Rockstar have updated the official GTA IV site again with new screenshots and music info amongst other things.
Check out the Official GTAIV site
See the 21 new screenshots in our gallery
I love the new screens and music, now we have to wait for the multiplayer.
Awesome. Like the new screenshots.
WTF I can't even get on GTA IV site, and other people can
Edit: I can see now lol
Plus these are on my youtube channel
Really good, the LCPD recruitment is funny. And Packi Mcreary looks like a real Irish thug. Theres so many different backgrounds in this game, makes it a lot better.
I think R* changed it to 18 radio stations after EGM had their chance to play GTA IV. Magazine previews are done way earlier than Online Previews.
hahah o'toole, funny last name.
O'Toole? Could he be of relation to JD O'Toole in LCS? I'm not sure.
Packie Mcreary is obviously related to Francis Mcreary other than that I cant see any other relations in the game except the obvious Niko and Roman.
Lol @ O'Toole. He said he don't read so good.
1 Thing, I might hate about GTA IV - Is that it's in gay Liberty City.
But, the screen shots tell me I need to buy this game!
Lol.. I love the LCPD video.. All the screenshots are awesome too.
Screenshots are amazing. Videos are funny. This game is going to unreal.
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