Kotaku Previews GTA IV

By MishoM | 3rd Apr 2008 at 01:19 GMT in GTA IV | 3 Comments

Gaming website Kotaku recently received a hands-on preview of GTA IV. The article features no new information, however is a good read as it sums up a ton of interesting features GTA IV has to offer. You can read it here.

In other GTA IV-related news, gaming blog Destructoid also had a hands-on preview of the title, and will be posting their impressions in the coming week. Look out for that one, although it’ll most likely be similar to the above Kotaku preview, offering us no new details. Check back to TGTAP for information on all previews, reviews, and anything else related to GTA IV as we come closer and closer to the game’s late April release!

mutu's photo
mutu 3rd April, 2008 @ 13:23 - Permalink

A good read! It were fun reading this, a lot of interresting facts to.

mark123's photo
mark123 4th April, 2008 @ 09:01 - Permalink

nice read!.. there was new information!

like the guy smoking pot in the car that niko was driving around,when niko smashed the window to shoot people.. the smoke that had gathered in the car from teh guy smoking starting coming out.

the fact that if you shoot a rocket launcher, not only wil it skip off the ground ( which we knew already) but it will spiral out of control spinning so everyone has to duck for cover.

theres a slow mo mode when your driving, which i've never seen before!!!. where by you can activate it so you can get through small gaps between cars better during a chase or whatever.

oh and the taxi driver thats driving you around shouting abuse at other cars on the road is new as well isnt it?

anyway good read, shorter than i thought it was going to be though.

Hansui's photo
Hansui 4th April, 2008 @ 09:05 - Permalink

lol, i'm totally excited about GTA IV's release...

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