OXM, Xbox World 360 review GTA IV, and more

By MishoM | 23rd Apr 2008 at 03:07 GMT in GTA IV | 9 Comments

Two more publications have reviewed the next installment of Grand Theft Auto, (which is only a week away from release), both of which have given the game amazing and near-perfect scores. First up was the U.S. version of Official Xbox Magazine (OXM), the review was obviously favorable. The final verdict was a 9.5/10. Their conclusion:

  • + Wounderful environment with gajillions of great things to do.
  • + Multiplayer is a deep, terrific addition to the series.
  • - Would be even better with a little editing: it starts slowly, has a few too many “filler” missions.

Xbox World 360 (U.K.) scored the game a 98%/100%, which is said to be their highest score ever given. Their conclusion:

  • + Oscar-worthy dialogue
  • + unfeasibly rich game world
  • + inspired mission design

Both reviews have quite a few mission and story details, and even include achievement details, Easter-egg details, and more. Be sure to check them out whenever you see them at your local shop.

In other related news, pictures of the special edition packaging of the game have surfaced. They appear to be from an Australian store, those can be found here. Lastly, it appears an ad for GTA IV which was featured on Chicago’s buses has been removed. The official report from Fox News can be found here. Reasoning behind the ad being taken down was due to it being “violent.” You can discuss the ad and more, in our forums.

PhoenixGTA's photo
PhoenixGTA 23rd April, 2008 @ 03:42 - Permalink

"In other related news, pictures of the special edition packaging of the game have surfaced. They appear to be from an Australian store, those can be found here. Lastly, it appears an ad for GTA IV which was featured on Chicago’s buses has been removed. The official report from Fox News can be found here. Reasoning behind the ad being taken down was due to it being “violent.” You can discuss the ad and more, in our forums."

I think we are going to see in game footage well before the Tuesday launch!! Those people in Australia holding the game and taking pictures need to take it home and play!!

Victor_Vance's photo
Victor_Vance 23rd April, 2008 @ 04:03 - Permalink

what do they mean by

- Would be even better with a little editing: it starts slowly, has a few too many “filler” missions.

I dont get it

Jezz Torrent's photo
Jezz Torrent 23rd April, 2008 @ 04:34 - Permalink
what do they mean by

- Would be even better with a little editing: it starts slowly, has a few too many “filler” missions.

I dont get it

i think basically some of the missions dont have any relevence to the storyline, like gta3, and it takes a while to tell you whats going on

mark123's photo
mark123 23rd April, 2008 @ 08:50 - Permalink

that royaly pisses me off when people take the easy way out and blame a game ( or in this case the advertising for a game such as gta) for shootings rather than own up to the fact that they dont know how to control their kids and allowed them to grow up in a gang. i know when i have kids eventually that if i saw them hanging around with those people then i'd grab him and move somewhere else or move him to a different school away from that kind of situation. the parents must know they own guns and do drugs n stuff so its their own fault on that. and its not what kids see its the kids backgrounds and mental state, if a kid shoots a guy on gta that doesnt mean they'd ever kill someone in real life.. it takes a truly messed up person to try to repeat something they saw in a game.

but in saying that movies nowadays are 10000x worse than gta ever was!.. movies like hostel, saw .. which are just disgusting and not watchable but they bring in revenew , enough to make several sequals. why dont they ban that movie? or try tone it down? theres violence in almost all movies on the market and what do you do? if you dont want your kids seeing it then dont buy them the ticket, dont buy them the game. its 18 for a reason, adults who buy it are more responsible because at the end of the day the game is made for adults not children, if parents complain about their kids seeing that then they shouldnt buy the game or try to stop the game coming out. im not saying that peope under 18 shouldnt play gta.. i've been playing it since i was like 13 or something and i'm fine.. the fact i still hate watching hostel or saw or those kinda groosome movies proves that.

games can easily put into the spotlight because some retarded kids that have shot someone blamed it on them, but its much more than games its more than people realise. its easy to have a baby but its hard to be a parent. death and violence is more dominant in run down areas for a reason, get off your lazy goddam fat ass and get a job so you can move out of the shit whole and stop blaming it on games ruining it for everyone else. its already being censored in australia and ( was it new zealand? ) if they censor it for uk or america because of that then i will be pissed off

Zenny246's photo
Zenny246 23rd April, 2008 @ 11:47 - Permalink
that royaly pisses me off when people take the easy way out and blame a game ( or in this case the advertising for a game such as gta) for shootings rather than own up to the fact that they dont know how to control their kids and allowed them to grow up in a gang. i know when i have kids eventually that if i saw them hanging around with those people then i'd grab him and move somewhere else or move him to a different school away from that kind of situation. the parents must know they own guns and do drugs n stuff so its their own fault on that. and its not what kids see its the kids backgrounds and mental state, if a kid shoots a guy on gta that doesnt mean they'd ever kill someone in real life.. it takes a truly messed up person to try to repeat something they saw in a game.

but in saying that movies nowadays are 10000x worse than gta ever was!.. movies like hostel, saw .. which are just disgusting and not watchable but they bring in revenew , enough to make several sequals. why dont they ban that movie? or try tone it down? theres violence in almost all movies on the market and what do you do? if you dont want your kids seeing it then dont buy them the ticket, dont buy them the game. its 18 for a reason, adults who buy it are more responsible because at the end of the day the game is made for adults not children, if parents complain about their kids seeing that then they shouldnt buy the game or try to stop the game coming out. im not saying that peope under 18 shouldnt play gta.. i've been playing it since i was like 13 or something and i'm fine.. the fact i still hate watching hostel or saw or those kinda groosome movies proves that.

games can easily put into the spotlight because some retarded kids that have shot someone blamed it on them, but its much more than games its more than people realise. its easy to have a baby but its hard to be a parent. death and violence is more dominant in run down areas for a reason, get off your lazy goddam fat ass and get a job so you can move out of the shit whole and stop blaming it on games ruining it for everyone else. its already being censored in australia and ( was it new zealand? ) if they censor it for uk or america because of that then i will be pissed off

Absolutely spot on.

Also, take a look at the actual advertisments.

There is nothing that says what GTA IV actually is. There's just pictures of guys standing infront of a police line up screen. And the woman sucking a lollypop... well there's more provocative advertising used for perfumes and clothing than that billboard.

The fact is, for the adverts to have any "influence" on kids, kids would have to know what the game is in the first place. And if they know what the game is in the first place, the advertising comes AFTER their existing knowledge.

This is just government trying to control everyone and everything.

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 23rd April, 2008 @ 12:25 - Permalink

Games rating is 100% bullshit. I read the single best quote EVER in a gaming magazine once....

"You could make a game about safe sex for teenagers, and it would automatically get an AO [adults only] rating"
fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 23rd April, 2008 @ 23:23 - Permalink

"Oh, a picture of a dude pulling on a glove, a dude pulling down his shades and a chick sucking a lollypop... boohoo, that is the cause of corruption in our children. Boohoo!" -Idiots Who don't know what the hell they are talking about.

I mean seriously, Why? I don't get it. This crap continuos, I can't believe it. So they think that an advertisement will cause kids to buy a game that will in turn cause them to kill people. That's absolutely ridiculous! That's like saying if I play Mario that I'll become a plumber, if I play Guitar Hero, I'll become the next Slash. Aaaahhh, the ignorance of parents who can't control their children and stupid people. Makes me fucking agree really.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 23rd April, 2008 @ 23:25 - Permalink
Games rating is 100% bullshit. I read the single best quote EVER in a gaming magazine once....
"You could make a game about safe sex for teenagers, and it would automatically get an AO [adults only] rating"

I wouldn't really blame them... if it showed sex in it and it's meant for teenagers then lolwut

hahamu.dk's photo
hahamu.dk 24th April, 2008 @ 15:37 - Permalink

Haha, the way they say "there have been a lot of violence in Chicago today, and the reason is for sure the new GTA IV commercials"

It makes me sit here and think "and they say they are the smart, serious guys?" All they are, are some desperate, funhating, jerks, that really don't know anything.

Oh, and i have some news to. There have been a lot of explosions in iraq the last year, and the reason is 100% sure, because of the trailer to the new ironman movie, and that's just how it is.

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