IGN: The History of Grand Theft Auto

By Chris | 29th Mar 2008 at 12:50 GMT in General | 1 Comment

IGN are churning out the GTA articles this weekend, they've now compiled a decent history of GTA article - if you haven't read one of these before then I'd definitely recommend you doing so. It gives a nice overview of how the GTA games came about, and travels through right up to GTA IV. Of course there's no new information in there, but it's still an interesting read.

So if you're feeling nostalgic, give it a read. Also, today marks the one year anniversary of the first GTA IV trailer release, can you believe all that time has passed?

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 29th March, 2008 @ 12:58 - Permalink

I got 2 GTA Books at home here, and they are very detailed, so I don't need to read it :P

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