One New GTAIV Screenshot

By Chris | 22nd Feb 2008 at 18:24 GMT in GTA IV | 7 Comments
gtaiv_screenshot_122.jpgA new screenshot has appeared in an article over at New Zealand based The screenshot shows Niko crouching on a roof with a sniper rifle in his hands.
mark123's photo
mark123 22nd February, 2008 @ 19:18 - Permalink


awesome, love the detail in the clothes!.. and the lighting on the water drum behind. although im sure i've seen this before

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 22nd February, 2008 @ 19:24 - Permalink

Looks like Niko has glasses on.

Thomas.'s photo
Thomas. 22nd February, 2008 @ 19:31 - Permalink
Looks like Niko has glasses on.

Yeah, it does, doesn't it? :P

The sniper gun looks so brilliant, its realism is so... I don't know how to describe the excellence.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 22nd February, 2008 @ 20:38 - Permalink

Very good indeed, I like the fact that the screenshots we have had, most of them have had Niko with different costumes.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 22nd February, 2008 @ 22:20 - Permalink

He does have glasses. I wish I had them. :P Cool screenshot, btw.

Hansui's photo
Hansui 22nd February, 2008 @ 22:57 - Permalink

nice screenshot, it looks like that Niko is in a mission, probably assassination mission :)

sibraa5's photo
sibraa5 22nd February, 2008 @ 23:16 - Permalink

Amazing screen :D

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