PSM3 Features GTA IV Preview

By MishoM | 9th Feb 2008 at 06:01 GMT in GTA IV | 11 Comments

PSM3Logo.jpgUK magazine PSM3 is boasting a nice 13-page-long extensive preview of GTA IV in their latest issue. This is the first time (or so we know) that a magazine or website has previewed the game on PlayStation 3 hardware. The preview is said to contain four brand new screenshots, which can all be seen here (thanks to Buubar for the scans and information). Highlights of the preview:

  • The preview was done on PS3 hardware. This would, of course, make sense since the magazine is PSM3.
  • While on a motorbike, if you are to crash your helmet may fly off depending on the size of the collision.
  • The environment (buildings and such) may be damaged and destroyed depending on how much you fire at it (obviously a rocket launcher-type weapon would do more damage, etc.).
  • Niko’s cell phone is now slightly more useful: you can now use it to call the police, fire department, etc. In addition, you can also listen to any of Liberty City’s 18 radio stations with it. You should even be able to take pictures, and then upload them onto the police’s computer!
  • Liberty City’s Lincoln Tunnel goes by the name of the “Booth Tunnel”.
  • The faster you tap X, (equivalent to 'A' on the Xbox 360), the faster Niko runs. In PSM3’s demo, he didn’t seem to grow tired after sprinting, however I personally believe this would change.
  • As in previous GTA’s, the first few missions will introduce you to the many new characters, and will be filled with tutorials and what-not.
  • When hurt, health is restored by medical kits, resting, or by eating.

Stay tuned for many more previews (as the news seems to be coming like crazy these days)!

Wheelman101's photo
Wheelman101 9th February, 2008 @ 06:55 - Permalink

Cool info, good idea on resting when hurt,

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 9th February, 2008 @ 07:58 - Permalink

The faster you tap X, the faster you run. Just like in SA. It also has the K800i in one of the pics.

kobe_inr's photo
kobe_inr 9th February, 2008 @ 08:20 - Permalink

like that if you get hurt or somethin, you can rest or eat to regain all your health, we r gettin so much info lately

Red_91's photo
Red_91 9th February, 2008 @ 10:50 - Permalink

18 radio stations? This game is going to be good, I cant wait to see the amount of songs this game will have.

Taking pictures is also good and I like the ideas of uploading thme on the police computer.

Nice info.

AFS's photo
AFS 9th February, 2008 @ 21:47 - Permalink

could anyone please post up image links if possible?

i cant seem to enter the GTAforums.. :(

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 10th February, 2008 @ 03:32 - Permalink

Wow, that's amazing that buildings could be damaged now. I wonder if you could cause one to collapse.

AFS's photo
AFS 10th February, 2008 @ 12:30 - Permalink

i'm gonna guess you can only cause a certain amount of damage...

i hope not though!

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 10th February, 2008 @ 19:17 - Permalink

Nice, environmental damage. It's more than MGS4 could do (currently). :) Restoring your health by resting? Hmm, reminds me of the dire 'The Getaway', where your blood-stained clothes magically clean themselves after 3 or 4 minutes of rest. Meh. It's good to hear about the phone though, especially the radio stations and the picture uploading. Not sure what that will consist of, but they'll have some good stuff planned, I'm sure.

mark123's photo
mark123 10th February, 2008 @ 19:52 - Permalink

does anyone know what happened to the other news about the other video intro n the other pics that was there this morning?? did rockstar tell you to take it down?

Mendoza's photo
Mendoza 10th February, 2008 @ 19:57 - Permalink

haha nice i love that phone

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 10th February, 2008 @ 22:42 - Permalink

^ and i own it :D

Nice info here, too tired / can't be assed to post anything more than that, i've been away for a while, and... eh....

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