GTA, GTA II Set To Be Released On PSN?

By MishoM | 14th Feb 2008 at 03:37 GMT in Classics | 30 Comments

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The Official PlayStation Magazine claims that Rockstar Games is set to release the first two top-down Grand Theft Auto titles, GTA and GTA II, on the PlayStation Network. The magazine seemed to be hinting at the release being in the near future as well:

Can't wait for GTA IV? Well, GTA and GTA II, the top-down PS1 classics that started it all, are set to appear as PSN downloads...

A scan of the very short article can be found here. It isn’t yet known if the titles will also be released on the Xbox Live Arcade for Xbox 360 users, but if their claims are true, then I wouldn’t doubt it.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 14th February, 2008 @ 08:19 - Permalink

Awesome. I hope this is true, I can't wait to play the classics that started the GTA era on my PS3.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 14th February, 2008 @ 10:10 - Permalink

My only concern is if they cost anything, I mean you can download them for free of Rockstar's website so the same should be applied to the PSN... right?

Swifty's photo
Swifty 14th February, 2008 @ 10:53 - Permalink
My only concern is if they cost anything, I mean you can download them for free of Rockstar's website so the same should be applied to the PSN... right?

Maybe this is a sign as to how Playstation are going to rival Xbox's downladable content.

TM™'s photo
TM™ 14th February, 2008 @ 11:26 - Permalink

To be honest, if you've played GTA 1 on the Playstation, you will find it really hard to play, I mean, you will. But uh... Yeah, that would be good news if it came on PSN, then you guys can play GTA1 or 2 on the PS3, rather than playing it on PC.

The Bossman's photo
The Bossman 14th February, 2008 @ 14:45 - Permalink

Good news, but I don't really want to pay for something that's been free for a few years. The other bits in the article were interesting as well, Kane & Lynch 2 apparently in development, and Splinter Cell Conviction to come out on PS3. I doubt that though, I think another article came out after Game mentioned that, stating it won't appear on PS3, sadly.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 14th February, 2008 @ 20:44 - Permalink

I don't see why these would go on the 360...I mean they never came out for the XBox.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 14th February, 2008 @ 21:15 - Permalink
I don't see why these would go on the 360...I mean they never came out for the XBox.

I see why they'd go on the 360: to make more money.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 14th February, 2008 @ 21:21 - Permalink
I don't see why these would go on the 360...I mean they never came out for the XBox.

I see why they'd go on the 360: to make more money.

Nooo, why would they put it on there for money??? That'd be ridiculous.

Why is only the 360 getting downloadable content?

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 14th February, 2008 @ 21:34 - Permalink

Because Microsoft payed R* a lot of money for exclusive content exclusive to the 360, I wish there was DLC on the PS3, come on Sony!

MishoM's photo
MishoM 14th February, 2008 @ 21:47 - Permalink
I don't see why these would go on the 360...I mean they never came out for the XBox.

I see why they'd go on the 360: to make more money.

Nooo, why would they put it on there for money??? That'd be ridiculous.

Why is only the 360 getting downloadable content?

You said:

I don't see why these would go on the 360...I mean they never came out for the XBox.

So I told you why they'd come to the 360. And the Xbox 360 is getting downloadable content because Microsoft probably payed Rockstar Games more money for it then they could ever dream of making from it.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 14th February, 2008 @ 22:12 - Permalink

I really don't think they're going on the Xbox 360, I mean it's possible but unlikely.

Chris's photo
Chris 14th February, 2008 @ 22:22 - Permalink

I would doubt it too. What might be more likely is GTA3/VC/SA to become available to download on Xbox Originals.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 14th February, 2008 @ 22:27 - Permalink
I would doubt it too. What might be more likely is GTA3/VC/SA to become available to download on Xbox Originals.

The way I see it, Microsoft wants Xbox to be the home of Grand Theft Auto. They want people to think, "Oh, GTA? That Xbox game?" That's why they're going out of their way for the downloadable content and what not, so I think they'd be willing to spend some big cash to get everything Sony gets and more. I'd expect those three games to be Xbox Originals as well.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 14th February, 2008 @ 22:32 - Permalink

That can be very hard to do, especially since the fact is that Sony has owned the rights to it for 6 months after release. Everyone sees it as a Playstation game really.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 14th February, 2008 @ 22:41 - Permalink
That can be very hard to do, especially since the fact is that Sony has owned the rights to it for 6 months after release. Everyone sees it as a Playstation game really.

And again, Microsoft obviously wants to change that.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 14th February, 2008 @ 22:46 - Permalink

Which most likely won't happen though.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 14th February, 2008 @ 23:08 - Permalink
Which most likely won't happen though.

How won't it? Cheaper system, game is being release on the same date, (most likely) better online (we all know 'Live tops PSN), exclusive content you can't get anywhere else, and there are more Xbox 360s out there then PS3s meaning it'll most likely sell better on the 360. Also, nearly all previews of the game have been done on Xbox 360 hardware, that kind of says a lot IMO (not saying the PS3 version won't be as good, just saying it seems like the Xbox is their system of choice this time around).

If they drop the price of the Xbox 360 Arcade model by April 29th to 0 (or lower) there's no doubt anyone who just wants the new GTA will just buy an Xbox 360 due to the pricing.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 14th February, 2008 @ 23:19 - Permalink

You make some good points there, I see what your saying now. I've always thought of the GTA games to be Sony's though, and I think a lot of other people have too. I guess it is possible it can change.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 14th February, 2008 @ 23:23 - Permalink
You make some good points there, I see what your saying now. I've always thought of the GTA games to be Sony's though, and I think a lot of other people have too. I guess it is possible it can change.

Me too, but it seems to be changing to me.

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 15th February, 2008 @ 03:06 - Permalink
I would doubt it too. What might be more likely is GTA3/VC/SA to become available to download on Xbox Originals.

The way I see it, Microsoft wants Xbox to be the home of Grand Theft Auto. They want people to think, "Oh, GTA? That Xbox game?" That's why they're going out of their way for the downloadable content and what not, so I think they'd be willing to spend some big cash to get everything Sony gets and more. I'd expect those three games to be Xbox Originals as well.

How could they be considered XBox originals if they were never originally on the XBox??? If they came to the Market Place or whatever on XBox Live! then they still couldn't be considered XBox originals because it didn't go to the XBox until 10 years or so after they were originally released.

I think Sony payed Rockstar money to have Grand Theft Auto on the PSOne so I think they're partially owned by Sony, in a way, not really though. The originals are basically Sony's territory.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 15th February, 2008 @ 04:12 - Permalink
I would doubt it too. What might be more likely is GTA3/VC/SA to become available to download on Xbox Originals.

The way I see it, Microsoft wants Xbox to be the home of Grand Theft Auto. They want people to think, "Oh, GTA? That Xbox game?" That's why they're going out of their way for the downloadable content and what not, so I think they'd be willing to spend some big cash to get everything Sony gets and more. I'd expect those three games to be Xbox Originals as well.

How could they be considered XBox originals if they were never originally on the XBox??? If they came to the Market Place or whatever on XBox Live! then they still couldn't be considered XBox originals because it didn't go to the XBox until 10 years or so after they were originally released.

I think Sony payed Rockstar money to have Grand Theft Auto on the PSOne so I think they're partially owned by Sony, in a way, not really though. The originals are basically Sony's territory.

I think you missed something, that comment about the games coming to Xbox Originals was regarding GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas -- all of which have been released on the Xbox.

But you're forgetting something, aren't the first two GTA games also out on PC? And the games aren't Sony's property by any means, Rockstar owns them and can do as they please with them. Now if Sony has some sort of contract (which I doubt seeing as how III-IV have all been on the Xbox) then that's a different story.

The way I see it, GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas will all be released on Xbox Originals before GTA IV hits stores. I also think that GTA and GTA II will be out on both the PSN and Xbox Live Arcade before GTA IV is released. But whatever, time will tell I suppose. It can't be much longer before they make some sort of announcement regarding this, right?

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 15th February, 2008 @ 04:14 - Permalink

If I remember correctly, Sony did own the rights to the GTA's for at least six months.

MishoM's photo
MishoM 15th February, 2008 @ 04:25 - Permalink
If I remember correctly, Sony did own the rights to the GTA's for at least six months.

True, but is this still in affect? GTA IV is being released at the same time on both, so wouldn't you consider Sony's exclusivity to be gone? :/

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 15th February, 2008 @ 04:25 - Permalink
But you're forgetting something, aren't the first two GTA games also out on PC? And the games aren't Sony's property by any means, Rockstar owns them and can do as they please with them. Now if Sony has some sort of contract (which I doubt seeing as how III-IV have all been on the Xbox) then that's a different story.

Yeah...they were on the PC...not the XBox...

"The games aren't Sony's property by any means"...sort of like the downloadable content?

The way I see it, GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas will all be released on Xbox Originals before GTA IV hits stores. I also think that GTA and GTA II will be out on both the PSN and Xbox Live Arcade before GTA IV is released. But whatever, time will tell I suppose. It can't be much longer before they make some sort of announcement regarding this, right?

What is this "XBox Originals"??? If they're what I think they are...then can't they only consider San Andreas an original since GTAIII and Vice City came out on the PS2 before the XBox?

If they were going to XBox Live! as well...don't you think they would have announced that already??? This seems like the same thing as when we first heard about the downloadable content for the 360.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 15th February, 2008 @ 04:28 - Permalink
If I remember correctly, Sony did own the rights to the GTA's for at least six months.

True, but is this still in affect? GTA IV is being released at the same time on both, so wouldn't you consider Sony's exclusivity to be gone? :/

Most likely not, but maybe for the classics? Not sure if they'd spend their money on it though.

But you're forgetting something, aren't the first two GTA games also out on PC? And the games aren't Sony's property by any means, Rockstar owns them and can do as they please with them. Now if Sony has some sort of contract (which I doubt seeing as how III-IV have all been on the Xbox) then that's a different story.

Yeah...they were on the PC...not the XBox...

"The games aren't Sony's property by any means"...sort of like the downloadable content?

The way I see it, GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas will all be released on Xbox Originals before GTA IV hits stores. I also think that GTA and GTA II will be out on both the PSN and Xbox Live Arcade before GTA IV is released. But whatever, time will tell I suppose. It can't be much longer before they make some sort of announcement regarding this, right?

What is this "XBox Originals"??? If they're what I think they are...then can't they only consider San Andreas an original since GTAIII and Vice City came out on the PS2 before the XBox?

If they were going to XBox Live! as well...don't you think they would have announced that already??? This seems like the same thing as when we first heard about the downloadable content for the 360.

Xbox Originals are the Xbox 1 games downloadable from Xbox Live. They have Indigop Prophecy, Halo, etc.

Charger's photo
Charger 15th February, 2008 @ 04:33 - Permalink

I highly doubt GTA 3, VC, and SA will make their way to Xbox live. And they can't be consider Xbox originals since they appeared on the PS2 first.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 15th February, 2008 @ 04:34 - Permalink

I thought Xbox Originals just meant games on the original Xbox?

Charger's photo
Charger 15th February, 2008 @ 04:40 - Permalink
I thought Xbox Originals just meant games on the original Xbox?

After reading more about Xbox Original I get it now. >.<

It still doesn't look like its going to happen anytime soon. R* giving MS all the fun isn't a good idea.

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 15th February, 2008 @ 04:54 - Permalink
I thought Xbox Originals just meant games on the original Xbox?

It does. But seeing how slow Microsoft releases games over Xbox Originals, I doubt we'll be seeing GTA III-SA anytime soon.

As for releasing the classic GTAs over PSN/XBL, hell no. We can get them for free right now.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 15th February, 2008 @ 09:23 - Permalink
You make some good points there, I see what your saying now. I've always thought of the GTA games to be Sony's though, and I think a lot of other people have too. I guess it is possible it can change.

Me too, but it seems to be changing to me.

Sony gained Rockstar's respect by staying loyal to them and thats now changing because Microsoft is just bribing Rockstar into their own hands. Disgraceful.

I hate all this Rivalry between consoles.

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