GTA IV Screenshot Updates

By Chris | 27th Mar 2008 at 16:48 GMT in GTA IV | 3 Comments

Rockstar Games have just sent us 3 unwatermarked versions of screenshots we saw in the last few weeks from EvilAvatar and MTV. Our gallery has been updated.

gtaiv_screenshot_159.jpg gtaiv_screenshot_160.jpg subway_escape.jpg

Thanks R*!

mark123's photo
mark123 27th March, 2008 @ 17:03 - Permalink


okay so wait....^^^... i thought we werent going to be using bags to store guns or whatever? i thought they would just apear like magic as they used to?..

ive seen all those screens too .. im still thinking the third picture is a fake. but i guess this proves it wasnt.. in which case it looks rubbish lol. n so does the 2nd one sorta but yeah.. first one looks great, kind of reminds me of kayne n lynch game like with the duffel bag n what not.

Jet's photo
Jet 27th March, 2008 @ 18:22 - Permalink

I really like this one in the subway! Niko with a Sanchez driving through the narrow subway tubes :dribble:

-THE-DEALER-'s photo
-THE-DEALER- 27th March, 2008 @ 19:35 - Permalink

okay so wait....^^^... i thought we werent going to be using bags to store guns or whatever? i thought they would just apear like magic as they used to?..

ive seen all those screens too .. im still thinking the third picture is a fake. but i guess this proves it wasnt.. in which case it looks rubbish lol. n so does the 2nd one sorta but yeah.. first one looks great, kind of reminds me of kayne n lynch game like with the duffel bag n what not.

I am not to sure what made you think that guns would just appear out of nowhere! ( I think it may be down to RUMOR in one of the forums ) Rockstar will be using the bag to store weapons and also will be using car trucks to store things in too. To seal the deal with you about the bag problem all i would say to you is. Why would Rockstar have a bag present in the special edition, if it was not going to be one of the most important and most used item in the game. Its a bit like batman films to the people who love them. YOU GOT TO HAVE THE BAT-MOBILE .You see what i am saying!

Also these screenshots are very cool. I know they may seem a bit crap from graphics point of view but i can defiantly say that the cut-scenes & Gameplay will be as cool and smooth as.........Well....A cool and smooth thing! :yup:

( This has to be in capitals ) I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS GAME !!!!.......

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