San Andreas Advertisements Banned

By Cough7007 | 4th Mar 2005 at 21:42 GMT in San Andreas | 8 Comments

San Andreas advertisments have been banned in the UK after eight parents complained about the commercial.

The parents said that they were concerned about the commercial airing because not only was it aired at a time when children are still watching TV, but the parents reported that it was also the use of drugs, intense violence, and the spraying of graffiti that made the commercial too adult-like for children.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) started an investigation on the issue, and on Wednesday, the ASA announced that the advertisments will be banned from UK television because they were concerned about the commercial's "Threatening Atmosphere".

The ad is now only allowed to be aired after the 'watershed', which is 9 PM, this way the parents are the only ones to blame if they let their children see the advertisement.

Rockstar Games said that their purpose of the commercial was not towards the children, rather towards the adults. (Half of the audience is not required the play the game, anyway.)

For More Info: BBC News

Chris's photo
Chris 4th March, 2005 @ 21:49 - Permalink

I live in the UK and to be honest I can't ever remember seeing the ad before 9 o'clock anyway, its always been on after that as far as I can remember, apart from the first day of the ad, that's the only time it was before 9pm.

Airashii's photo
Airashii 4th March, 2005 @ 22:11 - Permalink

Pfft, this really is taking the piss IMO.

Chris's photo
Chris 4th March, 2005 @ 22:16 - Permalink

Yes I agree, It's the irresponsible parents faults, it's their decision as to what their children may watch on TV whilst they are 'young', aren't they supposed to supervide their children anyway?

Cough7007's photo
Cough7007 4th March, 2005 @ 22:19 - Permalink

Man, advertising is business. It draws more customers. Man, that sucks for Rockstar. I'm serious, Rockstar probably takes more shit than any other Video Game producer.

tommy vercetti guy's photo
tommy vercetti guy 5th March, 2005 @ 13:29 - Permalink

It was the parents stupid fault buying a 7 year old this game

Just like what happened to manhunt, some TENNAGER killed his own friend :o

and how old was the teenager, 15 years old! tsk tsk tsk, stupid people there days

btw, i bought manhunt long ago, i just watched the intro and i already got scared, so i returned it :(

Fuzi0n's photo
Fuzi0n 8th March, 2005 @ 10:55 - Permalink

thats perfetic.

soon, well be having:

this commercial is rated V, for violence. viewer discretion is advised.

claud's photo
claud 15th March, 2005 @ 21:44 - Permalink

i always see the add it cool :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown: asa

Sherman's photo
Sherman 15th March, 2005 @ 23:18 - Permalink
i always see the add it cool :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown: asa

Please stop posting your worthless bullshit posts. And bumping old topics..

I know this is an older topic.. but yes, its the parent's fault.

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