EGM Preview GTA IV

By Chris | 2nd Mar 2008 at 11:23 GMT in GTA IV | 6 Comments

EGM subscribers have recently received their April issue of the magazine, and in it is a nice lengthy preview of Grand Theft Auto IV, along with three new screenshots. New details are below:

  • Niko Bellic was apparently inspired by a favourite driver from Rockstar Games' car service
  • The total number of radio stations is actually 14 (not 18 as we've previously reported)
  • Car engines may stall after taking a lot of damage, requiring you to escape on foot
  • Lazlow is finally confirmed to be returning on the radio (something we long expected)
  • Emergency units respond in real time, this is useful for procuring an emergency vehicle - call them to report something, then head over to the station while they're all attending the scene
  • Niko is an old soldier who spent time in third-world prisons
  • On the subject of multiplayer, Sam Houser said "I just like running up to a bunch of players with the grenade cooking in my hands and taking them all out with me." - nothing more was mentioned other than we can expect some 'standard' multiplayer modes, as well as some new ones.
  • You can resist arrest when getting busted by tapping A/X. You'll attain an additional wanted star, though.
  • The PS3 version of GTA4 will use the Sixaxis controller's motion-sensing abilities "in a way that makes sense," is all Houser will say.

Thanks to CosmosTheMouse for magazine scans.

Dirty Harry's photo
Dirty Harry 2nd March, 2008 @ 11:31 - Permalink

Housers playing style rocks! These are good news!

Red_91's photo
Red_91 2nd March, 2008 @ 12:18 - Permalink

14 radio stations? Not bad but 18 would have been far better, maybe the extra 4 are for custome tracks?

Using the sixaxis will be good, I wonder how they put that in the game.

Multiplayer will make GTAIV one of the best games ever.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 2nd March, 2008 @ 12:33 - Permalink

I do think that there will be custom tracks, but you don't need 4 radio stations for it. Go Houser! Suicide FTW!

I'm also wondering how they will feature the SIXAXIS', maybe for flying helicopters and hotwiring cars.

Swifty's photo
Swifty 2nd March, 2008 @ 12:56 - Permalink

I'm glad they will allow you to resist arrest now, it was extremely annoying how easily cops could bust you. Would be cool if they actually handcuffed you, that way if you leave it too late to struggle free you will have to run off with your hands cuffed behind ur back.

Urbanoutlaw's photo
Urbanoutlaw 2nd March, 2008 @ 13:24 - Permalink
I'm glad they will allow you to resist arrest now, it was extremely annoying how easily cops could bust you. Would be cool if they actually handcuffed you, that way if you leave it too late to struggle free you will have to run off with your hands cuffed behind ur back.

I've literally shredded controllers over that, resisting arrest is just one more thing I'm looking forward to.

"Officer, go help that guy." as I push him in front of a car.

Mpilk901's photo
Mpilk901 2nd March, 2008 @ 17:25 - Permalink
The PS3 version of GTA4 will use the Sixaxis controller's motion-sensing abilities "in a way that makes sense," is all Houser will say.

Bold: The way he says "in a way that makes sense" makes me think that it won't actually be anything to brag about but more of it just being an option which you can turn on and off. You know, like its just kind of there for the sake of it.

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