New GTA IV Artwork

By MishoM | 15th Feb 2008 at 00:22 GMT in GTA IV | 6 Comments

A new piece of artwork has found its way on the Internet featuring Little Jacob firing what looks to be either an AK-47 or an SMG-type weapon. The artwork is said to be from GamesMaster’s preview of GTA IV. Click here for a larger version of the below thumbnail.


Thanks Jayt001 and mark866!

Artur's photo
Artur 15th February, 2008 @ 01:51 - Permalink

Looks pretty cool. I always love the GTA artwork R* makes.

962's photo
962 15th February, 2008 @ 09:39 - Permalink

The weapon he's firing is an AK74. It's like and AK47 but with a lightweight 'commando' stock rather than the solid wooden one you're used to seeing. I'm loving the new artwork, and the new IV site even more so, the attention to detail is amazing!

Thomas.'s photo
Thomas. 15th February, 2008 @ 15:47 - Permalink

The weapon is probably a newer version of the AK-47 or a completely different weapon as what Original GTA Master said. The background of that artwork of Little Jacob is showing that he may be shooting in Little Italy perhaps? The artwork from Rockstar Games always impresses.

Zop-2911's photo
Zop-2911 15th February, 2008 @ 16:50 - Permalink
The weapon is probably a newer version of the AK-47 or a completely different weapon as what Original GTA Master said. The background of that artwork of Little Jacob is showing that he may be shooting in Little Italy perhaps? The artwork from Rockstar Games always impresses.

It looks a bit like an AK-7u (I think thats what its called off COD 4). Or it could be a made up GTA version of an AK-47 I dunno

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 15th February, 2008 @ 16:50 - Permalink

It looks like a AK-47/Ruger to me. But still, awesome artwork.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 16th February, 2008 @ 03:06 - Permalink

962 called it, good eye.

Gas port over the barrel is an AK trait as is the fold under stock. Ruger (Mini 14 & AC556) have a side folder & no gas


No, I don't have this variation for my collection. Yet.

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