IGN.com review GTA IV

By MishoM | 25th Apr 2008 at 23:06 GMT in GTA IV | 40 Comments

IGN.com has today posted their review of the much anticipated next game in the series, GTA IV. IGN has given the game a 10/10, giving it 10s in every single category. Here’s their breakdown:

  • 10 - Presentation - The story is Oscar quality. The use of the phone as a gaming portal is genius. There’s really nothing more that could be asked for from GTA IV.
  • 10 - Graphics - The level of detail is astounding. Liberty City feels alive and lived in. While there are some technical issues, the artistic merits push the score to the max. A true marvel.
  • 10 - Sound - The dialogue makes the story. Without the excellent writing and the stellar voice acting, the story would fail. And the soundtrack kills -- more than 200 songs and almost all are great choices.
  • 10 - Gameplay - The cover and targeting system work great. Blind firing with an RPG is a thing of beauty. Everything works in harmony and not a single one of the missions is bad. The most fun I’ve had in years.
  • 10 - Lasting Appeal - The story will take anywhere from 25-45 hours to complete, depending on your skill level and attention span. There’s plenty more to do once you finish the story, such as excellent multiplayer.
  • 10 - OVERALL 10/10, Masterful

This makes the game one of IGN’s highest scored games, as they rarely hand out the perfect review. You can read the review here. Or, watch their video review below:

Also, be sure to check out Chris’s post on his visit to NY to play GTA IV early!

Rashon.'s photo
Rashon. 25th April, 2008 @ 23:13 - Permalink

O. M. F. G. I don't know what I'm going to be missing. Climbing from San Andreas, drive-bys from San Andreas and Vice City Stories, the city looks beautiful, the gun sounds are awesome, it's even got that GTA2 style HUD and it doesn't even look to spoil the game a bit.

Rockstar must be proud that the game they worked out for more or less 5 years worked out better or as they expected.

*Runs off to see more gameplay videos*

Ciaran's photo
Ciaran 25th April, 2008 @ 23:20 - Permalink


Connor's photo
Connor 25th April, 2008 @ 23:30 - Permalink

So beautiful...I can't say anymore, except that I'll be off to pickup my preorder, and sit like a little psycho holding the case on the way home, just being frustrated to do all that myself..

Perfect score...

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 25th April, 2008 @ 23:31 - Permalink


josef8's photo
josef8 25th April, 2008 @ 23:31 - Permalink

i cant believe i actually read it before u post it... :clapping:

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 25th April, 2008 @ 23:50 - Permalink

Arghh! I can't fucking wait until this game is released!

MarkD1990's photo
MarkD1990 25th April, 2008 @ 23:52 - Permalink

I want this now, but I gotta wait till Monday Night :(

Kitsune Inferno's photo
Kitsune Inferno 25th April, 2008 @ 23:59 - Permalink
I want this now, but I gotta wait till Monday Night :(

Lucky you. I have to wait until mid-June for my copy.

rockstarrem's photo
rockstarrem 26th April, 2008 @ 00:05 - Permalink

Who the fuck said gameplay videos ruin the hype. Jesus Christ I can't wait!

azn's photo
azn 26th April, 2008 @ 02:47 - Permalink

Finally some gameplay video we can watch!

That's fucking amazing! The realistic-ness just makes it even better!!

Harwood Butcher's photo
Harwood Butcher 26th April, 2008 @ 03:55 - Permalink

Watching that game play sort of ruined it for me...I hope I could get the images out of my head before I play GTAIV.

azn's photo
azn 26th April, 2008 @ 04:13 - Permalink

It's not really a spoiler, they didn't reveal any plot details. I'm just so hyped up about the combat system! The explosions are eye candy!

mutu's photo
mutu 26th April, 2008 @ 06:12 - Permalink

Just one word: Wow! That video is one of the best I've seen including GTA IV. Even though it was only a review it was enough to get me more hyped about the game.

azn's photo
azn 26th April, 2008 @ 06:18 - Permalink

You know it kinda looks like a 3rd person Rainbow Six Vegas..With the cover system and all..

Niko runs a lot more naturally now, I wonder how he jumps.

mutu's photo
mutu 26th April, 2008 @ 06:22 - Permalink
You know it kinda looks like a 3rd person Rainbow Six Vegas..With the cover system and all..

Niko runs a lot more naturally now, I wonder how he jumps.

You can't compare Rainbow Six with GTA IV :P

But the cover system does remind me of Rainbow Six, but GTA IV is way much better. I bet Niko can't jump as high as CJ could.

azn's photo
azn 26th April, 2008 @ 06:24 - Permalink
You know it kinda looks like a 3rd person Rainbow Six Vegas..With the cover system and all..

Niko runs a lot more naturally now, I wonder how he jumps.

You can't compare Rainbow Six with GTA IV :P

But the cover system does remind me of Rainbow Six, but GTA IV is way much better. I bet Niko can't jump as high as CJ could.

Nah, I'm not comparing the two, I'm just saying that the cover system in IV is very similar to R6V because you can blind fire, take cover behind almost everything and jump over objects.

mutu's photo
mutu 26th April, 2008 @ 06:26 - Permalink
You know it kinda looks like a 3rd person Rainbow Six Vegas..With the cover system and all..

Niko runs a lot more naturally now, I wonder how he jumps.

You can't compare Rainbow Six with GTA IV :P

But the cover system does remind me of Rainbow Six, but GTA IV is way much better. I bet Niko can't jump as high as CJ could.

Nah, I'm not comparing the two, I'm just saying that the cover system in IV is very similar to R6V because you can blind fire, take cover behind almost everything and jump over objects.

Yeah, I know what you mean. It looks a bit to much like it.

Back on topic: The video is just great, as said before, finally a gameplay video we can watch :)

fatalgamer's photo
fatalgamer 26th April, 2008 @ 06:29 - Permalink

I wanted to wait till I had the game to see the actual game play, but this is just to juicy! I keep watching, and I probably will till it is actually in my possession. I was made a very happy guy today. It looks perfect. I laughed my ass off when Niko and that chick started banging in his car. Finally it feels like the game is within reach!

azn's photo
azn 26th April, 2008 @ 06:30 - Permalink

Yeah, did you see how Niko just walked into an interior without a load screen? He just bumped into the door, it opened and everything was already loaded. The game looks pretty flawless, I didn't see any bugs or glitches :)

EvoLuTioN's photo
EvoLuTioN 26th April, 2008 @ 06:32 - Permalink

Real nice, Its been a while since IGN has given any game a 10/10. GTA 4 is going to OwnN! Can't wait to play it

mutu's photo
mutu 26th April, 2008 @ 06:33 - Permalink

Yeah, like when he left his apartment I was expecting a load screen to show up, but it didn't. Niko could actually just walk right into the street. But even though we didn't find a bug or a glitch there is, no one can make a game without bugs or glithces.

azn's photo
azn 26th April, 2008 @ 06:37 - Permalink
Yeah, like when he left his apartment I was expecting a load screen to show up, but it didn't. Niko could actually just walk right into the street. But even though we didn't find a bug or a glitch there is, no one can make a game without bugs or glithces.

Yeah, that's why they make sequels, of course!

A rockstar representative did say that you basically play from start to finish without load screens, so that's a huge improvement not only to GTA, but to gaming all together. Many of you probably remember the older games, half the time you would see this very familiar text "LOADING, PLEASE WAIT" or something simliar :P With IV, this will be a thing of the past!

Also, this applies to Midnight Club Los Angeles, another game created by Rockstar which also uses the RAGE.

mutu's photo
mutu 26th April, 2008 @ 06:43 - Permalink

Yeah, it's an great improvement. I really can't wait for the game, it's like waiting for Christmas :D

azn's photo
azn 26th April, 2008 @ 06:46 - Permalink

Except in April!

Also, Euphoria seems to be working great too. The physics are so natural and every limb on the body seems to fly it's own way during an explosion. Imagine shooting down a plane from the sky!

vicsrealms's photo
vicsrealms 26th April, 2008 @ 06:50 - Permalink

Gah, just the PS3 and 360 screen shots look amazing. I can't wait to see it on the PC. Shoot, I can't wait to get it for the PS3. lol! The wait is killing me!

mutu's photo
mutu 26th April, 2008 @ 06:52 - Permalink

Yeah, the game engine is amazingly great. Another thing that makes the final touch to the realism, I saw in an video that when you go close enough to a car, you can hear what the driver is listening to on the radio. That's one of the small details that count when it comes to gameplay and realism.

azn's photo
azn 26th April, 2008 @ 06:54 - Permalink

Speaking of small detail, Niko closes his eyes when he fires his gun to avoid particles getting into them. It's really amazing how much detail Rockstar pays. I wonder what's in for the future of GTA :mellow:

mutu's photo
mutu 26th April, 2008 @ 06:57 - Permalink

I can't imagine. But the details count as a huge thing to make the gameplay just great. Everything we saw in San Andreas is massivly improved in IV. It's just another masterpiece from Rockstar.

Red_91's photo
Red_91 26th April, 2008 @ 09:16 - Permalink

I reckon this game is going to break the record of most sold games. I read somewhere 20 million copies are already sold.

I personally dont like seeing gameplay videos just because it sort of takes something away when you actually play the game, might lower the hype. This game will be good no doubt about it, I'm already thinking about the gta fter this.

Zenny246's photo
Zenny246 26th April, 2008 @ 11:16 - Permalink

That gameplay just looked outstanding!!!

In the multiplayer section where the guy infront got blown away by a rocket a flew back past the guy behind!!!

That was just awsome!!!!

Gycu's photo
Gycu 26th April, 2008 @ 11:25 - Permalink

I expectet a 9.5 at max but 10/10 is just amazing ... I'm waiting for the Gamespot review because I use that site more often then IGN but heh it doesn't matter, I'm really happy for those who can play it this Tuesdady, hope you have a great time ... Hopefully this will be the best game of the decade so that they will port it to the PC :)

Ivan's photo
Ivan 26th April, 2008 @ 11:26 - Permalink

Another 10/10 review, I'm so fucking hyped.

Is that gameplay video a spoiler?

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 26th April, 2008 @ 12:00 - Permalink

Of course they would give it a 10/10, it would be silly not to. :P Ivan, it's not a spoiler, it's just IGN playing the game and messing around while talking about the game.

azn's photo
azn 26th April, 2008 @ 13:56 - Permalink

Yeah, the RAGE is just. So. Dam. SEXY :lol:

This game will definitely be in the top charts for years to some, giving Rockstar years to create something to blow this out of the water when the time is right :P

Slyde's photo
Slyde 26th April, 2008 @ 14:10 - Permalink

The guy in the video sounded half asleep. Can't believe i didn't see this till now. Just watching the video made me cry, this game defines the term "Fucking Awesome".

NotYouHaha's photo
NotYouHaha 26th April, 2008 @ 15:06 - Permalink
The guy in the video sounded half asleep. Can't believe i didn't see this till now. Just watching the video made me cry, this game defines the term "Fucking Awesome".

He probably wants to keep playing the game, not do a stupid review. Also, reviewers sound stupid when they're all hyped up and talking about a game.

Notice the map last scene, it's flashing BLUE & RED. There goes that theory about it changing when on different islands. It probably is blue/red when you different wanted stars and/or when your health is low.

AWESOME GAME. :dribble: It's too bad I don't have either a 360 or a PS3, and I can't get it, I'm only a little boy--- Not close to 18 years old. :bashhead:>.<

Every part of this game is effing fantastic. :lolbounce:

GTA IV is one great thing to live for. Too bad there's no police chases in this video, I wanna see how they are.

Artur's photo
Artur 26th April, 2008 @ 17:08 - Permalink

Wow amazing. So much (legal) gameplay shown. And it was amazing, everything looks so good. Can't wait.

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 26th April, 2008 @ 22:08 - Permalink

I can't see the video. I type the date and it says "Enter a valid birth date", either if I enter 1940 or something :S

Rablo's photo
Rablo 26th April, 2008 @ 23:49 - Permalink

The only one I saw that get a 10/10 on IGN was Ocarina of time and was a good game so Gta IV will be better :clapping:

azn's photo
azn 27th April, 2008 @ 01:55 - Permalink
I can't see the video. I type the date and it says "Enter a valid birth date", either if I enter 1940 or something :S

For month and date, if it's a single digit number type a zero before it ;)

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