IGN: The City that Never Sleeps

By rockstarrem | 22nd Apr 2008 at 03:35 GMT in GTA IV | 2 Comments

IGN has posted up an article today with an interview with someone from Rockstar named Aaron Garbut. It is definitely worth a read, it explains Liberty City in full detail. He also explains how the game will be nothing like the other GTA's besides the general feel. The article also has some new screenshots up that will be shortly added to our screenshots section.

You may read the article here: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/868/868124p1.html


jimmy1782's photo
jimmy1782 22nd April, 2008 @ 07:23 - Permalink

Definately worth a read. This game is going to be huge. Halo 3 was hyped up and didnt really delivery the full works but gta4 is going to deliver!!

mutu's photo
mutu 22nd April, 2008 @ 13:40 - Permalink

Good read, I didn't read all of it but I thought it was good. And yeah, it's gonna be huge!

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