Official Site Update #2

By Chris | 21st Feb 2008 at 19:23 GMT in GTA IV | 7 Comments

Rockstar have updated the GTAIV official site today with new screenshots and wallpapers, as well as some new additions to the site. The updates page provides the details on what exactly has been updated.

  • Videos of Alderney businessman Phil Bell and the Dilettante hybrid car.
  • Downloadable posters of Liberty City's most wanted criminals, straight from the LCPD.
  • The Weazel News sidebar-friendly news widget.
  • New batch of exclusive screenshots.
  • Debut of the Character Series of official wallpapers and more.

There are 8 new screenshots in total, 5 from the screenshots page and 3 from the new pages:

064.jpg 065.jpg 066.jpg 067.jpg 068.jpg booth_1280x720.jpg dilettante1_1280x720.jpg bledar_1280.jpg

Alkali64's photo
Alkali64 21st February, 2008 @ 20:23 - Permalink


Every single screen shot is just plain awesome! ME WANT NOW!


MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 21st February, 2008 @ 20:32 - Permalink

right, I have found out how to download the flash videos from the GTA IV site:

You can download the FLV video of the Hybrid commercial ' Dilettante'

Phill Bell:

More coming soon.

Charger's photo
Charger 22nd February, 2008 @ 02:49 - Permalink

The Hybrid commercial confirms my question about customizing cars :)

And great Update!

Red_91's photo
Red_91 22nd February, 2008 @ 11:08 - Permalink

I haven't been on the official website yet but those screenshots look top quality, the cars are looking good too. In the fifth pic there is a car that looks like a range rover so thats good.

mattyk's photo
mattyk 23rd February, 2008 @ 13:03 - Permalink

the ad for the hybrid car was class, it was great to see a bit if the physics workin when that guy got knocked over during. The ad. Did any1 else notice the Aston martin looking car at the end when it was showing the price?

I saw the vidieos on you tube on this iPhone cos my laptop got broke, would not think the videos would be much different.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 23rd February, 2008 @ 14:07 - Permalink

I saw the Aston Martin. Sleek. I think there was a Lamborghini and some other fast cars there as well.

mattyk's photo
mattyk 25th February, 2008 @ 01:00 - Permalink

I think the red one looks like a porsche possibly the front of the comet, as u say gta don the green one is like a lambo. And the gold coloured one like a corvette not bothered if I'm wrong just what I think lol see the ship with all the cars this game looks huge. Can't wait

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