46 - Permalink
its not loading properly! :( the lists on the left keep saying " undefined" and the map doesnt do anything ahh :( * shakes fist*

Yeah it's still doing that when I use Firefox. Try using a shittier browser such as IE7, unfortunately I just had to use it to get all the screens saved.

TNF's photo
TNF 8th February, 2008 @ 18:55 - Permalink

I'm checking out the site, it's awesome. :coolthumbup:

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 8th February, 2008 @ 18:55 - Permalink
its not loading properly! :( the lists on the left keep saying " undefined" and the map doesnt do anything ahh :( * shakes fist*

Yeah it's still doing that when I use Firefox. Try using a shittier browser such as IE7, unfortunately I just had to use it to get all the screens saved.

It worked perfectly for me before, but now I'm getting the same problem. I don't want to resort to IE7. The new site looks awesome.

Charger's photo
Charger 8th February, 2008 @ 19:25 - Permalink

Having trouble watching the Vidoes? All 5 Videos Uploaded on Youtube:

Roman & Nico

The SteinWay Beer Garden


The Whiz


GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 8th February, 2008 @ 19:30 - Permalink

^ Thanks for the vids! I wonder if you can actually pee. There was something like the SteinWay Beer Garden in LCS, except it was an old English theme. You hear about it on one of the radio stations.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 8th February, 2008 @ 19:36 - Permalink

Some of the pics don't work for me, as others have said, it just says 'undefined', but I'm sure that'll get fixed over the next few days so I'm not fussed. :)

@ Charger, excellent vids, thanks for uploading. :D

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 8th February, 2008 @ 20:01 - Permalink

OMG they got more videos of the characters im watchin Roman!!

Edit - The video of Roman is kinda funny + did Roman say on the fone: 'No im not gay' lol

Gycu's photo
Gycu 8th February, 2008 @ 20:36 - Permalink

Yep he said it lol ... Loved the videos, and the map is well hmmm weird ...

bigpimpininda818's photo
bigpimpininda818 8th February, 2008 @ 21:06 - Permalink

omg the music in the manny video is reggaeton, you think he is from puerto rico????? :huh:

MishoM's photo
MishoM 8th February, 2008 @ 21:10 - Permalink

Brilliant website update! So much new information on the characters as well! I'll try and see what we can do with all the videos as they must be posted on here and available for download as well.

My favorite of the videos has got to be the Roman Bellic one!

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 8th February, 2008 @ 21:21 - Permalink

Well it seems like Rockstar Games is already hinting at a returning, most likely re-modeled, Vice City. Higherbeing25 is not only from Vice City, but he mentions the 80s, but I'm not totally sure if that has any real significants.


I haven't looked through everything yet, but I thought I should post that.

Chris's photo
Chris 8th February, 2008 @ 21:30 - Permalink

Even if it's not of any significance it's interesting nonetheless, It'd be cool to see some VC characters cameoing in the game. Personally, I feel that GTA V should be set in a completely new city. As much as I love the ones already used in the current games, something brand new would be awesome.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 8th February, 2008 @ 21:34 - Permalink
Even if it's not of any significance it's interesting nonetheless, It'd be cool to see some VC characters cameoing in the game. Personally, I feel that GTA V should be set in a completely new city. As much as I love the ones already used in the current games, something brand new would be awesome.

Well technically it's all brand's just the names and themes of the cities that are the same, which I honestly don't have that much of a problem with. Although, I'd much rather have the story to continue from the GTAIII games, but I'm just one person.

I'm assuming by "GTAV" you mean the second portion of GTAIV...Although the next game could very well be called GTAV. They did it before.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 8th February, 2008 @ 21:38 - Permalink

I would rather not have a re-modelled Vice City, I want something totally new not the same cities. I would like a more real american city if you get me such as Dallas or Chicago in the next game, with some foreign cities like London or Tokyo.

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 8th February, 2008 @ 21:39 - Permalink

wen i click on the link to go to the website, it just has the trailes and the old photoes, doesnt have the map and the new stuff!!

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 8th February, 2008 @ 21:41 - Permalink

London seems like a cool place. Although, a re-modelled VC would be very interesting, I just can't really see it happening.

sibraa5's photo
sibraa5 8th February, 2008 @ 21:51 - Permalink
Well it seems like Rockstar Games is already hinting at a returning, most likely re-modeled, Vice City. Higherbeing25 is not only from Vice City, but he mentions the 80s, but I'm not totally sure if that has any real significants.


I haven't looked through everything yet, but I thought I should post that.

Don't forget the visit Vice City 0 sign in the GTA IV first trailer.

mark123's photo
mark123 8th February, 2008 @ 21:53 - Permalink

who ever put the videos up thanks!... is it just me or does everyone just love " vlad" i thought he was halarious..

the scenes where you were drunk and you could see him falling were very realistic.. although in saying that i didnt really think the knocking the person down scene was very realistic i dont remember seeing any damage to the car at all ..

although did anyone see the scene where the pedestrians were crossing the road and you saw someone in their car put their hand out the window and wave their arm.. hopefully its not a cut scene or anything cause if anyone does that to me i'm shooting them in the head lol ahh i cant wait this game just seems soo alive its incredible.. they've really put a lot of effort in the game it was worth the wait!

p.s i never did get the site to work.. only got the screen shots to work . i'm jsut gonna go back on in about a week after my exam and check it out see if its fixed cause theres no way i'm going back to internet explorer tis shit .. firefox all the way!

Charger's photo
Charger 8th February, 2008 @ 21:57 - Permalink
wen i click on the link to go to the website, it just has the trailes and the old photoes, doesnt have the map and the new stuff!!

Firefox doesn't seem to be working well on the page, use IE for now.

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 8th February, 2008 @ 22:06 - Permalink
although did anyone see the scene where the pedestrians were crossing the road and you saw someone in their car put their hand out the window and wave their arm.. hopefully its not a cut scene or anything cause if anyone does that to me i'm shooting them in the head lol ahh i cant wait this game just seems soo alive its incredible.. they've really put a lot of effort in the game it was worth the wait!

ye i saw the guy put his hand out of the car window, but not to wave, to put his middle finger up at the guys.

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 8th February, 2008 @ 22:22 - Permalink
Even if it's not of any significance it's interesting nonetheless, It'd be cool to see some VC characters cameoing in the game. Personally, I feel that GTA V should be set in a completely new city. As much as I love the ones already used in the current games, something brand new would be awesome.

GTA V? You have some insider at Rockstar or something?

sibraa5's photo
sibraa5 8th February, 2008 @ 22:32 - Permalink

He's thinking ahead like we all should be. :lol:

Chris's photo
Chris 8th February, 2008 @ 22:35 - Permalink
wen i click on the link to go to the website, it just has the trailes and the old photoes, doesnt have the map and the new stuff!!

Did you visit the site in the last few days? If so you've probably still got files from the old site in your cache. Try clearing it or using another browser.

fire boy's photo
fire boy 8th February, 2008 @ 23:15 - Permalink

i have to say R* have done a superb job with this website. all the wee touches that make it so funny and clever. all the new videos are aewsome especially the one where roman is off his face!!! Also the "banging trash can lids for an hour" is so funny!! i seriously cannot wait for this game im almost wetting my pants!!!

Andrew91's photo
Andrew91 8th February, 2008 @ 23:21 - Permalink

I've tried to access the site using both Firefox and IE, all I get is a black screen... :(

But the videos are all awesome!

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 8th February, 2008 @ 23:22 - Permalink
wen i click on the link to go to the website, it just has the trailes and the old photoes, doesnt have the map and the new stuff!!

Did you visit the site in the last few days? If so you've probably still got files from the old site in your cache. Try clearing it or using another browser.

no i havent, but wen i first went to the website, it worked, then i went to go bak and i had 2 tell my birth and stuff, and then the third trailer came up.

mark123's photo
mark123 8th February, 2008 @ 23:34 - Permalink


kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 9th February, 2008 @ 01:43 - Permalink

yes it works now, thanx man heaps.

im on the website npw, i like the background beat. its guudd

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 9th February, 2008 @ 03:43 - Permalink
Well it seems like Rockstar Games is already hinting at a returning, most likely re-modeled, Vice City. Higherbeing25 is not only from Vice City, but he mentions the 80s, but I'm not totally sure if that has any real significants.


I haven't looked through everything yet, but I thought I should post that.

Don't forget the visit Vice City 0 sign in the GTA IV first trailer.

Uhh...I didn't forget... :wacko:

I'm gonna have to see if my theory is still there when I get my hands on GTAIV. Then we'll see if we're going to be revisiting Vice City.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 9th February, 2008 @ 10:37 - Permalink

Lol, I went onto that, and took a quiz since I was bored. I came out as a "Douchebag". :lol:

It's very interactive and fun, I still am searching more of the website.

azn's photo
azn 9th February, 2008 @ 11:43 - Permalink

Dam I can't watch them because I'll get capped!

But the screenies are pretty cool B)

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 9th February, 2008 @ 12:34 - Permalink

When I took the quiz, I was also a douchebag :P

Alkali64's photo
Alkali64 9th February, 2008 @ 13:55 - Permalink

What are those black outlines in the all videos? It looks kinda weird...

Also, i can see the 'stagger' emotion being put to work in the scene were Niko and Roman are drunk, lol. :lol:

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 9th February, 2008 @ 22:57 - Permalink
When I took the quiz, I was also a douchebag :P

ye i was also a douchebag lol

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 9th February, 2008 @ 23:08 - Permalink

Me was Douchebag too. I'm assuming that's all there is....I'm gonna investigate!!!

*dashes over to the GTAIV site*

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 9th February, 2008 @ 23:11 - Permalink

Mine was Freak. After that, I got Douchebag, Boring Loser, Moron, and Whore. I lol'd at each of them!

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 9th February, 2008 @ 23:14 - Permalink

I've got "Boring Loser" and "Douchebag".

Dirty Harry's photo
Dirty Harry 9th February, 2008 @ 23:17 - Permalink

I got douchebag, whore, freak and moron! I am proud!

Cadaver's photo
Cadaver 11th February, 2008 @ 18:39 - Permalink

I tried logging onto the site the day it opened and as I did my computer crashed. To fix it I had to turn my computer off.

Zop-2911's photo
Zop-2911 12th February, 2008 @ 03:56 - Permalink

What happend to that leaked video and pictures, were they requested to be removed or?

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 12th February, 2008 @ 05:11 - Permalink
What happend to that leaked video and pictures, were they requested to be removed or?

Umm...yeah...Can somebody explain this to me? where the fuck did they go?

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